But Baekhyun Said!

Adventures with Luhan

Hey everyone! I am taking a tiny break from the 'Private Dancer' story because I want to make the next update much longer than the previous ones and with more detail.. So until then, I'll give you all a cute one shot (maybe two shot????)! Enjoy! 


"You're such a brat Baekhyun, that's why nobody likes you!" I am getting tired of Byun Baekhyun coming into my apartment and treating me like dirt. With his snobby attitude and his annoying little voice! Sometimes I wish I could just sock him in his jaw just one good time. Then we'll see if he hs anything else to say.. "You're such a brat Baekhyun! That's why nobody likes you!" He imitated me in his most aggravating voice, making my eye twitch in anger. But I decided to be the bigger person and not say anything else.. There he sat, his feet resting on my newly polished coffee table, eat a bag of disgustingly smelly popcorn loudly, be laughing at the TV so loud you couldn't forget he was in the room. Every little thing he did fueled my hatred towards him. When is he going to leave?! 

"Hey beautiful, can you get me another soda? Thanks." He asked me not even looking away from the TV. "No get whatever you need your damn self! You have legs! You can walk!" I was not about to let some toad looking boy order me around in my own place! "Aw that's too bad. Oh well, but let's hope your boyfriend doesn't come home to see something he shouldn't....." He looked at me with a mischievous look. I stared at him harshly for a second, I know him too well to know that what he just said isn't a bluff. He was serious. "Ugh! I want you out of my damn house Baekhyun!" I got up and headed towards the kitchen, not without hearing him shout I love you too as I left them room. How is Luhan friends with such an ? 

I don't have a problem with any of the other boys. In fact, I'm very close to all of the boys. Except Baekhyun. He always had to be the most difficult, most obnoxious, most selfish boy I have ever meant. It's like no one ever taught him how to behave. Or if someone did, he disregarded the efforts all together. And on top of being an , he was very, flirty, if you will. Always touching girls when he talks to them and such. He thinks he's real smooth, but all women can see right through that.

"What's taking you so long?" I am about two seconds from chucking this soda at his ugly little face. "You better be thankful I'm even doing this for you! ....." "What was that?!" I didn't answer, but I'm sure he herd what I said. Suddenly, I feel boney little hands place themselves on my hips, and hot breath on my neck., and something hard poking my backside."I asked you a question...." Baekhyun must have lost his mind. He never comes within a foot of me. I spin around and push him with so much force, he fell back, a shocked expression written on his face. "What the hell is wrong with you Byun Baekhyun?! Have you lost your mind?!" His shocked expression was soon replaced with a hurt one, making me calm down a bit, but even more confused. Sighing he got up from the floor and dusted himself off. "you don't get it do you? You don't understand how I feel about you do you?" He looked directly into my eyes a he said this. I started to actually feel sorry for him, until I remember what happened only moments before. "I know exactly how you feel about me! You treat me like , so you have to think I am the most disgusting thing on earth don't you! But you know what, I don't care what you think! You need to get out, now!" He still didn't move, and his expression only became worse as I yelled at him. "I don't think that about you......I....I love you...." I now had the most bewildered face. Did he just tell me he loved me? "Just, hear me out...." He was now taking steps towards me, making me back up until I reached the sink. When my back finally met the hard surface, Baekhyun put his hands on either side of my waist his body then colliding with mine. Once again I could feel his body heat, and his eyes never left mine. But why was I unable to move? To speak? It was like I was in a trance looking into his eyes. The eyes that had brought me so much anger since the day I first looked at them. Why aren't I stopping him as he leans closer and closer to my lips, his eyes slowly closing. Unfortunately mine doing the same. Until...

"Hey guys I'm here......... What the hell is going on?" 

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gnoboange #1
Chapter 7: Whaaattttt
Chapter 7: Omo. . . . .Luhan gege im so sorry you had to see that come on lets go get some bubble tea and hot pot. . .srry can't drink yet I have 5 years until I can lol
Chapter 6: So sad poor luhan, but Shieeeeeeeet dem es tryna expose him.
Chapter 5: This explains so much about luhan well sone of it. Continue please! !!
dannygirl19 #5
Chapter 4: Luhan why are you accruing like this what's wrong can't wait until the next update
Chapter 4: This really good keep going please
sevixx #7
Chapter 4: Please keep the Private Dancer story going. really want to see what happens to their relationship and why Luhan is being a jerk.
Lotuspassion #8
Chapter 3: This is really good
dannygirl19 #9
carolinaprincess26 #10
Chapter 2: Loved it .Please keep the stories coming,this was on point.