Chapter 20

Destiny - We are meant for each other (EXO's Mama and Papa)

"Did you tell Suho hyung?"

"You told me to keep it a secret. Which one do you want me to do?"

"The first one."

"How long are you going to stay?"

"I was planning for a month but I only get two weeks."

"That is great." Or not, Kyungsoo doesn't know. How will he keep Chanyeol from knowing about Suho and Kris?

"So, where is Suho hyung now?"

"He went out with Luhan hyung." And Kris. Kyungsoo didn't lie, just not telling the whole story.

"Then we should go eat. Ah, my friend said a grill house just open at the mall."

"Suho hyung mentioned about it a few times but didn't asked me to go."

"He knows you were tired after long day at work."

"But I don't mind at all."

"Our hyung is like that. You know, you should take some time off too. Then the three of us can go somewhere nice like hot spring or theme park or something."

"Hot spring? I know one. It's not far from here. You think I should do that?"

"Of course. You can't go there when you move to Canada."





"Hello? Ah, right now? Yeah, I can come. See you later."

"Who was that?"

"A friend."

"Aren't I your friend? You have other friend? Did you throw me away because of this new 'friend'?"

Kris punched Luhan's arm.

Suho just watched the two friends bickering. So Kris is going to leave him again? Who is this 'friend'? "What is his name?"

"Ah, it's..." Kris looked around. "I got the bills so Luhan, send Suho home. See you guys later."

Suho just watched Kris until he is out of his sight. Kyungsoo's words are ringing in his head. He wants to trust Kris but he didn't let him. Suho turned to face Luhan. "Do you know who was that 'friend'?"

Luhan shook his head. He still puzzled how Kris can just leave Suho like that. Who is this 'friend' that is more important than Suho?

Suho thought wandered. If Luhan doesn't even know, then Kris won't tell him ever?

Luhan looked at Suho's face after heard a long sigh. "Suho, let us go have fun!"

Suho smiled. He shouldn't be that obvious and makes Luhan worried about him. "What should we do first?"

"Let's go all night tonight. Ah! You should call Kyungsoo too. The more the merrier!"




"I didn't know you were coming home."

"Hehe, I told Kyungsoo to keep it a secret. Even Suho hyung didn't know."

Luhan looked at Suho's face.

Suho shook his head.

"It has really been a while since I saw you. You should come home often." Luhan patted Chanyeol's back.

"Actually, my home is Canada so I come here for vacation."

"Don't Kyungsoo and Suho live here? So you are coming home."

"No. Suho hyung and Kyungsoo just live here while I find a house for us in Canada."


"Do you plan to move to Canada? What about Kyungsoo's bakery?"

"He can open one there. I've already found a great spot for it."

Luhan turned to face Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo knew that sooner or later Chanyeol will blurt out his idea. "I... I don't know. I will follow Suho hyung."

Luhan looked at Suho. "Suho? What do you say?"

Suho looked at the three faces in front of him. "I don't have an answer yet."

"Hah! That means you are thinking about it. I will find the perfect house a.s.a.p!"

Luhan leaned closer to Suho. "What about Kris?" he wispered.

Suho looked Luhan in the eyes and just smiled. He doesn't have an answer for that either.


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From the filler I guess you know. Sorry lame filler.


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2437 streak #1
Chapter 45: thank you Chanyeol for being the sensible brother!
if Kyungsoo and Lay can't stomach the idea of them being back together, sorry for them but they have to live with it... they were destined from the start and nothing can take them away from each other since they still found each other despite the circumstances, and that was A LOT...

the story abt the rings tho... HUHUHU no wonder it's so precious
2437 streak #2
Chapter 41: Chen being in between this sibling spat is so funny! his whiny thoughts abt him being the middleman, doing everything LMAO it's refreshingly funny
2437 streak #3
Chapter 40: why did the implication of the store room take so long to register... UGH
Suho knows now too and it hurts when he has to plead for his brothers to not take away the only memoir of his relationship with Kris he chose to keep
2437 streak #4
Chapter 39: idk if i commented on it before but Chanyeol's food combos sound disgusting HAHAHAHA
2437 streak #5
Chapter 38: that's determination right there! go get your man Kris!
2437 streak #6
Chapter 37: oh Yixing... i know you love your brother, but... UGHHHHHHH
2437 streak #7
Chapter 31: this is so sweet... precious moment for the brothers
2437 streak #8
Chapter 29: i really forgot what happens next but please tell me it's not an accident again!!! how is Lay gonna forgive Suho if something happens to Kris and he's with suho again??? UGHHHHH
2437 streak #9
Chapter 26: DUN DUN DUN DUN
2437 streak #10