Eleenluvu; Your Trust

★彡【晴天】— EXO Oneshot Requests 》CLOSED // HIRING! 《
finalYour Trust

Are you coming home for dinner tonight?



Sorry, busy tonight. Tomorrow, I promise.



You sighed and dropped your phone onto your lap, resting your head on the back of the sofa. Once again Sehun was busy and couldn’t make it back for dinner. You had already lost count of the amount of days he ate out. Honestly, you were just getting your hopes up by texting him every night. You were starting to get frustrated with the same reply from him. It would start with an apology followed by his reason and a ‘to be broken’ promise.

In the back of your mind you already knew the answer, but being stubborn and the fact that you missed seeing him, you wanted so badly to see a three lettered reply.



As usual, dinner was eaten alone with the sound of the TV playing in the background. It was a Sunday, so Running Man was airing its most recent episode. Laughter echoed ghostly in the apartment from the show. You sighed again. The memories of you and Sehun cuddling on the couch watching Running Man flashed in your mind. Your heart clenched at the thought of your boyfriend’s unique expression when he laughed. You missed seeing that smile.

You hadn’t seen him laugh in quite a long time and the image was starting to become hazy in your mind. It was like the two of you were drifting away from each other.

Sehun’s job required him to work late, since he was known as a top designer in the world. In the beginning it was a small brand that Sehun started with his friends. Being the person that had designed most of the collection, a decision was made and they elected him to become the CEO.

The new brand was known as S&M, in which Sehun used both his and your initials.



*CLICK* It was heard twice before sounds of shuffling got louder as it neared your bedroom. Artificial light poured into the once dark room, causing you to shield your face with the blanket that was over your body. The sound of items dropping onto the table top came from your dresser before another door was closed moments later.

Adjusting to the light from the living room that managed to escape through the crack of the door, you sat up, leaning against the bed head. Water could be heard as it fell onto the tiled bathroom floor. The humming of an unfamiliar song mixed within the splashing of water.

Sehun was back.

On the bedside table, you noted the clock reading a ridiculous time to be awake. 2:45AM. A groan escaped your lips as you slipped back under the covers. The humming continued softly in the background as your eye lids hooded. Your breathing was evening out and slowly, you began to drift back into slumber.

Your senses were weakened; nonetheless, you felt the bed dipping as someone entered the warm covers. The coldness slapped your skin that was uncovered by your top when Sehun lifted the blanket, causing multiple shivers to run down your spine. Momentarily, you felt an arm snake around your waist, pulling your body back. By this time, you realised what was happening and resisted the urge to lean into his body. But when he snuggled his face into your hair, you found yourself turning around to face him.

A chuckle was heard before he gently pulled you against his body, the warmth creating a wonderful feeling of comfort and safety. You sighed and felt your body relax in his embrace.



Your arm instinctively reached to cover your eyes from the brightness of the sunlight that escaped through the half open blinds. You groaned and shifted your body closer to the warmth that was beside you. The arm around your waist tightened and you lifted your head, snuggling your face into what seemed to be the crook of your boyfriend’s neck.

“Good morning.” The voice of your boyfriend greeted you in a deep and husky voice. You felt your heart cart wheeling out the window.

What a great dream to be having this morning you thought. Your boyfriend was in bed with you, holding you in his arms and rubbing small circles on your lower back. You hummed as a smile stretched across your face.

I’m dreaming right? It’s too good to be true.

“Minjung-ah,” Your eyes shot wide open. Everything was so realistic. You couldn’t help but feel your heart racing. This time it wasn’t from his gentle and soft touch, but the fear that once you moved away from his embrace, everything would vanish. “Min,” He spoke again, shifting his body back so that he could see your face. Sehun chuckled and placed his chin on your head, wrapping his arms around your body again when you decided to bury your face into his chest.

“Tell me,” you mumbled. He hummed and began rubbing circles on your back. “This isn’t a dream right?”

“Nope.” he responded, placing a small kiss on your forehead.



As soon as Sehun shuts the door to the connected bathroom, you pinched your side only to yelp in pain. Yep, it was real. Sehun was not at work and was now in fact, in the bathroom freshening up. You gasped and realised that you had been waiting for this day to come. Instantly, you jumped out of bed, not bothering to fix the sheets and darted into the kitchen. Pots, pans and the necessary cooking utensils were pulled out as you began to prepare breakfast.

Sehun never mentioned work, so it obviously meant that it was his day off right? You stopped in the midst of whisking the eggs and looked at the door to your bedroom. 

A sigh escaped your lips and you shook your head to get rid of those thoughts.

Sehun’s most probably going to work afterwards.

He’s just heading in later.

With another sigh, you continued with the eggs.


You halted and glanced at the door. “Yeah?”

“Are you doing anything today?” He shouted back. It sounded like he had just entered the bedroom.

You shook your head but then remembered he couldn’t see you. “Nup. Why?”

“Are you making breakfast?” Sehun popped his head out and looked at you with surprise.

“Mhmmm…” You hummed. All of a sudden, you felt him snake his arms around your waist. You flinched and dropped the whisk.

When the heck did he come out?

Quickly, Sehun turned you around so that you were trapped in between his arms as he leaned them against the counter. A smile stretched across his face and you felt your heart slamming against your chest uncontrollably. You couldn’t even remember the last time he smiled like that.

“Today, I’ll be the one cooking. While you continue being your beautiful self.” he grinned and leaned down, locking his lips with yours for a short moment.

So now you were sitting on a bar stool as you watched your boyfriend cook breakfast. Although it was just the view of his back, everything still felt unreal. You couldn’t remember the last time he stayed behind just to cook breakfast for you. And now that you thought about it, what was the real reason behind his sudden decision to do so? You shook your head and brushed the thoughts off and left the kitchen to freshen up.



By the time you entered the kitchen again, the table was set up with two plates of mouth-watering pancakes drenched in syrup. You were already salivating just by looking at them. Sehun chuckled and pulled out the chair for you like the gentleman he was and gestured for you to sit down. You thanked him with a small nod of your head as you attempted to act serious. But a small smile was threatening to escape and by the end you couldn’t help but reveal it. Sehun smiled again and placed a kiss on your cheek before sitting in the seat opposite you.



Sehun left for work shortly after eating breakfast with you. But not before telling you that he wouldn’t be coming back home for the rest of the week since work required him to stay behind. You hesitantly nodded which caused him to soften and grin. His expression didn’t seem to show any signs of sadness; instead, the look in his eyes portrayed relief.

I’m only imagining things, you thought in hope to reassure yourself.

Sehun noticed your lack of emotion and dropped his items carelessly onto the floor before pushing you against the wall to give you a heart slamming kiss. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck as one of your hands ran through his soft and fluffy hair. Sehun smiled into the kiss and circled his arms around your waist so that he could pull you closer to him—if that was even possible, seeing that both your bodies were literally stuck together. A growl emitted from his throat when you began to push him away. Yes, you were shocked from the sudden make-out session, but right now, Sehun didn’t seem to give a crap about your opinion.

You felt him smirk, which didn’t do much good to your heart since it was already beating at an utterly fast rate. You knew he was enjoying himself a bit too much, because what he did next took you by surprise. He bit your bottom lip in which you gasped and he took this chance to explore. You whimpered and felt your body becoming weaker by the second.

Damn, where the heck did this suddenly come from?

With another grunt, you pushed Sehun off your body, causing both your lips to leave each other with a pop. The sound of heavy breathing filled the air as the two of you gazed at each other with dazed eyes. You opened your mouth to speak, to protest, but a heart racing smile made you snap it shut. Sehun sent you a wink before disappearing out the door.


Just happened?

Your fingers found their way to your soon to be swollen lips—if they weren’t already as a smile slowly spread across your face when you remembered the hot and passionate kiss he left you with.



The following morning, you woke up to the coldness instead of your boyfriend’s warmth. Yesterday’s events seemed like a dream, but once you remembered that make-out session, you smiled like a high school girl making eye contact with her crush. With a chuckle, you pulled yourself out of bed and just as you did, you heard the sound of the front door shutting.


Hurriedly, you scampered out into the living room only to have your eyes almost popping out of their sockets. Instead of seeing your boyfriend standing there, a gigantic toy bear with a heart in its hands was sitting on the sofa. An involuntary squeal emitted from you as you ran towards the soft toy.

Another surprise?

Wait a second….You paused and glanced around the room, checking to see whether the windows were closed or not. Once you noted that nothing was out of place, you let out a breath of relief.

Did he send someone here?

Omo, does that mean they have the house key… You shook your head to get rid of those thoughts before snuggling your face into the bear. You didn’t bother worrying any further about it; Sehun probably sent someone, most likely one of his friends. 



For the next two days that Sehun was away, you found yourself glancing at your mobile every couple of minutes. After that breakfast he made and that surprise bear, he had given you a Tiffany bracelet on the third morning followed by a necklace on the fourth.

Why the heck is he giving me these presents?

The frustration was starting to build up and it wasn’t helping that Sehun hadn’t replied to the messages that you had sent him. No answers; nothing.

Not even a smiley face.

And to top it off, he had managed to make you feel something else other than the usual emptiness. It was more like confusion mixed with curiosity, irritation and suspicion.

And you didn’t like it at all.

But, you had to be honest; you were quite thrilled to have this happen to you—even though you didn’t know why. You wondered what the occasion was and then it suddenly made sense.

Maybe he no longer loves me.

Maybe that’s why he never comes home. And maybe, that’s why he’s giving me these gifts now. To repay those times that he was away. But why the heck would someone that wants to break-up do such a thing?

Does he feel bad?

He does have a lot of money.

You groaned and ruffled your hair in frustration. What were you to do now? Those questions were only making you more and more curious as to why Sehun is acting that way.

Then, as if a light bulb had appeared above your head, an idea came to your mind. You scrambled onto your feet and grabbed your phone, looking through your list of contacts for a specific person that may have the answers to your questions.

The phone rang a couple of times before the owner of the phone picked up. “Hello?”

“Have you spoken to Sehun recently?” You didn’t bother greeting him and went straight ahead with what you wanted to say. Time was scarce, in your mind and you wanted—no—needed to know why Sehun was suddenly doing these things.

“Hello to you too Minjung.”

You chuckled, “Hi to you too Lulu oppa.”

A grumble was heard over the phone, signalling that he didn’t like the nickname Sehun had given the elder. “Remind me to strangle your boyfriend the next time we meet.”

“Well are you busy today?”

“What do you mean? You actually want me to strangle him? Wow, thank goodness I’m not your boyfriend.”

“Ha. Ha. Very funny Lulu.” you replied with a dead-panned expression.

Luhan completely ignored your comment and continued on with the conversation. “I just finished with the paperwork.”

“That’s great. So…” You dragged on, trying to choose the correct words, “Remember that faze of yours when you wanted to be a spy?” You held your breath as you waited for his reply. It wasn’t something that was to be brought up again, but right now, you didn’t care.

The sound of his palm meeting his forehead was heard as he grumbled incoherent words to himself. “Am I being blackmailed?” He sighed.

“Yes…and no.” you replied, “Look, just meet me at the café around the corner from your office. I’ll explain everything there.”




Luhan obviously knew what Sehun was up to. He had made a promise to the younger to keep this a secret from you; and so far, he’s done a very good job.

“You want to spy on Sehun… because he gave you presents?” Luhan asked once again for confirmation. You nodded slowly as you looked at him, not a single hint of humour present on your face.  

Mentally, Luhan was cracking up. He had told Sehun that this would happen, but he didn’t agree. Well once he finds out that you were suspicious of him, the numbers in Luhan’s bank account would raise. A smile stretched across the boy’s face which caused you to look at him with a raised brow.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.” You folded your arms and continued to look at him questioningly. Luhan held his arms up, demonstrating his innocence, yet you still didn’t believe him. “Honest.”

After a moment, you sighed and gave in. “Fine.”

“Great! Let’s go then.” Luhan jumped up from his seat, a bit too enthusiastically which in turn made you eye him. “Come on! Let’s follow him before we lose track.” He quickly added before you could ask any further questions.


The two of you hid behind any possible objects that covered your bodies. You were surprised that Sehun hadn’t caught you and Luhan yet, since both of you had caused some pretty obvious mistakes. The hiding behind newspaper was too obvious, yet your boyfriend didn’t notice. Crouching behind bushes was another one of your tactics. No hiding in bins, because that was just ridiculous, but the climbing trees strategy proved to be a very useful one.

But apart from having to find places to hide yourselves, you had to take in your surroundings to see where Sehun was headed to next. And he was one busy person. The first stop was the coffee shop that you were in previously, next was a jewellery store. Both you and Luhan glanced at each other once Sehun’s body disappeared behind the door

“I bet he’s getting you a ring.” He smirked earning a punch from you.

Shortly after, Sehun left and continued down the road. This time you were positive that he’d catch you guys since it was one of those ‘follow that car’ scenes you’d see in movies.

But nope.

He didn’t.

He parked his car outside a bar, stepping out like the hot and good looking boyfriend he was. Girls that walked past couldn’t take their eyes off him. He was an internationally known designer. And your boyfriend.

Sehun then entered the closed bar only to be pushed out seconds later by a girl dressed in a rather short skirt. You’d think Sehun would turn around and leave right? He didn’t though. He persistently stood there, and grabbed the girls arm. She turned around, shock present on her face as she stared at Sehun. All of a sudden, her expression turned 180. A smirk played on her lips as her long fingers danced across his arm.

Sehun didn’t move.

But to your shock, the corner of his lips curved upwards.

Luhan noticed your body tensing and instinctively held you by your arms. He had a vague idea of what was going to happen if he didn’t restrain you now, god knows what you would’ve done.

You knew though; you wanted run out and confront him, to see what he had to say for himself, what his explanation would be. But by the time he disappeared through the dark and heavy doors, all the courage and anger seemed to have vanished; replacing it with hurt, pain and regret. 


Luhan drove you home as soon as you were back on your feet. No words were exchanged and the car ride had a heavy atmosphere which Luhan didn’t dare break. After mumbling ‘thank you’ to Luhan, you entered your shared apartment, the exhaustion finally taking over your body. You crashed onto your bed with a long sigh, tears slowly sliding down your face.

The last thing you thought of was how your face would look like in the morning before you fell you into a deep slumber. 



Sunlight beamed through the unclosed curtains causing you to groan and turn your body to face the opposite direction. Memories of yesterday’s events resurfaced and you grunted, stuffing your face further into the pillow in hope to forget the heart wrenching scene. The smirk on Sehun’s face could not be erased, and you sighed just thinking about it.

Sehun didn’t call.

Tch, of course he wouldn’t call. He’s busy with work…Yeah, work.


After what seemed like a whole century of lazing around, you pulled yourself out of bed and made your way into the living room. Your breath stopped short when you saw a familiar blue box sitting on the counter.

No. You thought stood frozen in your spot.

But another part of you urged you to move forward, to see what he had given you today. Hesitantly, you lifted the lid to see a simple silver ring sitting inside. In a flash, you shoved the lid back on and stumbled back a couple of steps. Your eyes were stinging from the tears you just realised had appeared. You took a deep breath and attempted to remove any thoughts of Sehun by staring mindlessly at the television for the rest of the day.


Saturday morning came faster than you thought. But what surprised you was that you found yourself snuggled up in bed with comforting warmth by your side. Before you fell asleep last night, you were positive that it was the couch underneath you, not the bed.

It then hit you like a bunch of rocks. You body stiffened when one person popped into your mind.

He shuffled and mumbled something then wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, burying his face into your hair. You felt your heart skip a beat by that one simple action. You missed this feeling and had this urge to snuggle into his embrace. But the thought of Sehun cheating on you stopped you from doing so.

Sehun received no reaction but your frozen body and opened his eyes to see you staring at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing. He cocked his eyebrow and propped his arm up to support him as he looked at you with curiosity.

You didn’t how to respond. Sehun was acting like nothing happened.

“What’s wrong?” He spoke softly and tilted your head to face him. The look in your eyes was a mystery to him, something that he had never seen as long as he has been with you. With no response from you, he leaned down and lightly placed his lips upon yours.

It brought back old sparks, something that you had been craving for. Something that made your heart clench.

Sehun continued to move his lips and pulled you closer when yours didn’t move. He pulled away and stared at you with a hint of worry in his eyes. Slowly, you turned around, your back facing him as you buried yourself underneath the sheets. 



It was Sunday morning when you woke up again. This time, Sehun was nowhere to be seen. Part of you was relieved that you didn’t have to face him. The other, sadness, since he wasn’t there again.

All of a sudden, your ringtone pierced the silence, bringing you back into reality. You hurriedly grabbed the phone and without glancing at the caller you put the phone to your ear.

“Oh good! You’re up.” It was Luhan. “Get dressed. I’ll be over in a couple of minutes, and bring your make-up.”

The line went dead as soon as the last word came out of his mouth. You blinked at your phone, wondering what on earth just happened. In the corner of your eye, you noticed the clock reading 1:00PM. That’s when you did a double take. Your mouth was hanging open when you realised what the time was.

You didn’t know how long you sat there, but it was obvious that it was more than five minutes since the door bell rang and you opened it to see Luhan standing on the other side with an incredulous look.

“I knew you’d be like this. Thank goodness I brought this up with me.” He swung his arm out and handed you a piece of clothing. Making sure that you were holding onto it, he pushed you into your bedroom. “Hurry up and get changed. Otherwise we’ll be late.”


No seriously, what!?

Before you could even utter another word, Luhan barged in—thankfully you hadn’t taken anything off yet. “Stop standing there Min, we’ll be late and S—Just hurry up!”

You didn’t know what got into you, but once Luhan was out the door again, and you made sure to lock it, you were running around the room, frantically trying to get everything done.


It was two by the time you left the apartment and you looked ten times better than you had in the past week. Luhan hadn’t said a thing apart from handing you the ring Sehun gave you and told you to put it on before you arrived. You didn’t argue and did as you were told since you knew you weren’t going to find out what was happening any sooner. So you might as well just sit back and relax in his fancy car.


A couple of minutes before your arrival, Luhan stopped the car by the curb and handed you a mask. He gestured for you to put it on. You opened your mouth to protest but he beat you to it and shot a glare at your direction. You gulped. He then continued to drive and you hurriedly placed it on as complete darkness took over your vision.

Luhan’s car came to a stop shortly after. You heard his door open and close before a gust of wind flew in from the side signalling that Luhan had opened your door. He gently helped you out and guided you to gods knows where. Another door opened and closed.

“Congratulations Minjung-ah.” What?

As soon as your mask was taken off, everything that happened afterwards seemed like a blur.




“Did you like it?” Your boyfriend whispered into your ear. His arms found their way around your waist as his chin rested on your shoulder. He placed a short and sweet kiss on your jaw line which made you shiver. You could almost see him smirk in satisfaction from your reaction.

“Of course not.”

“What?” He spun you around and trapped you against the balcony railing and him. His body leaned in, closing the already small gap in between the two of you. The smirk that was playing on your lips was quickly noticed and he too mirrored your expression. “I’m glad you like it.”

“I never sa-” Sehun closed the gap, capturing your lips in a manner that was unlike him. It was like he was hungry and thirsty for the taste of your lips. You pulled away much to both of your regret, but you needed to know before he silenced you again. “You never answered my question.”

“And what was it?” You could feel his warm breath on your lips. This sent tingles down your spine in which you tried to cover up.

“That girl.” Your voice came out as a whisper as you looked him in the eyes.

Sehun pulled away and covered his face with his hand. “I regret it so much.”


So he did ch-

“I wanted to smash her face into the wall.”


“I should’ve just bought the club. Next time, I’ll get the hyung’s to flirt.”



“Anyway, happy five years Minjung.” He smiled and pecked your lip making sure that it lingered while he spoke.


`author's notes!
this one took me foreverrrr.
I'm losing my creative juices ==;
anyway, let me know what you think. i hope to see other comments from the random subbies :D
oh and thanks for subscibing :]
p.s. i haven't proof read, so if you spot any mistakes then let me know :L
credits to sehun88 (tumblr) for pic
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{cont} -requested oneshot


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I saw the blog post and I was wondering if you still needed a co author?
Chapter 10: cameo! keke the ending is fine. ^^
Meiling #3
Chapter 8: Adding on, your long oneshot just make it more interesting. I love long oneshot ^_^
Meiling #4
Chapter 8: I love this! I seriously love this oneshot! I admit that my plan was cliche but I'm glad that you made an effort to attempt my idea.

Baek and Hana argument just caught me on the edge and I'm like if my boyfriend were like that, I'll never forgive him for a period of time. They always say it is only when we are drunk, all the honest words are out of our mouth. LOL

Thank you so much for taking time to write and it's definitely worth the wait ^_^
FerozakhAE #5
Chapter 6: That was a really really long and beautifully written one-shot!

This may not be your best work but I'm loving it. It's that awesome that I'm reading it again and again!

Thank you so much for completing my request and making it longer than I expected! I love long one-shot, honestly and do not mind waiting for a long period of time for it.

I'll comment more later because I'm overseas and there's not really a stable network connection.
Chapter 5: I love it!!! haha love your idea about the picnic >,<
thank you for making this and I don't mind that you were late^^ totally fluffy and cute ending! omergosh to much sweetness!! *throw hearts*
and sorry, I'm not good in quiz. keke but I notice the phrase 'sorry for taking so long' being used twice. keke. and... I don't really know what the meaning is. *pouts*
Tell me.... *asked Sehun to do aegyo for you*
Chapter 3: You got to be kidding me. I love it! Stop doubting your ability alright. I believe you that it's over 5k of words judging from how long the story is. I love long oneshot. LOL.

Honestly, there's nothing that I don't like about this story. Honestly none. I enjoyed reading them and I don't understand why you say this kind of writing is bad. I mean like come on, I cammot even write that well like you. It is very important of an author to write until the reader can visualize the scene as if watching them act out in front of the reader very own eyes which in this case, I am able to visualize. Good job!

Really. I love this oneshot. Please just stop saying and thinking it's bad okay.

There's nothing that I don't like about. I have reread so many times trying to help you by finding what I don't like in this oneshot but I couldn't. Really.

Thank you so much for your time rendered and I look fprward to requesting from you again xD
Character: Kyungsoo X Hyeonju
Genre: Angst
Third pov
Plot: Hyeonju asked nothing else except begging for Kyungsoo to smile again. She tried to figure out what made him so introvert. She wanted old Kyungsoo who is talkative and always smile. So, she need to know the owner of the diary that he always hold on his chest and why Kyungsoo acted like that :D
Eleenluvu #10
I'm so sorry. I've accidentally unsub your shop when clearing up my page.