Chapter 5~


Everything passed, and now your contest was coming.

You were so nervous about it.

Your boyfriend said he'd come with you, so that he could bring good luck to you.

And so he did.

You were already dressed up, and you were walking up and down in backstage, when suddenly you felt someone hugging you from behind.

You turned around slowly, still in his safe hands.

-Are you nervous? - Ren asked sarcasticly.

-If I'm nervous?! I think that if I won't enter in the room soon, I'll pass out. - you answered pouting.

-Relax, everything will be fine!I trust you, and I know you'll win the first place.Trust me! I can anticipate things, you know,

-Oh really?Then tell me what's going to happen if I win this?

-Huh? - he raised an eyebrow.-I'll tell you after your perfomance , ok?

-OK!-you chuckled.

-Mrs.Becca, you're next!Good luck!-the organizer said.

-Ok, thank you!

-Hey, come here!I want to give you something before you enter.There, good luck!-he kissed you softly.

-Saranghae oppa!-you smiled.

Almost 20 minutes passed, and you were still dancing, but your boyfriend was getting really bored, and since he couldn't watch you, he started to walk up and down.

After 10 more minutes of waiting, you entered in the backstage, and he ran towards you, wanting to hug you, but when he noticed how exhausted you were, he picked you up, and put you on one of the couches from there.

He just held you in his arms, running his fingers trough your hair.

He just stood there silently, when he noticed that you almost fell asleep.

-Jagi-yah!Don't fall asleep, you have to ''collect'' your prize in less then 5 minutes.

-Neh!- you said slowly.

You entered in the ballroom again, and you nervously waited for the results, for the announcment of the winner, while holding your partner's hand.

-And the winners is of the first place are.....who will receive ''The best dancer of 2014'' title is ......Mrs.Becca, and Mr.David!Congratulations!

When you climbed up to the stage, and saw how many people were chearing for you and your partner some tears dropped, tears of happiness.

But you forgot how much happiness awaited for you in backstage and at home.

You were greeted by Ren, who picked you up, and spinned you around, kissing you:

-Well done babe! I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!You were amazing!I told you you'll win this..See? -he chuckled.-I love you!

-I love you too!But you still haven't told me what's going to happen after this. - you smirked.



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