Chapter 1~








The sun is shining, it seems like it is going to be a beautiful day for you.

You were also happy, because today you would find out, if you are entering in the finals, at the most important and popular dance competition.

But when you arrived there, a person with blonde hair caught your attention, and when you realized who that person was, you dropped your bag, and cold shivers have embraced your body.

That person stood still when he turned around and saw you, as same as you did, but then after a few minutes of staring to each other, you started to run towards each other, and when you two were close enough, you hugged each other tightly, and stood like that for at least two minutes.

After you parted, tears brimmed in your eyes, and in his too, and little tear drops started to fall on your soft cheeks.

The person took out a handkerchief, and wiped your tears, giving you a soft kiss at the end.

You two, somehow managed not to burst into tears, due to the fact that you haven't seen each other for a very long time.

I suppose you are all wondering who is that person? Well that person is Ren.

    - I missed you, babe! - Ren, said with his y voice, while pulling you into a kiss.

    - I missed you too! - you said, before his lips met yours.

The kiss deepened more and more, until your sensual moment was cut off by your dance teacher, who brought the envelope in which they were the results.

You shyly thanked your teacher for bringing the envelope, and after she left the room, you easily and with a scary face opened the envelope.

Ren was standing in front of you, curiously waiting for your reaction.

Then, suddenly, a bright smile appeared on your face, and after you escaped from the shock, you started screaming and jumping in Ren's hands, saying that you have entered in the finals.

He caught you, and spinned you around in his arms romanticly, he was obviously happy and proud of you.

He put you down, and leaned in for another kiss, as a reward for your work.

Fortunetly, nobody was in the room, and nobody had interrupted you, so you just continued.

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