
When You Smile, Sunshine.


That night the rain poured.


Zitao laid on his bed as he waited for Kris to come back.


He noticed.


He noticed the difference.


How Kris was now using BB Cream.


How Kris always looked so pale and tired when he came home.


How Kris was ignoring him.


The door clicked open as Zitao quickly sat up.


“You’re home.” 


“Why are you still awake?”


There was annoyance in that voice.


But Zitao sensed something else.




“I was waiting for you.”


“Next time don’t bother.”


Kris slammed the bathroom door shut as Zitao felt tears flowing down his eyes.


It wasn’t like this in the past.


There was something.


Something Kris was hiding.


“You’re lying to me. You said you’ll always love me.”


Zitao covered his mouth as he silently sobbed.


Kris the shower as tears fell continuously.


He tried to block off the sound of painful sobs from the other room.


“For you.” Kris whispered as the water hit his cold body gently.


“I’ll do anything for you.”


He walked out of the shower 30 minutes later only to see Zitao curled up in a ball at the side of the bed.


He gently swiped the black bangs from his lover’s face as he caressed his face.


“I’m doing this for you.”




“Kris we need to talk.”


“I’m tired.”


“Kris we need to talk.”


“I’m going to take a shower-”


“Wu Yifan why are you doing this to me?” Zitao voice cracked in defeat as Kris froze.


He kept silent as he looked away from Zitao.


“Have you got tired of me already?”


Kris turned his back against Zitao as he whispered the cold “Yes.”


“Y..You’re lying.”


“I’m not.”


“Then look me in the eye and tell me you don’t love me anymore.”


Kris grabbed his keys before walking to the door.


He slammed the door shut behind him before running his way down the corridor.


The cries haunted him as he collapsed on the floor.


He couldn’t do this anymore.




“What are we Kris?”


“Let’s break up.” Kris whispered as he saw the other flinched.


The air was cold despite how warm the room looked.


It was cold despite both of them being next to each other.




Kris stood up again before walking out of the door.


He knew he was being too cruel.


But he didn't have a choice.


“For you. I’m doing this for your future happiness.”


Maybe if Zitao hated him.


Zitao wouldn’t cared if he disappeared from his life.


That’ll be better wouldn’t it?




“Kris please listen to me.”


“We have nothing to talk about.”


“Kris stop please.”


“Don’t touch me.” Kris growled before pushing Zitao off him.


The younger stared at him wide eyed as Kris felt his world breaking apart.


“Something is wrong. This isn’t you.” Zitao whispered as tears fell from his eyes.


“This is me now.” Kris said before turning his back against Zitao.


He felt a grab on his arm as he sighed.


“You said you’ll never leave me.” Zitao voice cried as Kris froze.


“I’m sorry.”


Their eyes made contact.








“You’re hiding something aren’t you?”




Zitao snatched his bag as Kris eyes widened.




“IF NOTHING IS WRONG THEN EXPLAIN TO ME!” Zitao threw his bag on the ground before fishing out the envelope.


“Give it back.”


“Tell me why. Why did you have to lie to me?” Zitao sobbed as he held the envelope in his hand tightly.


Kris bit his lips as he avoided the look from the younger.


“Kris why didn’t you tell me?”


“It was for your own good.”


“Breaking up with me for no reason at all and breaking my heart was for my own good?”


“You don’t understand.”


“What do I not under-”


“I’m not going to live Zitao. And you know that.”


“No you’re going to live-”


Kris hugged the black haired tightly as he felt the younger break down in his arms.


“You’re going to live Kris. Because you promised so.”




“I won’t be gone for too long.”


Zitao buried his face into Kris chest as he sobbed painfully.


“Hey hey hey stop crying you crybaby.” Kris whispered as he pat his lover’s back gently.


“For how long?”


“Just a week or two, after the operation I’ll come back.”




There was silence as Zitao shut his eyes tightly.


“I promise.”


They both knew that some promises aren’t meant to be kept.


Zitao sighed as he wiped away his tears and pushed himself away from Kris.




Zitao walked to the kitchen as he ransacked the fridge.


“Are you going to ignore me forever?” Kris pulled Zitao arm before engulfing him in a hug.


The black haired sobbed silently as Kris sighed.


“Smile babe.” Kris bought his hands to Zitao’s face as he gently wiped away the tears.


Zitao forced a smile before Kris placed a soft sweet kiss on his lips.


What mattered at the moment wasn’t the past or future.


It was the now they shared.


The present.


“We had a yesterday and a today, I want you in my tomorrow.”


“Forever if that exists.”




“Now now let’s see we can eat ice cream together, watch wushu competition together, brush our teeth together, eat meals together, celebrate your birthday together-”


“Will you just shut up.”


“Make me.”


“Go away.” Zitao pouted as he slapped the older’s arm.


“I’m going to miss you.”


“I’m going to miss you too.”


“Oh hell no you better not cry you stupid panda we talked about this.”


“It’s not my fault-”


“SHHHHHHHH.” Kris childishly placed his finger on Zitao’s lips as the younger rolled his eyes.


“Yeah thanks for ruining the moment.”


“While I’m away, you can watch all these videos to keep you company okay?”




“Will you stop sulking I want to see your smile before the plane departs.”


Zitao forced a bitter smile as Kris eyes soften.


They both knew this might be the final time seeing each other.


He caressed Zitao face gently before placing a soft kiss on the other lips.


“I love you.”


“I love you too.”


Kris knew there wasn’t much time left.


He quickly wiped away his tears as he looked away.


He promised himself not to cry.




“I just want you to know, no matter what happens, I will always love you. Do you get me?”




“No matter what happens, I just want you to be happy okay?”


“No no-”




“Please don’t leave me I beg you. Please don’t.” Zitao cried as he clung on to Kris before bursting out crying.


The younger hugged him tightly as Kris felt his heart hurting.


This was their goodbye.


“I love you.”


“I..I love you too.”


Kris smiled sadly before gently removing Zitao from him.


“I have to go now.”


Zitao nodded silently as Kris sighed.


“I loved you yesterday, today and I will always love you tomorrow. Remember that.”


Kris hugged Zitao one last time before he let go off his arms.


He walked to the departure hall as Zitao waved weakly.


“I love you. So so much.”




Zitao quickly unlocked the door as he threw his bag on the floor.


A parcel had arrived and he knew it was from Kris.


He placed the card at the other side of the table as he opened the box.


He pulled out the heavy suit as he froze.


A sliver ring and two discs were placed beneath the suit.


He picked up the ring before slipping it through his fingers.


“Play this on the 11th Of November.”


“Play this whenever you’re upset.”


Zitao dropped the suit before he grabbed the card.


Tears were falling from his face as his hands trembled.


He slowly opened the card as a picture stuck out.


“Do you remember how we met?”


Zitao felt his knees go weak before he collapsed on the floor.


He screamed silently as he hugged the black suit close to him.


Kris was gone.




“I’m so tired with your lame excuses. You’re cheating on me aren’t you?”




“Get out of the house.”




Zitao slapped Sehun harshly on the face as Sehun gasped.


He grabbed Tao wrists before slamming the older on the wall.


Tao screamed as Sehun punched the wall beside him.


“I had enough. It’s not working out.” Sehun growled before letting go of Tao and gathering his stuff.


“Since you want me out of your house, fine.” Sehun grabbed the mugs on the table before throwing them on the floor.


The glass shattered as the thunder boomed.


He slammed the door shut behind him as Tao felt a tear fall.


He crawled his way back to the empty bedroom as he sighed.


“The only person who could ever love me was you.”




It was spring.


The flowers were all blooming as the wind gently blew.


Zitao was walking around with his Cannon camera as he smiled.


Spring was one of his favorite seasons.


He smiled as he noticed the pond shimmering against the sunset.


He angled his camera properly before trying to take a perfect shot.


“3..2..1..PER-YAHHHH!” Zitao screamed as the man in front of him froze.


“I..I’m so so so sorry!”


Zitao eyes widened as he noticed the cloud blocking the sunset.


“NOOOOOO NO NO NO NO NO!” Tao shouted as he fell on his knees.


He lost his perfect shot for his magazine article.


“I..I’m really really sorry I..I-”


Zitao shot a glare at the blonde only to gasp.


He felt his heart skip a beat as his eyes widened.


“I’m..I’m so sorry.”


“Y..Yeah it’s okay.” Zitao whispered as the blonde extended his hand.


Zitao took the hand as he felt his face flush up.


“I..I er-”


“You speak chinese right?”




“Ah finally I found somebody who speaks chinese. Do you know how to go to this address? I’ve been trying to find it for the past few hours but I got lost.”


“Yeah I can bring you there.”


“What’s your name?”




“I’m Yifan, but you can call me Kris."




Zitao closed his laptop as he smiled bitterly.


2 years.


No matter what happens, 


his heart only belonged and yearned for one person.


Wu Yifan.


He looked out of the window.


“Everyday I laughed an cried because of you. 


What do I do with the stacked up memories?


They are still so clear.”


"And everyday I still miss you."




Dear Zitao,


I look so terrible in this photo, 

Its amazing how you still fell in love with me after that.

Happy Anniversary babe,

You're an amazing person.

And I'm so glad for all the perfect moments we captured together.

I'm so sorry for breaking the promise.

I love you.



The Yifan that will always love you.






















Author's note: 

To all the Taoris shippers who read this, 


*Kris dances for you*

I hope at least that cheered you up.


I hope the Epliogue explained quite somethings if you guys are still confused.

And I like to thank all the readers who read this and cried.

Like I love you so much.

So so much.

Thank you for reading this or even spreading this on tumblr.

I'm so honoured.

You can be super nice by leaving a comment.

Or even leaving an upvote.

That'll be super nice just saying.




The story is inspired by:


The Following Short Films:


Picture Perfect | Jubilee Project short film:



The Long Distance Relationship - Short Film By TheGRIMFilm



The Following Pictures:


This doesn't make a lot of sense so.

I love you bye.





When you smile, sunshine.

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Thank you!


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ilovetheJ #1
Chapter 2: This make me miss taoris even more:'(
gravy-ah #2
Chapter 2: Jeez, just casually crying a river in my room,
I'd still be screaming if it weren't for that kris dance. (*థ౪థ)
alicemusic666 #3
Chapter 2: Gahhhh! These kind of stories are so sad~~~~
Chapter 1: the 11/Nov part got me shock and im like my bday!!! Ugh!!! I love you man!!! This js awesome!!!!
xit1810 #5
Chapter 2: Crying all over again with this epilogue;_; write me a happy taoris D"; so many feels I cant.
Chapter 1: why do you have to do this :((( I'm crying :((((
Btw i'm a big fan of KrisTao from Vietnam. I've read your fic and omg i love it >< Can I have permission to translate it into Vietnamese? I'm promise I'll take the credit and link you back. Thank you~
Really hope to see good news from you XD
Chapter 2: How could you make people cry like that?? /Ugly sobs/ awesome job anyways
mnafb134 #8
Chapter 2: (._. )
( ._. )
( ._.)
( ;_;)
( ;;_;;)
waee...damn author-nim...u managed to gather tears into my eyes...</3 y did kris have to die... :((

but anyways...its a great story...good job:3
DiepDi #9
Chapter 1: OMG why do you have to do this to me :(((((((( I'm crying :(((((( ughhhh heart breaking TT.TT
Can I have the permission to translate this into Vietnamese? I'll keep the credit ;)and send the link back to you if you want to see it :)