o21 - WH's Confession

Perks Of Being A Fansite Master

.Chapter o21.

Woohyun stood frozen from where he was standing in the balcony as the eyes of his friends are looking at him intensely, waiting for his wrong move like the predators they are. He gulped, thinking of some ways to ease the building tension but seeing Myungsoo’s intimidating eyes made him squirm and stop from what he was thought to do

“Seriously guys, I’ll tell everything if you would just let me go inside and relax for a second okay?” Woohyun surrendered and walked slowly pass the group, ignoring the yes that follows him and stiffly went towards the bed, he sits then sighs heavily

“Speak” Myungsoo said as he stands in front of his friend

Woohyun looks up and try to use his infamous puppy dog eyes to the latter but too bad his friends are already immune to that technique—he failed an attempt to get away

He sighed again and nods to himself before looking up and decided to share his own love story “Me and Sunggyu hyung were dating okay?” Saying those words like he doesn’t have a choice “It started after our first concert in Japan” He waits for someone to speak, to question but no one did so he continues “I was supposed to tell this to you guys everything. That we accidentally kissed in our hotel room after the first overseas concert celebration” He looks down to his now sweating hands “But the fear of my friends getting disgusted to me suddenly made its way through my mind, so I…We kept it a secret”

Everybody is quiet for a minute but Dongwoo took a step closer and breaks the silence “Does anyone knew?” He asked

Woohyun shook his head then smiled faintly “No one else knew besides the CEO…and now, besides you guys”

“So why didn’t you tell us when you knew that we’re on the same track?” Myungsoo squint his eyes and cross his arms

“Because of peer pressure dude, imagine you and Sungyeol were dating, me and Dongwoo were single, what would you say if we keep on talking about our single life when you know to yourself that you are not? What would you advice to us huh?” Woohyun then looks at his friend Dongwoo “Also, I don’t want Dongwoo to feel that he was left behind”

Dongwoo sits beside Woohyun and playfully punch him in his arm “You’re such an idiot Nam Woohyun! But thanks for caring about my feelings…”

Woohyun scoffed then looks up to Myungsoo, waiting for the other’s reaction from his explanation. Myungsoo stood there, massaging the bridge of his nose with his fingers, then looks down at his friends

“Now I feel like I’m the insensitive friend here” Myungsoo pouted and they just laugh at it “But seriously, I haven’t thought of what you’ve thought Hyun, and to think I was so happy telling the story of me and Sungyeol to you guys!”


The time has come when everybody needs to go home. Woohyun and Myungsoo took the ride with Dongwoo’s car. The three of them were quiet inside, only the music from their favorite radio channel can be heard, until the song of Sunrise played and making the atmosphere awkward, Myungsoo cleared his throat to that

“So…Woohyun, want to share another of your love story or something like, doing the deeds with Sunggyu hyung?” Dongwoo laughed at his own question to the latter then Myungsoo follows, leaving Woohyun red faced at the back seat, but knowing Woohyun, he’ll try to turn the table

“So you really want to know about me and Sunggyu’s life huh?” He said with an evil grin, setting his eyes on the rear view mirror to see his friends’ reactions

The two suddenly stop laughing and change their facial reaction to a disgusted one

“God you’re so blunt!” Myungsoo said as he looks back then scowls at his friend, Woohyun grinned evily and cleared his throat

“We had our first during—”

“No no no! Shut up! I don’t wanna hear about it!” Myungsoo covered his ears and close his eyes, like he was watching a horror movie, Dongwoo’s face turns red and his loud laugh echoed inside the car. Woohyun laughed out loud too and the ride to their dorm stayed like that.


They bid their farewell as they went to the elevator and to their floors. Myungsoo and Dongwoo stops at the seventh floor while Woohyun made his way up till the eleventh floor. He stops at his and Sunggyu’s door then taps the security code of their dorm. He takes off his shoes and went quietly inside, walking pass the living room and went straight to their shared room. As he opened the door to their room, he was greeted by a dim light coming from the lamp and a body sleeping comfortably on the bed. Woohyun smiled and went straight to the bathroom to clean himself and change his clothes to a comfortable one. After that, he slowly tucks himself in the bed and snake his arm around the waist of the body next to him, cuddling at the back of the person’s neck

“Welcome back…” Sunggyu lightly chuckled as he felt Woohyun’s breath tickling his nape

Woohyun chuckled too and hugs the waist tighter “Hyung…” He called and the man answered with a soft hum “…I told Dongwoo and Myungsoo about us”

A second of silence pass before Sunggyu hums again “That’s good, we don’t need to hide something from your best friends anymore”

“Not only my best friends knows, also Myungsoo’s boyfriend, and his brother, and Myungsoo’s brother and…Sungjong”

“Maybe we should come out and announce our relationship to the world huh?” Sunggyu snorted

Woohyun chuckled at that “Actually I—”

Sunggyu turns his back immediately to face Woohyun with a shocked expression “Oh my god Hyun!”

“I was planning, but I guess a secret relationship is more thrilling right?” He playfully grins at his lover and brushes its soft brown hair with his fingers “I’m not that dumb to ruin Sunrise and us because of a scandal you know, and besides, our CEO is already handful from Myungsoo’s dating scandal and Infinite H’s comeback”

Sunggyu looks at his boyfriend and sigh “Now I’m awake” He pouted

Woohyun then kissed his lover’s forehead and gently smile “Then I’ll sing for you to get you to sleep oh?”

They stared at each other’s eyes before Sunggyu nods and close his eyes, and then they kiss sweetly on the lips.


Woohyun wakes up from the sound of laughter coming outside the bedroom, it was too loud that it can wake up their neighbors, he squint his eyes and slowly gets off the bed and walk towards the door. He turns the knob and slightly opens it, he can now clearly hear the very familiar loud laugh again as he steps outside the room

“Don’t tell me…” Woohyun said to himself as he made a turn to the kitchen and stops at his track as he saw his best friends sitting in front of the counter and his Sunggyu in front of the stove

“What’re you guys doing here so early in the morning?” Woohyun raised a brow and made his way towards the stove where Sunggyu is standing and takes the spatula from its hand “I’ll take it from here Gyu, go sit beside them and relax okay?” He smiled warmly

Sunggyu smiled back to him and nod “Good morning though” Then he kissed Woohyun’s cheek before going to the counter and sits beside their friends

“I know Sunggyu hyung can be sweet and loving cos I experienced being taken good care of him in the filming set, but Hyunnie?” Dongwoo laughed “Seriously Hyun, we didn’t know that you are this sweet”

Woohyun snickered as he breaks the egg to the pan and takes a small glance at the back “Yah! I’m only sweet to my love ones, can’t you feel my sweetness when I’m with you guys?!” He said, faking a hurtful expression

“To be honest, no, you act like a full of himself kind of jerk to us, you don’t share food, drinks, things and the worse part is, we’re the one who bought the snacks but you’re the one who eats it all…very inconsiderate” Myungsoo shook his head slowly

“Are you guys here to pester me so early in the morning? Cos its working”

“Nope, we’re here for Sunggyu hyung, we want to know if he’s being taken care of properly” Myungsoo smirked then looks at the man beside him “Hyung are you sure you want to spend your life with that guy?” He whispered to Sunggyu but loud enough for everyone to hear, the man just chuckled and shook his head from the silly question

“Yah Kim Myungsoo! I didn’t do that when I met Sungyeol! Don’t give him the benefit of the doubt!”

They all laughed together and in a minute, Woohyun served them their breakfast and they eat while happily talking to each other.

Updated finally! Here is Wooohyunnie's Confession
Hope you'll like the WooGyu part
The next chapter will be the start of their 'Mission'
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Chapter 1: 011818 Started reading
kathalina_kat #2
Chapter 7: I'm already dead and buried under ten tons of fluffy feelings.
khasabat #3
Chapter 25: Myungyeol is sweetness kkk
I cant imagine how they are make me cant stop smile like an idiot when i read some about them. Kkk
I love your story, allmost!
Chapter 25: This myungyeol ff is so sweet! I can 100% relate to sungyeol, since I'm a fan girl and all but too bad I don't live in Korea ㅠㅠ then again if I do, I will probably a saesang(spelling may be wrong) XD
MyungyeolLover100 #5
myungyeolfab #6
Chapter 24: This is the most sweetest fic I've ever read!
Chapter 3: From what show is the gif in this chap??
hurricane91 #8
Chapter 25: Ayee. It ends well. Tho I really hope there is a scene of their honeymoon night /slap/
Chapter 25: ahhh hahaha this was so funny and interesting. im glad yadong ended well ^^
phenylephrine #10
Chapter 25: Omgggggggg this is too cute