o14 - MS's Confession

Perks Of Being A Fansite Master

.Chapter o14.

Dinner is quiet and it's ing killing me from the inside. I glance at L who's eating quietly in front of me but somehow I can feel that he is really troubled right now. Is it because of the question he asked me before the call from Daeyeol came up? I pouted while sipping some pasta and letting the red sauce stain my lips and my cheeks

"Yeol.." L called my name gently and I look up at him, then a tissue covered my lips and I realized that L is wiping the sauce from my lips and cheeks. I smiled at him like a dork with red sauce and pasta all over my teeth. I watch his lips curve into a smile, then turns into a grin, then he laugh like a child. Finally he gave in. It only takes a one embarrassing dork smile to have him back into a happy L

"Stop laughing! It's not funny anymore" I pouted but he still continue to laugh

"I'm haha I'm sorry Yeol.." L wipes the tears in his eyes while laughing "I never laughed like that for a long time now..Thank you" He sighs and gently smiled at me

"No biggy, I just want my fave idol L.Kim to be smiling and happy!" I return his smile with my gummy smile

"Please call me Myungsoo when we're together okay?"

"Myungsoo.." I let my lips said that name, making it familiar "Myungsoo..Ah! I'll call you Myungie instead!" I clapped my hands happily. Giving him a pet name excites me "Since you keep calling me Yeol, I'll call you Myungie!"

Myungsoo snickered and put his fork down in the plate "Okay..call me Myungie and I'll call you Yeollie then"

I grinned in return and we continue to eat dinner without the awkward atmosphere anymore. It takes us a minute to finish our food cos of our childish bickering, laughing to silly jokes and telling each other’s life experience. And in the end, both of us agreed to wash the dishes together.


"So you're a student in Woollim U..I was a student there also, until the CEO found me and made me an idol" Myungsoo washes the dishes while I'm the one who dried them and put them into its proper place, he continued "I was really excited back then, even though I know I'll be away from my family..The two years training was hell, it's a good thing Sunrise and Infinite H are with me" Myungsoo paused to turn the faucet for the water to stop "I became a trainee as the same day with Woohyun and Dongwoo, both of them became my first friends in the company" He took a towel that hangs on the side and dries his hand "Before my debut, I never imagined that I already have a few fan..It's weird though, cos I see a boy following me everywhere I go, I got scared at first, but I realized that he is my only fanboy. I saw him taking pictures of me and putting it online with such good comments" He stopped then look straight at me "I'm very happy that I met you..Mingsoo master-nim" He smiled widely, eyes vanishing and making his cute dimple appears

I knew it! He was talking about me! The fanboy who followed him everywhere, it was never my intention to scare him though. I wrote good comments when posting his pictures in the internet, so that many people will love him and support his debut.


I remember the first time I saw the student Myungsoo in one of our university trip in Woollim U I think it was 'Love at First Sight in Denial' cos I'm not gay back then. After a few weeks, I started to stalk him cos I want to be his friend, then after a few months, I barely saw him cos I'm studying at SM school of Arts and the university is being a at my scheds. I lately decided to just transfer to Woollim U when I heard that he signed the contract to Woollim Ent. Hoping that we'll see each other more often, but obviously, I entered, he is taken away. Destiny is not on my side that moment.

My eyes started to tear up as he bowed and thank me, I put the plate that I’m holding in the counter, afraid that I might break it sooner or later and cover my hands in my mouth to suppress my wails

"You don't have to thank me Mingthoo-ah~" My voice squeaked but I ignore that..until—

"What?..What did you say?" He grinned and lean forward "Mingthoo-ah?"

I blushed and try to shoo him away. I'm so embarrassed right now! Why does my S deficiency sickness have to betray me at a time like this! And I thought I was healed. But seriously, does he have to ruin the moment? My tears escaped and fell down to my cheeks

"Uwaaaahh! You ruined the moment Myungsoo! I hate you!" I started to cry louder and I don't know why I'm doing it.. I think I'm having my PMS today

I suddenly felt his arms wrapped around me and his hand making circles at my back "Shhhh..Don’t cry Yeol, here..lemme start the moment again" He whispered softly to my hair.

Shocked? Yes.Very! It was like he is feeling the same way I felt for him, it's like he also loves me. I rest my head in his shoulder and close my eyes while I calm myself down from crying. Seconds had passed and we stayed still at the same place, hugging and making each other feel warm from the night's coldness. But Myungsoo, the mood killer, have to put a distance and we're now on a loose embrace, he cleared his throat for me to open my eyes and I slowly did. I looked up to see him staring down at me, I notice that his face is a little troubled again, it's like he want to tell me something but he can't do it

"Is something bothering you?" I asked cos I don't like seeing him like this. His hand went up to pat my head and my hair "You should tell me if someone bothering you so that I could punch that person straight in the face and break its nose" I said with a pout

Myungsoo let out a small laugh but shook his head "I want to tell you something, cos I think I can't stop myself anymore.." He tightens his arm around my waist while the other is placed in the back of my neck, his thumb brushing through my hair, sending chills all over my body and a heat to my face. He’s making me convulse, just with that touch I can let out an in no time

"Sungyeol…" He started "Forgive me from what I'm about to do"

My eyes widen as I felt Myungsoo's lips landed to mine, he closed his eyes and mine was..well, still wide open cos of shock. He angled the kiss and making it deeper. Myungsoo is a good kisser while me in the other hand is a newb. I never kiss a person before, except for my mom of course, and ! Myungsoo started to nibble my lower lips, signaling me to open my mouth..I think? And I just did. He's the life out of me and I am not letting him stop. He can anything from me to be honest, I won’t mind.

I placed my hands in his shoulders for support, my legs are already weakening and that's the only thing I can think of to help me stand up firmly in my place. I tighten my hold to Myungsoo's shoulders as I tried to break away from the kiss for me to breathe for dear life. Myungsoo noticed my struggles and stopped, he breaks away and place our forehead together. I'm literally sweating and gasping for air like I jog for thirty minutes without a stop

"I'm so sorry…" Myungsoo apologized, his lips brushing to mine

" y-you're a good k-kisser..me..need..practice more.." I pant and pant, forgetting to ask why he kissed me then saying sorry. But my questions are all answered before I ask him

"I fell in love with you Lee Sungyeol, from the time you fully supported me when I successfully debuted until now.." Myungsoo supported my weight by embracing me and continue to speak softly "Every performance, I always search for you, worried that you'll stop supporting me. Every fansign, I waited for your turn and telling myself to have the courage to ask you out through letters but I'm such a coward. And every update you put on your site, the pictures you took of me without me knowing, I wish I knew you were there cos everyday I wanted to see you too.." He kissed my forehead and smiles at me "I love you my Mingsoo master-nim"

My eyes are red from my salty tears, I'm speechless, I never thought this would happen in real life, Prince Charming confessed to Cinderella-man. My hard work has finally paid off

"I-I ing love you too glob it!" I cried again while trembling under Myungsoo's embrace "So, so that means I'm the lucky who you'll be sharing your ideal home?.." I asked through soft sobs and he just chuckled and pecks my lips.

As promised, an update today!
Because its Sungjong's birthday
Here's a sweet gift for all my subbies!

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Chapter 1: 011818 Started reading
kathalina_kat #2
Chapter 7: I'm already dead and buried under ten tons of fluffy feelings.
khasabat #3
Chapter 25: Myungyeol is sweetness kkk
I cant imagine how they are make me cant stop smile like an idiot when i read some about them. Kkk
I love your story, allmost!
Chapter 25: This myungyeol ff is so sweet! I can 100% relate to sungyeol, since I'm a fan girl and all but too bad I don't live in Korea ㅠㅠ then again if I do, I will probably a saesang(spelling may be wrong) XD
MyungyeolLover100 #5
myungyeolfab #6
Chapter 24: This is the most sweetest fic I've ever read!
Chapter 3: From what show is the gif in this chap??
hurricane91 #8
Chapter 25: Ayee. It ends well. Tho I really hope there is a scene of their honeymoon night /slap/
Chapter 25: ahhh hahaha this was so funny and interesting. im glad yadong ended well ^^
phenylephrine #10
Chapter 25: Omgggggggg this is too cute