Chapter 17: Christina and Min Hyuk

...Trust me. You are Mine...ONLY


Min Hyuk's POV

Knock. Knock

"Hey. Come out for a minute!" I call out to her


"I don't know what your problem is. But if I have done something wrong tell me so I can apologize. Just come out. You'll regret it if you don't come out." I call out for her again

I can hear faint footsteps walking towards the door. She slowly opens the door, just enough for me to see her eyes.

"It's not your fault. You don't have to worry." she tells me with a weary voice

"Well if it's not me, come out. There is someone you need to meet." I tell her

She looks behind me and spots the clothing racks. She opens the door wider and creeps out of the room.

"This is Christina Jays. Korean name Re-A Kang. She majored in fashion designing in France." I introduce

Hee Jin gives a funny look.

"What?" I ask her frankly

"..You guys look a like...or maybe it's just another one of my symptoms of craziness." She sighs

Crazy? I'm living with a pshycopathic?

"I don't think it's a symptoms of craziness." Christina cuts in.

I give her a cautious look.

"Sorry. Enough of that. Let's get down to business. Min Hyuk told me you were one of the skinnest person alive. I can see his point." Christina continues

Hee Jin gives me a glare.

Maybe she doesn't like being a skinny person.

"..and some people call that...anorexic." She mutters under her breathe. But just loud enough for everyone to hear

Christina clears and looks down at the racks.

"I got some lingerie. They are packed inside this suitcase. I didn't know what your style was so I chose some basic needs and clothes in fashion." Christina explains in a clear tone.

Hee Jin nods to every word.

"I also made a basic portfolio on how to wear clothes. Here. Take this." Christina hands her a folder

Hee Jin takes it with two hands.

"This rack here is for outer garments. You should wear them when you go out. This rack are t-shirts and pants which you should wear only in home." Christina explains

"Thank you so much, but I don't think I will heading out anytime soon. Or at least I'll be going out after I return these clothes." Hee Jin tells Christina apologeticly

"Return? Oh no. haha. You can keep them. No one in our house can fit into these or are willing to wear these young designs. They are all yours" Christina flashes a warm smile to Hee Jin

Hee Jin looks happy. She is marvelling all over the clothes.

I give Christina a thankful nod. She shakes her head at me.

"I can read your thankful nod but I prefer a thank you consisting of words." She tells me

"Thank. You. You can leave now." I say awkwardly

She frowns.

"changed my mind. I take it back. Next time just give me a nod." She slips her shoes back on and heads for the door.

"Thank you and good bye!!" Hee Jin shouts to Christina

Christina waves her hand with her back towards us. She grabs the door knob and leaves the penthouse.

Hee Jin drags the suitcase into her room.

...Shall I be a good citizen and help her??

I drag one of the clothing racks and push it into the room. I come back out to drag the other rack.

As I enter her room again she looks at me coldly.

"What?" I ask her

"Are you going to stand there forever?" She asks me in a monotone.

"What?" I ask again

"I'm telling you in other words to leave so I can finally take a shower." She points towards the door.

Geez. This person is moody today.

As I am about to leave Hee Jin clears .

"Is your heat a wierd tempo?' she asks slowly and cautiously

"'s beating but not in a wierd tempo" I reply

"...oh...uh..yeah. Just checking to see if you were alive." She covers up quickly


"Could you leave now." She cuts through my sentence before I could even ask her a question.

I head for the door, sensing that it will be a bad move to mess with her today.

I close the door behind me and sit down on the bar chair.

Shall I make myself a cocktail or a sinple ice scotch?

Before I could decide my phone vibrates beneath my pockets. I scoop it out from my pocket and answer.

-Hello?- I answer the phone

-Yo. It's me. Your brother from another mother- Min Jae's voice echos through the phone

-Sorry to break the fun but I'm not your brother from another mother. I'm just your friend dude.- I reply frankly

I could hear him sigh through the phone.

-What the man? Why you so serious? It's been like decades since you've came clubbing with us- He says in a sad voice

-Got myself into some trouble. See you in about two weeks time-

I quickly hung up. I didn't want to hear his voice anymore. He reminded of pain.

That bastard. How dare he act like everything is o.k between us. How dare he forget that past.

I swear if only Ha Yeon allowed me I would have cracked his head into two pieces!!

...I miss you Hae In...

Chapter 18: I'm not going to why does it feel like I am.

Hee Jin's POV

I step through the cold water. I can feel my skin replenishing. I exhale a sharp warm breathe. Today was tiring. I can feel a sneeze running up nose.

"Achoo!!" I sneeze softly

I can feel a fever running through my body. This cold shower maybe the worst possible scenario I should be doing when I am feeling a little sick. When I get sick it's a little different to other people. Other people can recover quickly and start going on with their lives but my sickness is a little more...dramatic. The most serious case was when I got transported to the hospital. I assume my immune system is just a little weak than others. After all I am a going to be a doctor, I do know how to take care of my body.

I finish off my really quick shower and wrap myself into warm clothes. I dry my hair with the hair dryer and slump my body inside the bed covers. Usually when I am sick Ha Yeon is beside me, nursing me. I hate sick days becuase I can't go to my part time jobs. When I was young I believed I was going to die whenever I got sick. To the young Hee Jin getting sick was excruciating pain.

My nose started drool. I grabbed the tissue box beside me. I felt cold eventhough sweat was covering my body. I sneezed five times in    a row. I could feel the bad germs spreading around my body.


I can hear him knocking again.

I don't want anyone else, other than Ha Yeon to see I am sick. I feel vulnerable to any attacks.

"achoo." I cover my nose to create a soft sneeze.

He must be getting impatient. I should just open the door for him.

I push the heavy duvets and blankets away with all my might and try to get up. I take another three sneezes. My legs start to shake. I feel dizzy and my legs are about to collaspe. I try to walk towards the door but my legs don't seem to listen to me.


"uhm..ok. I'm going in." He announces through the door

The tightly sealed door creeks open.

I take another sneeze.

“Eww..This is disgusting. You have just made a bloody expensive hotel room seem like a horse’s ty stable. Very. Well. Done” He tells me as he glances through all the tissues lying on the floor.

“Go away if you are going to say bad things.” I pout with a blocked nose.

I throw a tissue at him

He glares at me

“Why are you sick?” He asks me even call that a question...=.=

“Because your bacteria has invaded into my clean system.” I reply to his stupid question

He gives me another glare

“You even call that an answer” He mocks

“To your stupid question it’s the best answer.” I sticky my childish tongue out at him

Before I can retaliate he kneels on one knee beside me and places his hand on top of my forehead.

. I can feel my heartbeat going crazy.

My face is flushing. Something is really wrong with me!!

I think it’s his stupid hand. Yeah! His germs are contaminating me again!!

I slap his hand off my forehead. He looks surprised for a minute and shakes his head.

“You should be grateful. People around the world would love to just be near me.” He brags

I try to blurt words out to state my point but the heat on my forehead and the war inside my head stops me.

He places his cold hand on top of my forehead again. I start to sweat. I want to push his hand away again but I don’t have the energy, and my body isn’t listening to me. I feel like I have disconnected myself from my body.

“Whoa! Your forehead is burning!! Your temperature changed form warm to extremely hot in like two seconds!! Are you o.k?! What the ??!” He is panicking.

I can see his silhouette from my blurry vision

This illness is affecting my body parts and eyes too.

“RESPOND!! Yo! Can you hear me? !! What do I do?” His face is filled with worry and agony

He walks around the room in a fast pace. I think that’s the way he thinks.

“I’ve dealt with cancer but not some ing serious cold!! Think. Come one think Min Hyuk!!” He talks to himself

After a few more seconds he pulls his phone out from his pocket and dials someone.

“Hey. What do I do when someone is really sick?!” He shouts through the phone in panic

He nods a couple of times and hangs up.

He runs out of the room.

A sigh escapes from my mouth. All the pain and heat from my head was hard enough but my heart beating at a unstoppable pace was..hell. I close my blurry eyes.


…he must be back. I can hear a hustling nose. I try to open my eyes, but already my heart has sensed him. It’s beating again.

“Ok. So let’s cool this heat down first.” He mutters

I can hear water trickling down into a bowl.

Then there came a cold towel wrapping over my head.

“Just. Relax. O.k. I should relax before you do. . I’m so nervous.” He mutters again

Jeez! He needs to calm down. How can someone be so over worked by someone else being sick!!

“You better not die! After all this effort I went through you better not die!” He mumbles

Who dies because of a stupid cold?!! Tsk tsk. Such a lack of knowledge in medical issues.

“Umm..ok. This is cracking my nerves. I shouldn’t go through all this trouble for a person who is so ungrateful…do you want to hear a song? Shall I sing to you? Do you think that will make you feel better?” He asks me

I try to reject but again I am unable to say a word.

“Tell me Tell me, 사랑을 말해줘 (Sarangeul malhaejweo)
Tell me Tell me, 내사랑 전해줘 (nae sarang jeonhaejweo)
Love me Love me, 내품에 안겨줘 (nae pumae angyeojweo)
Kiss me Kiss me, 너만을 사랑해 (neomaneul saranghae)~” his soft voice echoes through my head

The melodic voice travels through my brain, causing me to fall asleep.

“ow..” My eyes blink open and I feel the excruciating pain again

I look at the watch.


A towel falls off my head, onto the floor.

I glance down at the floor. There are two legs folded. I follow it up…and I see his face.

His head resting ontop my legs, however in between us was a blanket.

He has many dark circles. Tsk tsk. Must be all the late night partying, and playboy lifestyle.

Ba dump. Ba dump. Ba dump. Ba dump.

. There goes my crazy heart again.

Without knowing, my fingers head for his face. The tips of my finger touches his cheek slightly. I brush his hair away from his face. He has such a baby face.

…-_-…what the am I thinking…

"hmm.." he makes soft sounds from his mouth

His eyelids start to flutter open. I rapidly pull my hand away from his face.

"..oh. You're awake. How's your fever?' He asks in a croaky voice

"Yeah. seems fine." I reply


"well I better clean up this mess." He croaks

I feel his warmth and weight leave my legs.

He grabs the water bowl from the ground and heads for the door

"" I call out softly

he turns around instantly and gives me a funny look.

"Did you just say thank you?!" he asks a little astonished

"yeah. thank you." I say one more time.

He gives me a warm smile. I blush bright red. To cover it up I quickly look down on to the blankets.

The door closes shut and I can finally hear my normal heart beat again. I also feel the loneliness and hollow atmosphere.

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mushroomsk #1
Sorry for the really slow updates but I won't continue with this fanfic anymore. Sorry to all the fans. Currently I am planning a new fanfic but it will take another 4 to 5 weeks before I begin. Thank you and sorry!
i simply love this new chapter.,.. update soon!
Tamercher8 #3
This fanfic seems different to others. I like it. Plzzzz update :))))
mushroomsk #4
@Kukkie<br />
Yes, to other people two weeks with Min Hyuk is dream come true but Hee Jin doesn't even know Min Hyuk is a famous idol and more importantly she doesn't like him at all. She finds him arrogant and annoying. Besides she is more interested in attending her Uni to study more about medicine. She doesn't have time to waste. She isn't really shocked she is more pissed about the situation. I hope that answered your question!! :))
Why so shock? It's good that the girl get to stay with Minhyuk in the hotel for 2 weeks. 2Weeks you know?
mushroomsk #6
I have updated chapter 12. I hope you enjoy it. My chapters are kind of short right now. I am sorry about that. I will upload chapter 13 faster though. Have fun reading!! :))
powderpugg #7
Ahh!!! So good *.* I love it!
b1a4cnblueblockb #8
update soon please.
tankarawi #9
I registered just for this fanfic!! It's sooo good!!
mushroomsk #10
Thank you to all the people who have subscribed or enjoy my story~ Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I will try my best to write more enjoyable scenes and drama. Onve again, thank you so much!!<br />