Chapter 16: Skip a beat

...Trust me. You are Mine...ONLY


Hee Jin's POV

I stared down at the clock. It read five am. In the distance I could hear someone rambling through the hotel. Fear uprose.

I grabbed my bag, as a weapon and armor. I slowly opened the door and tip toed across tge living room. The light at the kitchen was slightly luminating through the living room.

I see that !!

Opening the freezer was a tall person. I ran for it and through my bag at the person. The person yelped in fury. I started to smack the criminal harder. He screamed and slammed thr door. I quickly ran behind the door of the kitchen....


Big stupid mistake!! Why am I so stupid!!?

"What the was that all about?!!" He roared at me.

He must be really mad. Well, who wouldn't be at this situation. He gave me a cold glare.

"I'm sorry! I thought you were a criminal!!" I am once again trying to defend myself.

Why do I always make these stupid mistake at him??!

"So every night when I am coming out for water you are just going to attack me like a crazy animal with your bag?!" he shouted

"I'm not a crazy animal!!" I shouted back.

“Oh?! Are you sure about that? Isn’t your mum a monkey?!” He yells

How. Dare. He. Talk. About. My. Mother. Like. .

“Don’t diss my parents for my mistakes. Blame me.” I say in a low cold voice.

He gives me a wierd look. I grab my bag from the ground and walk back into my room.

I peel my blankets apart and slump back into them.

Morning dwells on me before I go through another dream. I walk out of the bed and take a deep yawn.

I slip on these slippers provided by the hotel.

As I head out the door of my bedroom, I smell a wonderful delicious smell in the air. I glance down at the dining table. The bastard is standing near the table, placing cutlery and napkins on the table. I make a small gasp. On the dining table, was a beautiful plate, with delicious food on top.

“Ahem. Umm...I am sorry about saying bad things about your parents. This is something like an apology. Accept it.” He demands

This guy has never made an apology. I can sense it from the way he says it. Or he doesn’t feel sorry.

“When you say an apology you don’t demand acceptance. You’ve got to say it like you are asking for a favour.” I tell him sternly

He looks too the ground and starts rolling his right ankle. This scene looks exactly like a teacher scolding a child.

“But, since you look like you are deeply sorry..I will accept it.” I say in defeat.

I must say he looked...QUITE cute when he apologized. He almost looked like a baby boy who was pleading guilty for chewing gum in class.

I take a seat on one of the grand chairs. The chair is wrapped with pieces of gold. I pick up the silver spoon from the table cloth and took a sip of the soup.

...I must admit. It does taste like my mum’s cooking. So this guy also knows how to cook. Hahaha. Perfect material for gayness.

“Is it good?” He asks cautiously.

I must be going crazy. I am definitely feeling the symptoms of craziness. Why the hell am I getting the thought that this guy is...cute?!!

“Uhh..Yeah. It’s good. Thank you for the breakfast.” I compliment him for the first time.

I can see a slight pinkness fill his cheeks. haha. That’s...NO! He is NOT cute!! I am going crazy. Hee Jin, focus. Guys are nothing. They just cause this crazy dopamine in your brain for about 3years and leave. They are NOTHING! I don’t need this right now.

I stiffly stand up from the chair. I drop my spoon and chopsticks onto the table. I walk my way out of the dining table with shaky legs. I can see that he looks worried about me.

“I’m fine. Resume with your...breakfast. I think I just need more rest. I am a little worn out.” I try to explain myself. He still looks worried.

“Look. Don’t be so nice me all of a sudden. Just, let’s do our own things for two weeks.” I tell him

He flashes a dirty smirk.
Yes. That’s him. The rude, arrogant, proud Kang Min Hyuk.

“Why? Falling for me?” He asks arrogantly

Hah. See. Here comes the TRUE Kang Min Hyuk.

“What?!” I ask abruptly

“Well, you said not to be nice to you.” He explains

“I didn’t tell you to be a jerk though.” I reply in frustration

I quickly turn around and walk away to my room before he tries to say something else. I can feel my face burning inside. My heart beat is moving a faster. What the hell. I need a doctor. No. I’m the bloody doctor. I just..I just need water. This must be dehydration from the ..sun? There’s no sun in this room!! What is wrong with me? I must be infected or something. I shall..I shall call Ha Yeon for now. She always knows what’s best and wrong with me. She knows me like her own body. She can practically read through me.

Grabbing my phone from my bag I started to dial her right away.


She answers in delighted voice.

. Her bestfriend was not seen since like two days ago and she is still calm and happy??!

-hi- I answer in a monotone

I can hear her gasp

-You are in so much trouble missy!!- She screams through the phone

Didn't I just hear her answer the phone with joy.

-Sorry.- I reply

-Sorry?! Sorry?!! Sorry is all you got for me?!!"- she shrieks through the phone.


-I called for advice- I quickly try to change the subject.

-Advice? What advice?- She cautiously asks

Haha. I knew she would be interested.

-I'm a medical student. So I am technically a going to be doctor. Well, I can't figure out this one thing. I have never heard of it or seen it.- I explain

-Where've you seen it?- She questions curiously

-It's me. They are these wierd symptoms- I tell her

-What?- She asks flatly

-My heart skips a beat. My face is quite red. My body is slightly shaking. I am a little nervous- I attempt to explain my situation

-...where are you?- She questions me with curiousity

-I can't Well, I will tell you eventually but not now.- I answer

-Are you with a guy?- She asks again

I feel like she is sensing something

-I...can't tell you. I'm going to hang up now. Sorry and love you!" I quickly hang up

This is a sad situation where I can't even tell my bestfriend about my horrible issues!!

As I stand up from my bed I hear a knock on my door.


My heart skipped another beat.

"Ok. Look. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you that way." I hear his voice through the door.

My face turns bright red.

I am definitely, unquestionably...crazy.
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mushroomsk #1
Sorry for the really slow updates but I won't continue with this fanfic anymore. Sorry to all the fans. Currently I am planning a new fanfic but it will take another 4 to 5 weeks before I begin. Thank you and sorry!
i simply love this new chapter.,.. update soon!
Tamercher8 #3
This fanfic seems different to others. I like it. Plzzzz update :))))
mushroomsk #4
@Kukkie<br />
Yes, to other people two weeks with Min Hyuk is dream come true but Hee Jin doesn't even know Min Hyuk is a famous idol and more importantly she doesn't like him at all. She finds him arrogant and annoying. Besides she is more interested in attending her Uni to study more about medicine. She doesn't have time to waste. She isn't really shocked she is more pissed about the situation. I hope that answered your question!! :))
Why so shock? It's good that the girl get to stay with Minhyuk in the hotel for 2 weeks. 2Weeks you know?
mushroomsk #6
I have updated chapter 12. I hope you enjoy it. My chapters are kind of short right now. I am sorry about that. I will upload chapter 13 faster though. Have fun reading!! :))
powderpugg #7
Ahh!!! So good *.* I love it!
b1a4cnblueblockb #8
update soon please.
tankarawi #9
I registered just for this fanfic!! It's sooo good!!
mushroomsk #10
Thank you to all the people who have subscribed or enjoy my story~ Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I will try my best to write more enjoyable scenes and drama. Onve again, thank you so much!!<br />