Split Heart

Moon Child

You returned home safely and silently. You had both made sure that the other was ok, Yixing refusing a hospital when you told him he was injured badly. You had returned to your apartment after that without a word. You asked him if he needed anything again but he shook his head and went to bed. You wanted to bring up the argument you two had before, but thought it wasn’t the best time. You told yourself you would talk about it the next day. But you ended up making the same excuse on the day, and the day after that, and the one after that. You took time off work, not able to concentrate, still shaken by what had happened that night.

Your nights were dark and dreamless, and your days were generally silent and boring. You and Yixing exchanged the normal formalities but nothing more.

A week passed by and you still said nothing. And neither did he.


Yixing spent the next few days healing himself under the moons soft light. He was glad he had the power to do so; the injuries were causing him a lot of grief.

He spent a lot of time wondering what to say to you. He wondered how to talk to you now, if you were ready to talk. He wondered if you needed him, should he be asking if you did? He thought of a million different ways to start a conversation but didn’t use a single one. He thought of a thousand more ways to bring up the argument, but was still too afraid to mention it.

 But a week of silence had passed and he couldn’t bear to watch you wordlessly anymore. You were sitting at the table for breakfast, and he came and sat with you.


You looked up slowly from the food you were picking at and waited for him to continue

“About what I said that night, when I said you didn’t care and that you didn’t know how I felt, I didn’t mean it. I was just angry, you of all people would know how I feel. And to be honest, you’re probably the only one that cares for me right now”

“Yixing, i-it’s okay really, don’t worry about that ok? I should’ve been more considerate, I should’ve understood how you felt and backed off”

Yixing shook his head

“But you didn’t, and I should’ve seen that you were only caring for me”

You smile, your eyes sparkling

“And about what you said” Yixing began carefully, “about helping me find starlight…even walking to the ends of the earth for it” Yixing smiled at the words, “is that true?”

He watched as your face blushed a soft red, loving how pretty it was on your cheeks

“O-of course! I’m so grateful for what you’ve done for me; I’d do anything to return the favour!”

Yixing’s heart sunk, but he still smiled sweetly. He nodded, accepting that it was only you being grateful for his help

“Of course”

You watched as Yixing got up, not missing the sad smile and the way he bit his lip as he walked off. You wanted to stop him. To tell him the truth; that what he was doing for her was only half the reason. You wanted to tell him you would’ve done it out of love. You held back the urge to walk up to him and fall into his arms again; to kiss him and tell him that you’d fallen for him.

You sat there, watching the sweet young man walk off. The only thing that held you in your seat was Baekhyun. You couldn’t give up on him, the memory of him, the memories of the two of you, were the only things that had kept you sane. You owed him for his love, for his forgiveness, for everything he’d given up just to wait for you, not even knowing if you’d ever come back.

But Yixing was alone, he was there in your time of need, he came to you, gave you hope, gave you a friend, gave you love.

You stood and went after him. He sat in his room, staring at the wall.

“Yixing? Y-you seemed sad. I know how this ended up last time you were upset, but I figured it was worth another shot, right?” you say light-heartedly

He smiles and rubs the back of his neck

“I guess I could do with company…” he trails off

You walk over and sit beside him on the bed

“So what’s wrong then?” you ask, tilting your head


“About the starlight? I know there’s none around now, but it could just be a matter of time before more shows up! I think. I don’t really know how it works, but you always have a home with me while you still need it” you comfort him

“There won’t be enough in time” he murmurs

“What? What do you mean?”

He shakes his head and smiles; you don’t push him

“I owe you a lot Yixing, you’ve practically given me my life back. If there’s anything I can do to repay you -”

“Kiss me”

Your mouth gapes at his words and he leans in, causing you to snap it shut again. His lips are millimetre from yours and he watches your lips longingly. You swallowed nervously.

“Please. Out of all the things I could ask for, I’m simply asking for you to kiss me. Just once.”

You take a shaky breath knowing well that you wanted to. Everything in your head screamed no, that you’d be doing wrong by Baekhyun. And you knew it was wrong; that’s why your heart tore in two directions when you closed the distance between your lips, pressing yours to Yixing’s. The moment you connected, you knew it wasn’t going to be the last time.

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Chapter 27: i really enjoyed it. thank you!!!
whatswrongwiththis #2
I'm back... Here to say this is still my favourite
markmeevil #3
Chapter 30: I just binge-read this story after a bad day at work. About 2/3 of the way through, I immediately hoped for a sequel and then came to this page to find there is one! The idea really was quite unique and was beautiful to read.
whatswrongwiththis #4
Chapter 27: I'm still obsessed with this
Chapter 30: i need them tgt omg OMG I CRIED I CANT BELIEVE IT.

you made me cry, i was so sad but then the ending, BAMMMMM ILOVEIT
whatswrongwiththis #6
Chapter 27: This will forever be my favourite fic. I've never been able to find one that comes close to compare.
psiphidragon #7
Oh the feeling, beautiful story, I cried.
Cvang13 #8
Chapter 26: Asdfghjkl!!!! I found it again! I read this awhile back and came back because Moonlight reminded me of this.
Chapter 19: Asdfghjkl OMG this is awesome!! Feels!!