







In a busy waiting room, Minseok swears he was going to use his taekwondo, judo, fencing, twerking, whatever skills he has  when someone suddenly smooched his cheek from behind, if he didn’t already know who that was. Actually, he was still going to use them, but he was a bit too late, so when he turned his head all he could see was their small leader’s back walking away, and he was too lazy to move.

“My make-up ruined.” He whined instead, patting his damp cheeks.

“That’s cute!!” Kyungsoo squealed from his seat in front of Minseok, with Jongdae’s fake gagging sound as the background.

“Stop being so heartless!” Kyungsoo said as he threw his neck pillow to Jongdae, in which, Jongdae successfully dodged, hitting the back of clueless Luhan instead, earning a loud “Hey, becareful!” from Yixing who suddenly wide awake.

“Sorry!” Kyungsoo mumbled to both Luhan and Yixing, but soon threatening Jongdae, who laughed soundlessly while clutching his stomach, with his water bottle before Kris warned them about not throwing anything.

“What’s wrong with him?” Minseok asked, referring to Junmyeon.

“Well,” Jongdae said as he recovered from his laughing spree, “Last time I checked, he’s your boyfriend. Maybe that what’s wrong.”

Needless to say, another neck pillow flew hitting Jongdae square on his face.

“He’s the oldest!” Kris said, while it was Kyungsoo’s turn to laugh soundlessly and clutching his stomach.




Twelve boys crammed in the dark living room on a movie night. They wanted watch an action movie that came out a while ago, but didn’t get to watch due to schedule. So when they finally got a free night, they especially made effort to prepare the movie night with all the snacks and beverages.

 The hyungs surely got the privilege to sit on the couch. Yixing sat on the single couch with Luhan on his lap, dangling his legs on the arm rest, while Junmyeon, Minseok and Kris shared the long couch. Junmyeon sat on one end of the couch pulling Minseok a little bit too close, leaving a big gap between Minseok and Kris who sat on the other end of the couch, letting his crossed legs became a headrest for Baekhyun who sat on the floor.

Everything was good, everyone was comfortable and snacks were all ready. Once Chanyeol turned off the lamp, Junmyeon snaking his arm around Minseok’s waist to pull him closer, while the older male sinking deeper into the embrace, making himself warm and even more comfortable.

As the movie playing on the TV screen, every so often, Junmyeon would pull Minseok closer to stole a kiss on his cheek, his hair, his temple, the corner of his lips, the side of his neck, and wherever his lips could reach. At first, Minseok didn’t really mind, because cuddling was really nice. But as the movie got to the , he couldn’t help but feel really annoyed at his boyfriend because he couldn’t concentrate at the movie.

So, during the best part of the movie, Minseok turned his head to kiss Junmyeon’s cheek, then whispered softly to his ear, “If you don’t stop acting weird and kissing me once again, don’t even think about touching me at all for the rest of this year.” And giving him a really scary sweet smile, in contrast of horror on Junmyeon’s face.

The threat was working though, Junmyeon stop kissing him and letting him watch the movie in peace, and basically just being his personal pillow and comforter.

The movie had a happy ending.




The dorm was still quite, and as usual, Minseok was the first and the only one who got up from the bed. It was kind of cold that morning, the other members probably still comfortable in their beds, they have late schedules that day after all.

Minseok was busying himself, making coffee for himself and trying to find the pancake mix he bought the day before when he herd the sound of a pair of slippers scratching the wooden floor of their dorm.

“Good morning!” Junmyeon sleepily greeted, before kissing Minseok’s cold cheek.

“Ewwww.. Brush your teeth before kissing me, or drink some juice first!” Minseok whined jokingly.

Junmyeon just chuckled at the cuteness of his boyfriend before pulling a glass from the cabinet and opening the fridge’s door to get some orange juice. He gulped down his juice while staring at Minseok’s back, wondering how someone can be so attractive even from the back.

“I’m going to grow a hole on my back if you don’t stop staring.” Minseok said without shifting his attention from his pancake mix.

Junmyeon smiled, walking closer to Minseok and wrapped his arm loosely around Minseok’s waist. He rested his chin comfortably on Minseok’s shoulder, making Minseok squirmed from the hot breath against his neck. “What are you making?” He asked.

“I promised Baekhyun and Tao blueberry pancakes for breakfast. So, if you don’t mind, let me finish these before the kids wake up.” Minseok said, but without any effort to push Junmyeon away, because honestly, Junmyeon was so warm.

“Do not want.” Junmyeon said instead, and tighten his arms around Minseok’s waist.

Minseok sighed and stopped whatever he did with the mix and turned his head to face the boy on his shoulder. “Why are you so clingy these days?”

Junmyeon didn’t answer.

Okay, this is getting worrisome, Minseok thought. He then turned around in Junmyeon’s arms to face him better. “What’s wrong?” he asked again, softly this time.

Junmyeon sighed, shifted his gaze to anywhere but Minseok, “I’m just..” he started, “I miss you.”

Minseok wasn’t expecting that answer, he looked at Junmyeon with an incredulous look, “What?” was the only intelligent respond he could think about.

“I miss you.” Junmyeon said again, still not looking at Minseok.

“Look at me,” Minseok demanded, and when Junmyeon complied, he asked further, “Where was that come from? I’m not going anywhere, aren’t I?”

“You see,” Junmyeon entwined his fingers on the small of Minseok’s back, “We got a lot of separated schedules now, and not having you within my arm reach makes me feels uncomfortable. And let’s not forget M’s schedules overseas.”

Minseok threw his head back, laughed softly, just a little louder than a chuckle then launched himself to hug his boyfriend, circling both his arms tightly on Junmyeon’s shoulder. “Awww.. why so cute?”

“It’s not funny!” Junmyeon said, and Minseok could almost hear the pout.

Breaking the hug, Minseok cupped Junmyeon’s cheek, “You do know that I really really love you right?”

Junmyeon nodded slightly.

“Can you hang on with that when we can’t see each other? Just a while, just a little while?” Minseok asked, somehow playfully, but still didn’t lose the sincerity and firmness.

“I guess?” Junmyeon said finally.

Minseok smiled beautifully at the younger boy, bringing their face closer, close enough to tease Junmyeon’s upper lips with his breathe, and stayed like that for a moment. They both were closing their eyes, listening to each other calm breathe and enjoying each other’s presence. The dorm was quite, comfortably quite morning.

But Junmyeon didn’t have an intention to stay like that longer when he tilted his head and moved forward to press his lips on Minseok’s, kissing him lovingly, nothing to heavy, fresh and calming like the morning. Minseok dragged his hand down to put his right hand on Junmyeon’s chest, right on top of his heart, feeling his heart beats on his palm. And as Junmyeon Minseok’s lower lip lightly, he thought, yeah, he can bear with it, that Minseok wouldn’t go anywhere.










a/n: Finally!!!! A XiuHo!!! I miss my XiuHo! So I wrote a hopefully cute XiuHo. Is it cute enough? It's kind of short tho, but hopefully you enjoy reading that :) Comments are always welcome~ But can you please comment? because I'm so lonely shipping them ;~;

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Chapter 1: XiuHo is really giving me diabetes these days. ahahahaha. I so love your stories.
Chapter 1: You make me falling in love with xiuho.. you make them soooo cuteeeee. ^^
Chapter 1: A clingy joonmyeon is adorable!!! Ive been reading this for the nth time. Its cute and sweeett
jantih #4
Chapter 1: So sweet... I love you story authornim
Chapter 1: I LOVE XIUHO!!!!!!!!>_<
Chapter 1: Omoooo !!!! Omomoooooo !!!!!
Why so cute >_<
Chapter 1: Aaaawwww soo cuteeee ><
Soo fluffy (>_<) i like this soo much >.<
please write more Xiuho story authornim :)
xhduv_ #8
Chapter 1: So fluffy!! T_T OMG
your xuiho always make me crazy in love with this couple! <3
pls write more cuz I hardly find their moments or fictions TT
Chapter 1: write lots lots lots of fluffy Xiuho pleaseeeeeeee *^O^*