What are we exactly?

Five Short Stories

"Jeez, where are you going now?" Kai asked rather rudely, "can't you just give me a second to explain to you what's going on?

"No" you replied abruptly, "no, because you lied to me and you KNOW I hate liars--wait, no you don't! Haha! You don't know that because you don't talk to me like you promised you would, you don't even know when my birthday is!"

"July 21!" Kai shouted back while you opened your mouth in shock, vigarously shaking your head.

"IT'S SEPTEMBER 15 OH MY GOD!" you grabbed your bag, slinging it across your body while storming out. Your only intention was to get as far away from Kai as possible.

"I'm sorry!" he apologized as he ran after you, reaching for your arm. You violently snatched your arm back, walking faster. "Can you just give me one second of your time?!"

You stopped in your steps, he stopped right after, "thank you."

You turned around, tears b your eyes.

"You want me to give you one second of my time... when you have given me slim to none of yours?" you asked accusingly, clenching your fists as he backed away.

"Look, I'm sorry. I know I messed up big time, but if you'll just give me the chance to explain myself, maybe we could work something out..." Kai stepped forward once again, looking sorry as ever.

"Fine" you wiped any trace of tears from your face, "what do you have to tell me?"

"It was an accident" he sputtered out, looking away, "it meant nothing to me. She kissed me... and it all went downhill from there-- but it meant absolutely nothing to me, I promise. I would have fought her off, but I was intoxicated and her perfume reeled me in and I'm just a weak man and I'm sorry..."

You nodded your head, collecting your thoughts while Kai smiled at you, stepping forward for an embrace. You backed away, shaking your head.

"You should have known better nonetheless. Drinking underage is illegal and you know that. Even under the influence, you still have SOME self control-- unless of course you were faced drunk... you weren't, were you?" Kai shrugged his shoulders at this and you rolled your eyes. "Whatever the matter, I don't think I can talk to you anymore. I'm surprised you even consider yourself a man, you're still young and you still have so much more maturing to do, clearly. I wish I could tell you that I still liked you or whatever, but all is the past and what's done is done. You... I can't tell you how disappointed I am anymore. You have to learn from your own mistakes."


"Save it" you replied bluntly while readjusting your bag. "But if you can answer one question for me, I'll reconsider my thoughts. Of course I can't take back what I said, but I'll think over everything."

"Alright," Kai sighed, "shoot."

"What are we exactly?" you looked him in the eyes, hoping for a decent answer, anything to prove that you two were in fact something... special.






He only responded with a shrug.

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Chapter 4: Awwwwww~~~
So recently i read a story and Himchan was the bad guy in the story and it effected me.
I know their (bap) is not like that though haha
It's weird what a fanfic can do ^^
Chapter 3: Awwww~~~ Adorable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: Omg kai I want to slap u and then shoot u what is wrong with u ajandjkw
Chapter 2: Awwww~~ Kai you asdfghjkl
Chapter 1: Hehehe that was soooooo cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sunggyu's my second bias in Infinite ^^
I had to search this song on YouTube and listen to it while reading this hahah