The Meetup

The Time Traveller


'Ugh, my head.. what the hell happened?' Victoria rubbed the spot on her head as she sat up, 'Oh good evening, Mrs Song! You look younger than want you sent me off!' Nichkhun walked towards Victoria and he hugged her, 'Get off me! You filthy monster!' Victoria pushed the now well built scientist as she swung her hand over to his face. 'Ouch, Mrs Song, don't you remember me? I am Nichkhun, you helped me in the T66 project?' Nichkhun questioned the lady, not believing that he just got slapped. 'Oh my gosh, you are Nichkhun from 2013? My mother was expecting you, but sadly she has passed away…' Victoria looked down as she suddenly realized that she was on the Hammock, 'What am I doing here? Did you just move me here?' Nichkhun laughed it off 'Of course I did, I wouldn't leave you at that leaf litter you passed out in, well my lady, shall we move on? The sun is setting very soon..' he pointed to the haversacks packed nicely and ready to be taken home. 'Yes of course, just let me keep this Hammock now…' Victoria climbed down as she untied the Hammock from the trees as Nichkhun walked off to cover his car, 'Wow, is that the time traveling machine you came with?' Victoria stared at the machine in awe as Nichkhun continued to cover it with leaves and branches. 'Yeap! This machine is the proud creation of both your mother and me! Alright that should do it, lets get back!' 

Victoria and Nichkhun stood outside a tall wall as the latter looked around to find a gate, 'Hmm, there's one over there, lets go!' Nichkhun pointed and started sprinting there, only to be tackled by Victoria again and pulled aside. 'Hey look there idiot, don't you see the armed soldiers there? You are not from around here and you don't have an identity card. Lets go by another way' Victoria crawled away as Nichkhun followed shortly behind and arrived at a cave. 'Thats your secret exit? Doesn't look that welcoming eh..' Nichkhun looked around the interior of the cave as he continued to follow Victoria. 'There we go, home sweet home' Victoria took a big smell before walking across the big field that greeted her at the exit of the other side of the cave. 'You live in a farm?! I was expecting something more grand, judging by the wealth of your mother…' Nichkhun complained as he caught up with Victoria, 'Haha, I wanted to live a farm life so she got this plot of land for me, alright time to meet some of my helpers and the Song's farm…' Victoria skipped around Nichkhun as the house came into view. As they entered the house, a guy in duck bibs come out from the kitchen, 'Hey Victoria! I cooked some sweet potato….. Who is that? Why is he carrying your haversack?' Victoria laughed as she took her bag from Nichkhun and introduced him to Changmin, 'Hahaha, meet Nichkhun, he will be with us for a while. Nichkhun, meet Changmin, he is a friend of mine and is helping at the farm along with another friend of mine, oh by the way Changmin, where is Tiffany? Is she at the field?' Changmin pointed towards the corn field and smiled at her. Victoria immediately got his message and dropped her bags before running off to the field, Nichkhun smiled as he walked in the kitchen and took a sweet potato and helped himself to it. 'Hey! I did not say you can eat it, they are not meant for you!' Changmin shouted as he grabbed Nichkhun's wrist. 'Haha chill buddy, from the looks of it, there is more than enough.' Nichkhun took a look at the pot before taking another bite to the potato. 'Stop eating it! Just what is your intention?!' Changmin asked as he smacked the sweet potato out of Nichkhun's hand, 'Hey! What the hell man. Just know that I don't have any evil intention' Nichkhun replied as he took the potato on the floor, breaking the part that touched the floor and throwing it off, 'If anything happens to the girls, you will be dead..' Changmin could not finish his sentence when Victoria and Tiffany entered the house. 'Haha, oh hey Tiffany meet Nichkhun, he will be here for a while.' Nichkhun smiles at Tiffany as he offers his hand forward, Tiffany dazed by Nichkhun's looks took a while to respond to the handshake. 'Umm… Hi,…am..Tif..Tiffa..Tiffany.' Tiffany stuttered before running upstairs, Victoria and Nichkhun was just as confused before bursting out into laughter. 'Hey Victoria, I am tired, can you show me my room?' Nichkhun asked as he picked up his bag 'Oh sure thing! My mother prepared a room ever since we moved in and it is for you…' Victoria opened the red door revealing a simple room with a bed and a closet, 'Wow… your mother sure prepared lots for the room…' Nichkhun replied as he walked in the room. 'If you need the toilet, it is at the end of the hallway, Changmin will be in the next room so find him whenever you need help' Victoria smiled before leaving Nichkhun to himself, 'I better unpack first, I don't have much here anyways.'

Back in 2013

'Nichkhun, this is the targets you have to kill when you get there in 2066. Firstly, Taecyeon he is the henchmen for the Red Diamond, kill him first and your job will be much easier. Secondly, Krystal, she maybe a cutie but she holds all the information on the Red Diamond's activities from now till then. Lastly, the mastermind, Choi Minho, kill him and Red Diamond will just collapse. Get information on their plan to takeover the country and bring it back, only then can we expose their crimes in this time period before it is too late. Failure is not an option! Am I clear?' Vicky leaned forward and looked at Nichkhun, 'Okay… Where is the time traveling machine?' Vicky walked over to a corner of the room where a door is, ' Just behind this door, the machine would be there. But you can't see it just yet. Now I need to test your skills, get this target.' Vicky walked over to her table and passed Nichkhun a file. 'The Prime Minister?! You want me to kill Yunho now?!' Nichkhun exclaimed as soon as he saw the picture. 'What's wrong? You can't do it? Remember, after all this is over, you will gain access to the time machine and it will be yours' Nichkhun was just tempted by the time machine and knew whatever he is going to do is for the good of the country.

'Nichkhun are you in yet?' Vicky's voice sounded through the earpiece Nichkhun had attached to his ear. 'Yeah, is it the room ahead?' Nichkhun stayed in the vent as he looked around for guards, 'Yeah if our intel isn't wrong, remember your intel properly, it will be all there in 2066, remember them, make sure you don't forget!' Vicky reminded Nichkhun of anything she had to whenever she had a chance. 'Alright Vicky, you have reminded me numerous times. Okay I am in, going in for the kill now.' 

Nichkhun approached his target as he silently took out his dagger, 'Sorry sir, but you need to die, you have sinned too much.' Nichkhun held on to YunHo's shirt before swinging the blade down, Yunho immediately showed signs of agony and pain on his face as he grabbed the assassin's hands 'Why are you doing this? You are going to regret all your actions!' Yunho used his last breath to fill Nichkhun with guilt before pressing the alarm under the bed. 'Oh ! Nichkhun get out of there! Don't take the same way out, try get to the ceiling first!' Vicky's voice boomed through the earpiece as Nichkhun jumped through the window, crashing through the glass and landing on the grass one floor below. 'Ouchhhh' Nichkhun groaned as he rolled around, 'Nichkhun! Enough of groaning! Get out of there now!' Vicky's order made Nichkhun come back to his senses as he continued to run across the big front yard, 'Stop! Don't move!!' A voice boomed from the mansion behind before a gunshot was heard. Nichkhun who was running away suddenly felt the bullet flew pass him, stopping in his track he turned around only to see a guy with a gun pointed at him at the front door of the mansion.

'Why did you kill my brother?! Why!!!' Taecyeon shouted before he fired two more shots at Nichkhun, that made him turn and run away. Taecyeon, determined to stop the assassin, fired another two more shots after a good aim. The first shot missing Nichkhun by a little, and the second shot hitting the assassin in the left shoulder. Taecyeon, seeing that he succeeded ran towards Nichkhun who was now on the floor.

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