Chapter 3

The Unheard


Many thoughts flowed through my mind . Why did a young 18 year old want a weak thin slave like me ? I can't even lift up a boulder . I'll be so useless he'll sell me back to the slave market just like the 5th slave owner. 
I was resold back into the market because I was too weak . I was lucky he didn't whip me before bringing me back to the slave market. Slaves with no cuts or bruises sells better than the ones who have cuts and bruises.
And for the sick slaves no one buys them they get separated into a different cage . I just don't even want to say what they do to them... 
" We have arrived home ,Master." 
Kim stopped the carriage .  
Baekhyun stepped out of the carriage and walked over to the cart where I was sitting at ." Follow me ." he turned back facing me and walked slowly ahead. I quickly got off the cart and followed him behind . I walked slowly behind him trying to avoid walking ahead of him. Baekhyun suddenly stopped standing still as he turned facing me.
 " You know you can walk by my side."
" ..Uh-wha?..." I was surprised. My past slave owners never let us walk by their side or infront we would get whipped 16 times.. 
" ..." Baekhyun titled his head looking at me.
Great.. with that expression it looks like I'm returning back to the market any second now..
" Come.." He said after a long awkward silence.
Finally we got to a big house a big house where rich people can only afford. Every where was pretty much clean. The house was on top of a slightly tall hill. I could see a few slaves working in the huge field. 
The door opens." Welcome back , Master !" A pretty girl greeted with a big smile on her face. Until her eyes shifted over to me that smile faded. I saw a strange spark of hatred?jealously? disgust? I couldn't tell.
Baekhyun walked in the house with me following him.
" Shall I call the master?" She asked Baekhyun .
" Yes." 
She walked off in a different room within seconds a man came in the room. 
" Who did you chose for your 18th birthday present?" The man smiled at his son.
" Her." Baekhyun said pointing at me.
Wait...I'm his birthday present ? I don't understand ..what in the world is going on? 
The man who I'm assuming to be Baekhyun's father look at me with a disappointed face.  I flinched feeling eyes on me.
There stood a weak dirtied face girl with tattered muddy cloths in front of him who probably would die anyways ..I'm sure that's what he is thinking right now .
" When I said you can get a slave for your 18th birthday ..I didn't mean get a small weak slave.." Mr. Byun shook his head. " Return her back and get a stronger slave."
" said I can get any slave I want it doesn't matter who, are you breaking your promise?" Baekhyun said. 
"..But son..what if she doesn't live long that'll be a waste of money.." 
"She's looks fine to me." Baekhyun glanced at me. 
"..Fine.." Baekhyun's father said not looking happy.
" You'll be staying here ." The maid said opening the door . It was a room in the house. Yes you heard in the house.
I couldn't believe it , the first time in my life staying in the same house as my owner..
The girl handed me the clothes Baekhyun got for me earlier. 
" The young master told you to clean up and come help in the kitchen ." She said.
I looked in the room seeing two empty beds which confused me .. What don't tell me this is Baekhyun's room...
" Oh I almost forgot , you'll be sharing a room with another slave because we don't have a spare room for you." The maid said. " And the young Master said no close contact , understood ?" 
" Yes." 
" Now go clean up ." She said before closing the door leaving me.
No close contact ?.. That's means its a boy who's sharing a room with me?.. I hope he isn't creepy...or I'll have a hard time living here forever...
I filled the tub with water. I stripped of my tattered clothes and slipped in the porcelain tub. 
Ahh.. feels so nice ..I haven't taken a proper bath since for ever ..  
I splashed my face with water and washed the dried dirt off my face. I continued to clean the rest of my body and got out and put on the aqua blue dress with the white socks and the black shoes Baekhyun bought me.
I stepped out the the room and walked to the kitchen . I saw a few maids working , making some kind of bread or sweets and a boy around the age of Baekhyun was cooking
some kind of foreign food .
The kitchen smell like a fresh baked sweet bread that made my mouth watered.
" Oh your here. Help him cook." The maid who talked to me earlier said.
I walked over next to the boy " Need any help?" 
"..No I'm -" his eyes widen as he turned to look at me.
" What's  wrong ?" 
" Y-your Master Baekhyun's new one?" 
" ...Yeah I think.."
" I'm D.O.." He blushed. " C-call me D.O."
" D.O.. that's a nice name." I said.
"..Ah Thankyou ." He said shyly .
Why is he acting all shyly all of the sudden?
" Chop these for me.." He said still blushing. He handed me some tomatoes. He walked to a covered board and brought back a cutting board and a knife . " You know how to cut?"
" Yes." 
I started cutting the tomatoes in to tiny pieces. The two girls were busy gossiping about some thing I don't even know about and D.O was cutting garlic quietly. 
" So...What's your name ?" D.O finally said after a while of awkward silence .
"..Starlight ..." I said. Before my mom left Shen told me why she called me Starlight. I was a star that came from the sky and saved her.. 
" That's a really pretty name . It matches you." D.O smiled.
" Where were you before here?" He asked.
" ..To be honest .. I'm not sure just a few miles from here..." 
"A few miles ? That's a lot ." D.O said. " 
" Yeah." I said. " What about you ?"
" I used to be .." D.O looked around before continuing . " Mr. Byun's older brother's slave before ..he died.." He whispered the last two words . " I've always lived here.."
" ..How's life been so far for you?." 
" .. There were good and  bad times." D.O said. 
" Master Baekhyun requested a coffee." The same girl earlier who opened the door for Baekhyun and me . She stood next to the door .
" Jenny make coffee for Master Baekhyun ." The older maid said.
" Yes ,Rin." The younger girl said getting a pot .
The girl gave me a look before she walked away back to the other room. I wanted to punch off her face that look she made. 
" That was Jessica .." D.O said. 
"..Oh." I said. I didn't care about knowing more about her. 
" She's the big Master's (Baekhyun's dad)  ..personal slave.." D.O said .
" .Oh.." 
Just thinking about that makes me want to vomit all over this house.. The man with that girl who's around my age could this get much worse?.. 
" Becareful around her she thinks she's all almighty and behaves like that." D.O said. 
" Once you say something wrong she'll act all that." D.O said cutting tomatoes. 
I washed and wiped my hands on a towel and walked back to D.O.
" Need anything else ?" 
" No. You can go explore now ,but don't go to far ." D.O smiled. 
" ..You." Jessica called me.
I turned around facing her.
" Master Baekhyun wants you to bring him coffee ." She said then mumbled something and walked away
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Chapter 2: When you will update, authornim ??