
The Unheard


"Hurry up you !" The slave hunter whipped a group of new new capture slaves.
Cries and screams were heard from far ahead.
"N-No please let us go!" A girl screamed  with tears streaming down her dirty muddy face.
"..What did you just say !" The slave hunter turned towards her..
I closed my eyes turning away already knowing what's going to happen. The scene that's happing now has always played its self over again...
"AH!" The girl screamed. I heard the slash of blood echo into the opening..
I pressed my ears shut not wanting to hear any more innocent cries of the forgotten children. 
The children eyes covered in permanent scars that will never fade away . The blood they shed day by day  never ending . Cries they make will never be heard .. prayers never answered..When will this horrible fate end?...
" Go you fool!" The slave hunter threw the small group and  little children and a teen boy into the cage where I sat in the corner knees up to my chest. I stared at the dark eyes of all .. some showed hatred in there eyes ,some showed sadness . Many of them have cuts and scars .
I shut my eyes tight and  leaned back on to the cage, but no tears came.. all the tears that had escaped my eyes had no more left...
" Stop crying you idiots!" The slave hunter took a whip at the cage. That even made them cry more...
" Shut up before I  burn you up in a fire !" The other slave hunter yelled with a thick disgusting voice that made me want to vomit .
The small children quickly tried to cover their voices with there mouths to avoid making noises.
"Who did that!" The slave hunter smacked the  large metal bars.
They looked over straight through the tiny groups of small children . Seeing a little tiny 7 year old girl crying , It angered the slave hunter. He came and dragged out the little tiny girl and threw her into the dirt ground.
" Do you want to die!" He shouted with big chunks of tobaccos leaves flying her.
" N-no .. I want to go home - to see my mommy!." The 7 year old said with a shaking voice.
" Your mom is dead!" He shouted in her ear.
"..No mommy is not .." She cried burying her face into her tiny hands.
" Give me the whip! This little snot doesn't know know her place!" He spat at the ground.
A small boy quickly ran and gave him a whip.
" Let see .. how many whips shall I give you?" He said walking around her in circles.
She cried. " Please don't hit me ! I'll be a good girl!" 
" To late you fool!" He shouted.
He rises his long whip getting ready give her a hard whip.
"Wait !" The other slave hunter said.
"For what!" He shouted frustrated.
"Let's sell her to the brothels , She'll make good money." The hunter said.
"... " He takes a good look at her.
" .. Yeah.. Not bad.."
His disgusting words angered me. I wanted to take a knife stab it into his soul killing him two times. 
"I'll come visit you when your older ." He smirked.
I covered my ears not wanting to hear those scaring words that replayed its self over these years.
"HAHA!" His ugly voice echoed in our ears.
They dragged her off into a different cage in another cart. Her scream fading off .
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Chapter 2: When you will update, authornim ??