Chapter 2

The Unheard


" Come on!" The hunter shouted. 
The hunters whipped their horses and they moved forward.
They were taking us to the slave market in town were they alway take slaves.. I've been there over many years .. 8 years maybe? It's been so long I lost count . I've been a slave for over 13 years now. I was capture when I was only 6 years old . My first job as a slave was to dig graves for the forgotten . The first time I dug holes for the cold lifeless bodies I was so afraid I couldn't forget the faces of haunted me everyday of my life . I can't forget those dark memories . 
Wandering how I end up here in the slave going to the slave market again? My first master - the slave owner bought me as a maid to cook for his house hold children. He died of old age his family was captured as slaves as well owing  large debts . The 2nd slave owner was killed by his own slaves for being too abusive and of course I didn't take part in that I was only 11 . And so on the list goes on , I had about 9 slave owners so far in my life .
For the slaves who weren't bought for 4 years gets killed . They say no one wants us why should we live in this world. Then slash us with a large sword stabbing into our souls.
I remember those days it happens once a year.. once a year about 50 cries of innocent people are heard echoing in the town square.
" Slaves!"
By the sounds of that we were in town.
"Come buy slaves!"
The slave hunters opened the cages and dragged out all of us and whipping the ones who reject.
The first slave to offer was a thin fragile woman. " Who wants this?" The slave seller asked.
His rude words makes me want to punch his rotten face. He thinks of us as objects not human..
No one raised their hands.
" She's too weak and thin." One person said.
" She'll die anyways .. Look at  her , how thin she is ." Another said.
The slave hunters looked at her .
The hunter walked towards her . 
" You disgrace!" He slapped her in the face.
They dragged her away . She kicked and scream but they ignored her. They threw her in the empty cage where they always throw the unwanted . She's been here for 4 years already that means she'll be killed at the end of the day .
" Next !" The seller said.
The slave hunter pushed me into the small stage.
"Who wants this ?" The man shouted pointing at me. 
A man with a nasty smirk rises his hands eyeing me . " 100."
I'd rather die than go with him ..
" Anyone else?" The seller shouted.
A young boy raised his hand , he stared right straight into my eyes.
" Oh?.." The man stared at the young boy . " How much?"
" 400" The boy said not losing eye contact with the seller.
The seller looked shocked. "400?"
" should consider it again... she's just a weak young girl.." The man standing be side him said.
" No.." The boy said. " I want her ." He pointed at me.
" B-but mast-" the man got cut off.
"Didn't you hear me?" The young man sent a death glare towards him.
"..Uh..What is your name?" The seller said. 
The boy didn't even hesitate saying his name . "...My name is Byun Baekhyun ." 
"You are  Mr . Byun's son?" The seller asked .
" Yes." 
" We'll then I'll give you a special treatment , I'll lower the price to 300." The seller said.
" Thankyou." 
"We'll then.." The seller scribbled down something on the paper. " You can take your slave now. The slave seller smacked a stamp on to the paper.
" Kim.. Go bring her to the cart." Baekhyun said . His glanced at me before walking off to his carriage .
"Yes,Master." The man that was standing next to him said .
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Chapter 2: When you will update, authornim ??