Just Married

Just Married

The wind was light and sent the smell of spring though out the room. Spring. The season of rebirth, life… and once again he would be alone watching the animals frolicking and people on the streets sneezing with hay fever. Chanyeol shuffled through the hotel room groggily  having just awoken from sleep; his hair poking out in all sorts of unusual directions. With a loud yawn he dragged his fingers through the unruly mop on his head. There we go. No need to use that comb now. The tall man bent down and picked up a shirt lying in the middle of the room beside a pair of underpants. He sniffed the shirt. Alcohol. Nothing a bit of cologne won’t cover. Finally the Gucci fragrance Tao gave him would be put to good use. The cologne was sprayed. The is that?! Chanyeol glared down at his shirt. S…Strawberries? He glanced at the bottle and then mentally slapped himself. Yep, that would be right. He mistook the air freshener for cologne. With a sense of discomfort he tugged the shirt on and pulled off his pyjama botoms, replacing them with some worn out pair of jeans before tiredly walking to the bathroom. A splash of cold water would certainly wake him up. 


A scream echoed through out the hotel as his hands met the hot water protruding from the tap. NOPE! NOPE! This was not his morning. A grumble escaped him and he nursed his tortured hands under some cold water. If one more thing went wrong, Chanyeol would flip!

"Yo y dude, pick up the phone~~"

Chanyeol froze. Oh god. Kris had once again set the phone ring tone to his voice. He frowned and shuffled back to the room to pick up the phone.

"Hey man!" came an excited voice over the phone.
"Umm… Hey Luhan… What’s up?"
The phone made a weird crackling, scratching sound as it was taken from Luhan. Chanyeol could just make out an argument in the background before an all too familiar voice spoke.
"Hello Chanyeol."
"Oh hey Kris."
"Crazy night last night man! You completely certain you weren’t on drugs?" Laughter erupted in the background. Origin? Sehun.
"Haha very funny." Chanyeol replied monotonously. "I don’t remember a bloody thing and I feel like ."
"I’m not surprised!" Kai yelled. The phone had obviously been switched to speaker. "How’s Baekhyun?"

Chanyeol was confused. Wasn’t Baekhyun with them? He walked around the whole hotel room before finding the smaller man facedown in the bathtub. Oh god…

"I’ll have to call you guys later. And Kris… you and your ringtones." He hung up just as Kris yelled out ‘you love it’.

Now he really wasn’t in a good mood. His head was pounding, he smelt like strawberries, his hands hurt… and now there was an unconscious Baekhyun dressed as a bacon strip in the bathtub. Yes Kris, it had certainly been a crazy night… Chanyeol was not impressed. He forcefully shook the bacon strip hoping to wake him. It took a lot of energy and effort but eventually the stubborn slice of pig meat woke up to the horror that was Chanyeol’s morning face. The shorter of the two looked up completely confused before proceeding to glance around the room. Why wasn’t he in the dorm. Why was he in a hotel room, or rather … Why was he in a bathtub? And why did his hurt so much? He touched it and pulled out a thumb tack from his cheek. That would be right…  Gingerly he got up and stepped out of the bathtub, lurching forward as he did. HOLY CRAP HOW MUCH DID I DRINK?! He screamed in his head. Baekhyun finally straightened himself and stood before Chanyeol in all his greasy bacon glory.

"You look like a complete ." Chanyeol stated nonchalantly.
"I was going more for the bacon look but that is close enough I suppose."

The two stood awkwardly in the room before Chanyeol walked out and grabbed his coat. He pulled it on and glanced in the mirror making a face of utter disgust.

"Where are we?"
"Hotel room…"

Baekhyun looked around and waddled over to the window, looking out over the city.

"It looks expensive…"

Chanyeol grumbled and grabbed Baekhyun’s hand. He led them down the hallway and into the elevator where they garnered a curious look from the little woman who cleaned the hotel rooms. For a while Chanyeol was silent, however the lady’s ceaseless staring was throwing him off.

"It was a crazy night last night…" He muttered.
" Oh.. I know.The lady replied knowingly.causing Chanyeol to double take as she walked out of the elevator, humming to herself. The two men walked into the foyer where many employees were watching and whispering. The shorter man was not comfortable with this… and the bacon suit didn’t make it better. Something obviously happened that neither of them remembered. Quickly they rushed out and back to the dorm where Kris greeted them with a smirk as they entered. Chanyeol was fuming by now. He was ready to snap at any moment.

"Hey Baekhyun! How was it?" Kai called out from his place on the couch, peeking over a book.
"How was what?"
"Last night! You all went out drinking whilst I stayed here chillaxing with Kyungsoo. Chanyeol why do you smell like strawberries?"
"Oh…" The eyeliner loving bacon strip blinked a few times as he tried his best to remember what happened. "Why is it that everyone, but Chanyeol and I, remembers what happened last night?"

Laughter erupted from everyone as Baekhyun stamped his feet and looked over at Chanyeol for help. Kris stepped into the room again, this time holding out a photo to the two confused men.

~*~JUST MARRIED~*~ It read with a photo of Chanyeol dressed as a fried egg and Baekhyun in the bacon get up that he was still wearing. WHAT?! Baekhyun snatched the photo from Kris’ hands and stared at it in utter disbelief. They were married… Whilst drunk? Chanyeol facepalmed and shook his head. This was the last thing he would have expected. Sehun sat on the couch with his signature judging smirk as he watched the two mentally punch themselves. It was fun to watch. A whimper escaped Baekhyun. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen! He was supposed to get married on a beach with the sunsetting and ponies around him and Chanyeol. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Oi… Baekhyun… It is fine we can get it annulled." Chanyeol suggested as the watched the tear fall. "You don’t have to marry me."
"What?! No!!"
"You want to be married to me in a bacon suit? You know you could have told me instead of doing it whilst drunk…"
"No! I mean…" He grew red in the cheeks. "Don’t worry…"
"I wasn’t." With that Chanyeol stormed off to his room.

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Dinolovehappyvirus26 #1
Chapter 1: OMG WHY ARE YOU SO CRUEL TO ME? XD It's okay, I will write that sequel soon ;) <3