Chapter 5

Star Dust

After the talk with my uncle about the room, we ate dinner together. It was a new experience, it made me uncomfortable of course but I enjoyed the company more than the food. Even if all the foods were my favorite, I was craving the conversations more than ever. After dinner I began unpacking all my stuff in my room but was instantly distracted by what I saw outside. It was night time and there were so many stars up in the sky. That big black of night speckled with multiple stars, it was so beautiful and breathtaking. I went onto my balcony and I gazed up at them, my eyes looking up at wonder and a wide smile playing on my lips.

I didn't get that much sleep that night, far too distracted by unpacking all my belongings and gazing up at the starry night. I woke up confused and bewildered as I found myself in a different room, then it hit me that I wasn't dreaming after all. I was actually now living in this small and quaint village that was blessed with such a beautiful night. Sitting up on my bed I ruffled my hair and realized it was now Sunday, school was tomorrow. I didn't know how I felt about going to a new school. I was more afraid than ever really. Not because I was a new student, I was afraid that my new classmates might find out about my homouality and torment me to no end. And I just can't satisfy bullies anymore and break down and cry. My pride was far more important than mercy.
"Luhan are you awake?" I heard my aunt's sweet voice and a knock on my door and I called for her to come in. That gentle smile always on her face. My eyes widnened when I saw her holding a tray which I was guessing was breakfast. Kris dd that sometimes but it felt even more special when it was coming from someone who wasn't paid to do so. I felt her place the tray on my lap and sit beside me on my bed, smoothing out my bed head. I wasn't used to such touching and usually I hated it when people touched me. I tensed up when she pushed my hair back but then began to relax. I should'nt act this way to someone so kind and caring, I'll only let her and uncle touch me in such a caring way.
"Your uncle is at work right now and I have to tend to my bakery. Since school is tomorrow why don't you use this day to go have some fun? Explore the town, discover new things, and just enjoy yourself."
"I can help you with the bakery auntie."
"You'll have plenty of times to help me. Go have fun okay?"
And with one more of my hair, she left my room and ventured downstairs to the bakery. I sat there thinking to myself and wondering one thing. How do I enjoy myself and have fun? I know it may sound stupid but I've never experienced having fun and enjoying myself. Back when my parents were alive I usually studied and read and write and daydream. I didn't really go out much like the other kids and go karaoking because I didn't have any friends to go with. I didn't really think about my social life and only focused on what I was supposed to do.
After eating the breakfast I got dressed and decided to do what my aunt told me. I was going to explore the town and see what I can find. Maybe some hidden jewels and maybe a place to hang out, also to get used to the different environment I was in. Might as well start now. I wore my usual casual clothes consisting of a graphic t shirt, a jacket, a pair of jeans, and my sneakers. Also one of my favorite beanies and I after I brushed my teeth, I was ready to go. Before I left my room I grabbed the tray that my aunt gave me and my backpack which contained my camera, a sketchbook, notebook, and a few books, then went downstairs to the kitchen to clean  the plates, making sure everything was clean. I didn't exactly have all my stuff unpacked but today was a day for me to enjoy myself.
I traveled down the other set of stairs and found myself now in the back room of the bakery. Before I made my way out the bakery my aunt gave me a few pastries to take with me in case I get hungry. Shoving them into my backpack I was off onto my little adventure. To explore this small village and to get used to where I was living now.
As I walked down the small streets of the village as I held my camera in my hands, I couldn't help but think about school. I was going to enter a new school towards the end of the second semester. Usually new students were rare and I kept wondering how it was going to be like, especially compared to the big city school I went to. How were the people like? How were they going to react when they see me? I usually didn't think these things because I never moved ever in my life. I took steady steps past a few people and looked around the various shops. There were clothes stores, antique stores, and other stores which I have never seen before. I walked around aimlessly and took a lot of photos the whole way. I found a park with rusty swing sets and old playgrounds, but the children enjoyed them even if they were old and rusting away. People flew kites and everyone seemed to enjoying themselves. I didn't feel awkward because I saw a few people just alone and reading. It felt nice, to put it in simpler terms. 
Then I got to the part I was excited about, the beach. It was a rather chilly day despite the days counting down towards summer. It was all thanks to the ocean breeze and I enjoyed it a lot. I really can't stand being hot. I walked towards the sand and peeled my shoes and socks off. I stepped on the sand and enjoyed the grains getting in between my toes. I really was enjoying myself and it felt like an amazing breath of fresh air. I made a track of footprints on the sand and towards the ocean. I was craving to feel that cold salty water against my skin. Before I dipped my feet into the water I rolled up my pants and allowed the water to come to feel. I couldn't help but smile as I felt the water sink my feet in and I felt relaxed. I raised my camera up and took snaps of the oceans and the sunset. 
I knew I couldn't stay on the beach forever, I sat on the sand and wrote a bit, sketched a bit, and read a bit. Then I walked off the sand, made sure I was dry and placed my sneakers back on, not really minding my pants folded up still. I was on an adventure and I didn't have time to care about my pants. Standing on the pavement  I looked around and my eyes instantly caught something. A pier. It wasn't like any regular pier, there was stuff going on the pier. There was a Ferris wheel and different stands and tents set up. My curiosity dragged me to it and I faced the chaos that was happening on the pier. There were multiple people scurrying around, carrying items, there were stands being set up and people working. What was going on?
I stood there with curious eyes, not minding the curious eyes that saw me just standing there and staring. There was so much raucous going on in this small village and I was so confused as to what was happening. The noises were rather unpleasant to me so I placed some earbuds into my ear and hooked it to my mp3. Music now bllaring into my ears. After awhile of just staring at what was happening, I gave up on trying to figure out what was happening. Instead I raised my camera up and was ready to take a photo of all of it.
Suddenly like a flash I clicked the button but something interrupted my photo. Well more like someone. I was confused as I saw the picture on my screen. The picture showed some random guy smiling big in front of the complete chaos. Who the hell is this person? I zoomed into the picture and wondering who this person was. It was some guy with dark brown hair and rather nice features. I had to admit this guy was gorgeous. There was a sudden tap on my shoulder and I looked up and the guy who was in my photo was here standing in font of me. Taller than me, only wearing a t shirt, and wow did he have a nice smile. The guy's lips were moving but I didn't hear anything, until he reached out and pulled my headphones out.
"Well hey there." I didn't know what to say as I heard his voice. He was talking to me right? I stared at him wide eyed, my cheeks getting red for some reason. He waved a hand in front of my face and I heard his melodic laughter. "Are you okay? Do you need help?"
"U-Uh yes...Sorry I'm fine. I mean no...No I don't need any help. Hello." I awkwardly stuttered and just wanted to go crawl into a hole as he seemed amused at how I talked. , don't laugh at me. I clutched onto my camera and turned my head away, I didn't want to look at him straight in the eyes. His eyes looked at me, he was so amused as he leaned in to take a closer look at my face. I felt so uncomfortable and I just wanted to push him away. I suddenly felt a poke on my cheek and he was looking at me so closely.
"Cute..." He simply said and I felt my face get even hotter. I scoffed and back away from him as he smiled some more at me. He was toying with me. I rubbed my cheek and looked away again.
"Who do you think you are to poke me?" I said a bit shakingly as I looked up at him.
"Kitty has claws. Makes everything so much cuter."
"S-Stop! I'm not a girl, and you're a guy! You shouldn't be saying such things to another male!"
"And what's the matter if I do so? Are you some homophobe?"
"What?! No!?"
"Ah so you're gay also?"
"W-What!?" I was so confused and never has someone made me so confused before. Usually I had this witty side to me but I was acting like a complete fool in front of the other. How did he know I was gay? Wait is he gay too? What's happening? 
"You look like some deer in the headlights." He spoke with such a calm tone and here was I confused as . This guy was toying with my mind and he was doing a damn good job at it. I became flustered and it showed on my face. I began softly speaking profanities in Chinese, so he wouldn't hear. "Oh! You're Chinese? It's not nice to swear you know." He wagged his finger at me and I swear my mind exploded at the moment. How did he know what I was saying? Good gosh what was happening. I stared at him, no words coming out of my lips. Suddenly he was thinking to himself and then he snapped his fingers. "Xiao Lu, that's what I'll call you."
"L-Little deer!?" I almost yelped as I looked at this male who  a utterly making me go insane. All he did was smile and laugh as he nodded his head, liking the new nickname he suddenly gave me. Never in my life did I allow someone to give me a nickname. Even when Tao first called me Luhannie I kicked that in the balls.
"Well Xiao Lu I have to go now. May our paths be crossed again in the future. And you seem new to the village, welcome." And with that he began walking towards the crowd of people and the stands being set up.
"W-Wait! What's going on here!?" I asked before he left me. He turned around and smiled at me, a smile even brighter than before. There was something light and airy about the way he moved with his hands in his pockets. But his moves were also so animated and he was just quite the character.
"Wait for summer Xiao Lu and come back here and I'll tell you." And with that he left me, standing there more confused than ever. Usually I would start yelling at him for giving me such a nickname. And I didn't even know his name at all. This village really was blowing my mind away. Was everybody here as weird as him? If so I don't think I can handle that. I suddenly felt exhausted from talking to that male and decided to go back home as I ate the pastries. I had too much adventure in one day and now I just want to sleep.
I wasn't even able to discover half of the village thanks to that guy taking away all my energy. He left me confused and frustrated and now I kinda knew why I didn't socialize a lot. I entered the bakery and smiled instantly as I saw my aunt standing ther. She asked me how it was and I said it was fine then retreated upstairs, seeing my uncle there reading a newspapers as he sat on the couch.
"Hey Luhan."
"Uncle what's happening at the pier?" Instead of waiting for that guy to tell me might as well ask my own uncle.
"Oh! Every summer there's a famous two week festival that's placed on the pier. The Festival Of The Stars. It's a big thing here and a lot of tourists come to see what it's all about."
"Festival Of The Stars? Uncle, seriously, what's the big deal about stars around here? First the room, the stars at night, and now the festival?" I asked wondering why stars were beginning to revolve around my life. My uncle laughed and placed down his newspaper.
"Let me enlighten you Luhan about this village. There's this famous legend that has stuck to this village since the start of time. Way long ago there were two celestial beings that both created the earth. They were lovers and both created things that complimented eachother. Like the moon and the ocean, how the ocean pulls and pushes the tides. They created a house where the village now sits on for themselves, to love eachother in their own getaway. One of the lovers wanted to show how much he loved her, so he created the many stars that are now up in the sky above this village. With the creation of the stars, stardust was shaken off the stars and created human life. The lovers knew they didn't belong with the humans on earth so they escaped to the skies above the village and became stars themselves. Some of their stardust creating a human who then resided in the village and helped it prosper. This legend may be true or not, but it's what this village is built off of. It makes this village even more special than the others. The Festival Of The Stars happening during the summer because that's when you can see the two brightest stars in the sky next to eachother, which is said to be the celestial beings. The festival is dedicated to their love and the creation of the village."
I listened to the story and couldn't help but be blown away even more. The legend was interesting and something I have never heard before in my life. To think that two celestial beings would give up their place on earth for the humans to live. All I could do was thank my uncle and venture upstairs to my bedroom. Once I got to my bedroom I got into my sleeping clothes and couldn't help but think about the legend and if it was true or not. Despite if it was true or not, it made this village feel even more special. It wasn't like Seoul, it wasn't just there. There was legend behind it and it gave this small fishermen village so much character.
I traveled to my balcony to witness the bright stars up in the sky as I held my camera in my hands. School was tomorrow and I wasn't prepared for it but I had no choice but to go. I looked through the photos I took, my smile planted on my face as I did so. Then I suddenly got to that picture of that guy. I stared at it as I leaned against the railing. I just stared at it, seeing the happiness in his face and the way his eyes squinted a bit when he smiled so big. How his hair was kind of in his face, just remembering his words were giving me a headache. But I couldn't help but to think about this interesting character I met and I decided to keep the picture. Now if only I knew his name. I looked off into the distance and I saw the pier glowing bright, now wondering if he was still there. Maybe he was working at one of the stands? He did say he would tell him once the festival starts.
But why in the hell was I replaying all his words in my head? Why in the hell was I wondering if he was still there?
Why in the hell was I smiling so much as I look at his picture and think of his words over and over again?
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loohoon1220 #1
Chapter 7: I just love your updates !
chioxxoo #2
OMG this is so good <3