Chapter 4

Star Dust

I stared at my empty house. Even if the furniture was still there, it felt empty. There was no difference really.

"Are you ready to go Luhan?"
I nodded my head and made my way out the door, never looking back at the house where I didn't even consider a home. After my uncle finding out about me in the observatory, thanks to one of the teachers calling him, it was set for me to move in with him already instead of waiting next week. Kris has already left me and I've received multiple texts from him asking if I wanted to come over. I ignored him and blocked his number, my plan was a success. My wounds were now healing and apparently the bullies at my school were dealt with. Which I doubt in all honesty. When I began packing my stuff, my uncle talk to me and wouldn't let me go until I told him everything. I hated it at first, telling him such shameful things because he wanted me to. But then I began spilling out everything like an open book and suddenly I felt a weight lifted off my shoulder. I told him everything. All my secrets and how I felt and Kris taking away my ity.
I expected uncle to see me as a completely and utter disgrace, some disgusting homo who should be wiped off the face of the earth. But he listened, hugged me tightly and began crying. I was so confused as to why he was crying, I didn't even cry when I spilled everything. And yet here was this complete stranger crying for me. Crying for the pain I've been feeling. Crying for all those time I've been lonely. It scared me and at the same time I felt relieved. I felt airy as if I was on a cloud and all my sins were lifted off of me. After the talk he fed me, cleaned my wounds and finished up packing my stuff. I felt loved for once in my life.
Now we were in his car driving off to the new place where I will be living from now on. I don't actually quite know where we were going but I knew he were now leaving Seoul. I watched the tall buildings fade away as the driving continued. I never asked where we were going because I just wanted to leave and start a new life. It was funny thinking about how negative I am all the time and now here I am wanting to start a new life. All thanks to that small glimpse of hope I saw. I leaned my head against the window and I didn't even realize a couple of hours had passed already. All I did was focus on the passing by scenery and to my uncle's whistling. And then my eyes got even wider as I witnessed such beauty.
My eyes spotted the sparkling ocean and a small quaint village up ahead. It was so different from the concrete jungle I'm so used to, my eyes were having a hard time adjusting. I saw docks and boats and small shops. I saw kids playing together and some of them fishing. There were people relaxing on the beach and there were smiles everywhere. I couldn't hear traffic and the honking of cars. I couldn't hear the loud bustling of people. Everything was so serene and...beautiful.
"Welcome home, Luhan."
Home? This was my home now? Where were the tall buildings? The heavy clouds of pollution? All I could see were blue skies and white clouds. This beautiful place can be deemed as my home now? I felt blessed but at the same time I felt weird. This place was so different from my house in Seoul, I felt like an outsider entering this village by the ocean. I watched as we passed by the shops and suddenly we stopped at one of the shops, a bakery to be exact.
"Here we are. Your new home."
"This is a bakery though uncle." I heard my uncle chuckle lightheartedly as he patted my back then pointed to the top of the bakery.
"Upstairs the bakery is where your new home is. Your aunt owns this bakery and makes the best pastries in town. I work on the docks."
I heard his explanation and found it so interesting how there was a house on top of this small and rather cute bakery. Grabbing a few of my luggages I followed my uncle into the bakery shop and my nose was instantly filled with such wonderful and sweet scents. Never have I even smelled something so delicious, even at the bakeries in Seoul. The bakery was small and decorated rather cutely. It had this airy feel to it and soft slow music filled the air. A few couches in the corner and a few tables and chairs scattered around. All in all, I was digging this place. 
"Luhan!" I heard a woman's voice and I saw a rather petite woman coming from the back room wearing a pink frilly apron. I didn't quite know who this person was but I'm guessing it was my aunt. Figuring I was right since my uncle gave her a kiss. She had her hair up in a messy bun, her hair light brown with some grey hairs. All in all she was beautiful, her body so small as if she was a doll. Her skin fair and her complexion sweet like the pastries in this bakery. Such a gorgeous woman, and when she moved the air around her felt even more light and airy. Uncle and her make a beautiful couple. Uncle was rather tall and he was handsome, some of his features I saw my mother has also. "I'm so happy to see you, I haven't seen you since you were a baby and I changed your diapers." Despite that embarrassing remark I couldn't help but laugh and smile a bit as I received a hug from her.
"It's nice to see you again Auntie." I smiled and she was suddenly pinching my cheeks and looking at me with wide eyes. Usually I would be uncomfortable with such contact but this woman was too sweet to push away.
"I'll go show Luhan his new room and maybe after we can eat dinner together." My uncle said as he went to the back room of the bakery. My aunt smiled and nodded her head as she fixed my rumpled up clothes.
"I'll go prepare dinner now. Go unpack then relax okay?" My aunt spoke with such softness and I couldn't help but smile even more. I was in a trance. Was she some kind of witch? It was unusual for me to smile a lot, especially towards strangers. I still considered my aunt and uncle strangers because I don't know much about them. Also it's been only a day and I still don't know how I feel about starting anew in this small fishermen village. But it's not like I have a choice. I couldn't possibly stay in Seoul and take care of myself. I now made my way into the back room and saw a door which my uncle opened and revealed a set of stairs. I followed him up the stairs, taking gentle steps and making sure not to drop any of my luggages. We found ourselves at another door and I watched uncle open it. I entered the unknown place and my eyes got even wider.
There was this sudden sensation entering my system that overwhelmed me, I had to take a moment to breathe a bit. It hit me so swift that it overwhelmed me and took my breathe away. Unlike my house, this one was warm and inviting, it was pleasant. A part of me felt uncomfortable being in such a different environment, I was so used to the feeling of emptiness. Now here I was standing in this small house filled with such warmness. It enveloped me and it made me incredibly uncomfortable but it also made me feel light and airy. The place was smaller than my other house but it was still open. I made my way to the living room and I looked around the place. It was fill with small items and picture frames. I knew my aunt decorated the place since the place gave off that same feel my aunt does. Warm, inviting, welcoming, this place really did resemble my aunt.
"Your bedroom is upstairs Luhan, go ahead and take a look." My uncle insisted and I nodded my head as I made my way up another flight of stairs, taking my hefty luggages with me. I found myself at a door that was painted light blue, never in my life have I seen a door like this. This whole place was so interesting and unique and now here I was standing at a light blue door. It really was different from my old house. My old house wasn't decorated in such a wacky way, it was rather plain. It was plain, plain colors, plain furniture, plain decorations. My mom was never home to ever decorate our house, so this was much of a shock to me. I took a hold of the door knob, twisted it and entered the room. It was empty but it bursts with character. To me that is.
The walls were light blue just like the doors and there were scattered painted white stars covering it. It was rather weird how stars always showed up in my life and how I have such an odd fascination with them. But my eyes instantly noticed a sliding door that led to a small balcony. Dropping all of my stuff I made my way to the door and opened it. The sun poured out and it hit my face, I took gentle steps out onto the balcony and my breath was taken away. It was facing the beautiful ocean that I came to adore so much. The fishy air wafted my nose but I didn't mind it at all. The wind dancing around me, pushing my hair back and giving my skin such a nice feeling. I hate the sun but for some reason standing there I was loving it. I was loving how the sun made the ocean look so majestic, I was loving how the sun was making me feel warm against the cold wind. There was nothing but blue skies and white clouds up above my head as I leaned against the railing. And I was smiling without even knowing, I was smiling enjoying myself. Instead of seeing cars and people in a hurry and the large buildings, I was seeing such beautiful things. And suddenly it felt as if time was slowing down.
"Sorry if the room seems a bit childish Luhan."
I was snapped out of my trance as I turned around to face my uncle who brought my other stuff to my new room. I shook my head and there was so much happiness on my face as the sun radiated.
"It's okay uncle. I actually love it, really. But can I ask you something?"
"Fire away."
"Who was this room for?..."
I immediately regretted asking that question as I saw my uncle's expression suddenly deflate. Did I do something bad? Of course I did, I could just see it in my uncle's face.
"I'm sorry uncle I did-"
"No it's fine Luhan." He shook his head and there was that warm expression on his face as always. Seeing his face like that made me less tense and I hope he wasn't angry with me.
"Your aunt and I, when we got married we moved out of Seoul and came to live here. We came here to live a simple life and raise a child of our own. After years of trying to have a child, we finally did it. This room was going to be our child's room. I decorated it with your aunt, but one day we went to the doctor and found out it was a false reading. Your aunt and I found out that we couldn't have children. Your aunt and I were devastated. We could have adopted children but after all those years of trying, your aunt gave up. We decided to stay here because we fell in love with the place. And plus we have you now Luhan and your aunt and I are more than happy to take care of you. Feed you and love you. Unpack your stuff and we'll eat dinner together, okay?"
I watched my uncle exit the room after telling me the story behind this room. And I could'nt help but cry a bit. Since when in the hell did I cry so much in just a short amount of days? I was crying because of the fact my aunt and my uncle weren't able to conceive their own child. I was crying because they said they have me now. I felt like I finally belonged, suddenly this room got even warmer and I felt at home now. I was crying because I wondered how my parents were able to have a child and never care for him while my aunt and uncle only wanted children to take care of and were never to have one. Why was life cruel? Yet sweet also? Life was bittersweet and holy was my life like a roller coaster now. I sat down on the floor next to my boxes and luggages, leaning my back against the bed frame and I continued to cry. 
I finally belonged. I'm finally home.
I never want to give up such bittersweet feelings.
"Luhan! Time to eat! I made your favorites!"
I'm home.
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loohoon1220 #1
Chapter 7: I just love your updates !
chioxxoo #2
OMG this is so good <3