Fate to Love You- Exo, SHINee and you


You are a Vampire he is a werewolf.
Two fate that are bound by invisible red threads, 
forbidden to be together but fall in love. 
You are high and mighty while he is the beggar and poor,
He is your servant and prey, you are his lady and predicator.
He is the knight and you are the princess.
Force to smile but inside you are breaking into shades,
He is push to fight while inside he is crying.
A love that is tangle in red blood, lush, bitter tear and unforgettable memories.
PIcking between friend or stranger, red or blue.
What's your decision, what will be waiting down the road.



Are their time when you wish that you were born into your friends body or become invisible?

Not all love is like finding the glass slipper and having a happily ever after with prince or is it like having one kiss from your prince and you would awake from a tiring sleep. In fairytales love is always sweet and fluffly but not all love is like that there are some love that is so rough and tough and may never ever end with a happy ever after.

In everyone there are a sort of talent that is born inside them but it depend if you can find the diamond that is hidden inside you or hide it and stain it will dirt.

Friendship may be deeper then family and you may leave your friends alone no matter what, you may cry and shout out that would hate them till the end of your life but inside you love them. 


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Angel1314 #1
Chapter 4: Your story is really interesting especially when there is exo and shinee in it:)) can't wait for ur next chapter k~ >.<