Clear Sight

Eight Years Past: Looking For An Angel
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As Ga Eul stormed out the house, Yi Jung threw his teacup against the wall. With a loud crack it disintegrated in to a thousand little pieces that landed on the floor messily.


He didn’t have time for her.


She deserved someone who had time to love her, time to take her out to dinner, help with the housework, kiss her, and tell her how amazingly beautiful she was. He no longer had time to give her everything she needed.


Since he had taken over the entire responsibility for his family’s business, he had become aware of one thing. And that was that his company was in a lot of debt. A few bad business deals, some bad investments and an embezzling employee had all taken it’s toll on the company. Every single penny he had from his pottery had had to be poured in to the business to keep it afloat.


His personal bank account had just 1940 won left in it ($1.94). And that terrified him. There hadn’t ever been a moment in his life where he had worried about money. It was always just something he had. He hadn’t been able to sleep at night. He was angry, stressed and scared; and he had taken that all out on his loyal wife.


He sat frozen at the kitchen table. The house was too quiet. Yi Jung let out an loud scream, and standing up he flipped the table. It landed on the wooden kitchen floor with an ear-splitting bang.


He slowly looked down at the wreckage of the flipped table. He hadn’t realised the tea set had still been on the table. It was now lying in pieces on the floor. The light blue cup, the purple cup and the light green cup were all included in the casualties.


The light blue cup and the purple cup had been his and Ga Eul’s. The light green was Sang Min’s. And now they where all broken.


Yi Jung kicked the fallen table. With nothing else to do, he walked over to his alcohol cabinet, and decided to drink away his worries.




Over at the hospital; the mood was much calmer, but not much happier.


‘You should sleep, you have work in the morning.’ Jan Di told her husband. Jun Pyo shook his head.


‘I’m not going to work tomorrow.’ Jun Pyo replied stonily. Jan Di sighed. She was grateful that her parents had come and picked up Jae Sun and Jae Hwa. They didn’t need to see their father like this. And she wasn’t sure she could keep her brave face on much longer.


‘Can you get some one to cover for you?’ Jan Di asked. Jun Pyo nodded.


‘They can survive with out me for a few days.’ He replied. Jan Di nodded slowly, returning her gaze to her sick child unconscious in the bed in front of them. They didn’t know how long it was going to be until her transplant. It could be a day, a week, or it could be a month.

Jan Di moved her head towards Jun Pyo, and rested on his shoulder. His arm went around her waist, and pulled her on to his lap. He tightly wrapped his arms around her, and rested his chin on her shoulder.


‘I should of noticed something sooner.’ Jun Pyo said quietly. Jan Di shook her head.

‘I’m the doctor. I’m the one who should of noticed something.’ She responded. Jun Pyo tightened his grip on his wife.


‘Don’t think that way.’ Jun Pyo responded. Jan Di sighed.


‘Then you shouldn’t think that way either.’ Jan Di replied. They both went quiet for a second.


‘Seeing Ji Hoo was a shock.’


‘That rascal shouldn’t of just turned up like that. He has the worst timing. And the little girl...Sin Joo, what was that about? Who just adopts a child with out telling anyone?’ Jun Pyo said in an annoyed tone. Jan Di shrugged.


‘Maybe it will be good for him to have some one to love; that’ll love him back unconditionally.’ Jan Di spoke.


‘But we love that rascal, and he abandoned us for the past three years.’ Jun Pyo snapped. ‘He didn’t even know which child was who! And Yi Jung, that bastard

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lanachelaisabelle #1
Chapter 11: Please update
update soon please
Lenlen13 #3
Chapter 11: Update Please!
taniahanny #4
Chapter 9: I really wait for the updates!! ASAP!;))
angelicprincess0503 #5
Chapter 9: Poor Jin Ae I hope she would be ok. LOVE THIS STORY ANYWAY ;)
PrettyInRed #6
Chapter 7: Update soon!! I wanna know what happens next!
This chapter seriously brought tears to my eyes! T.T