Ai's angel of hope


Your parents are sending you to spend the school year and summer in Korea With your Uncle for a year. You didn't want to go frist becuase you didn't know no one and two you can only speek english. So your parents send your bestfriend Akina  to go with. But with the language problem you would have to figure that one out on your own. While your mom fights cancer you meet a angle as you put it Minwoo but when things get worse for your mother he trys to help unlike your uncle who is no help at all!


"Mom but why can't I stay here please!" you beg

"No I'm sorry dear its would be easyer" She looks at you. Your dad was in a big company and your mom has cancer. The doctors are trying their best to help your mom but she is too far ahead in the process. Your mom sending you to live with your carzy uncle Mac so you don't have to see her like this but your mind is always on her.


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oh haha :) the name is okay~ more than fine xDD
Oh the name of the story it toke me a while to think of :) and i know
what name? but i REALLY love your poster. it's simple but the girl and minwoo are just soo adorable :D nice job
I thought of a name what do think about the name???<br />
I add some to it still thinking of a name<br />