Chapter 1

Stay With Me

Your POV

" Sehun ya! Wait for me! " you see your best friend Oh Sehun walking in front of you in your school corridor and you run towards him. Sehun pulls out the earphones from his ears and greet you with his sweet smile. 

" Yah! Why didnt you wait for me like you usually do? " you ask adding a pout. Sehun ruffles your hair and says " Didnt you read my text? I was going to hand in my homework I left at home yesterday. " " Ah jinja? Mian.." you reply giggling awkwardly and avoiding eye contact. Sehun senses your awkwardness and casually puts his arm around you and says " Kaja lets go to class before we're late. " You look up to him and smile.


Sehun's POV

She look's beautiful as always. Don't stare Sehun! "Sehun ah?" ______ calls out to me. " Hmm? " i pretend to just look straight while i answer her. " We passed our class. " she said. I stop and turn to look at her. " Ne?? " i say and look around. Aish Sehun! /facepalm/ "Oh oh... err lets just walk back then " i say and drop my hand off her shoulder rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.. ______ walks ahead infront of me and I follow behind quietly. Once we reach our class door she immediately turned around for some reason and we hit each other. " Ahhh~ " she rubs her head. " Gwenchana? " i ask checking her head. "Why did you stop? " i ask further. She looks up at me with a slight blush on her cheeks. I give her a questioning look. " Baekhyun ssi is inside.." she says shyly. I roll my eyes. Of course ! Who else would make ______ blush like that? It just has to be Baekhyun. I walk past her and go into class. I dont know okay ... my heart just hurts a little. I had to get away. It was bad of me to leave her right? Haih.. but still ... I turn around and see ______ walking into the class. " ______ ! Annyeong! " Baekhyun calls over to her. " Urgh... " i mumble and drop into my seat. Does he have a thing for her too? Great just great. ______ looks really happy though. I take out a book and start reading to avoid looking at the two. 


Baekhyun's POV 

_______'s close to Taeyeon right? I should try to ask her if Taeyeon likes anyone ...Aish here goes nothing! " ________ ! Annyeong! " " Oh Baekhyun ssi... ne? " she replied. " Err could i ask you something? " i ask shyly, praying she would say yes before Taeyeon comes in the class. " Oh? Bw- bw - bwondae? " she stuttered, a little surprise. She caught me a little off guard though. I hope she doesnt feel awkward or anything. Erm erm .. " It's nothing big. I just need to ask you something. " Just then Taeyeon walked in the class. Damn it! " Oh oh.. err " i fidgeted wondering what to do. " I'll talk to you after school okay? " I quickly said running to my place leaving her without a response. " Yah Oh Sehun! " i walk over to Sehun who seem's to be sleeping. I nudge him a little. I need his advice. Even though were not that close he is close to ______ and ______ is clost to Taeyeon so he could be of help. " Yaaa " i shake him.  " Bwoya? " he looks up at me irritated. What's his problem? tsk. " I need your help. " i say. " With? " he asks. I grab the seat in front of him and sit. I turned to see if Taeyeon was looking .. good thing she wasnt ... ______ was looking though. She was smiling really weirdly. Is she looking at me? Ahh ... she must like Sehun. Psht no wonder their so close. " Yah. Can you let me go back to sleep? What do you want? " Sehun distracts my thoughts. " Ani ani i need to ask you something! It'll be quick dont worry! " He nods. " Does ______ talk about me? " i ask. " Bwo??? " he hits the table and says. I flinch a little. " Yah. What's wrong with you? " i ask him. Man is this guy on PMS or what? " Wae? Do you like her? " he suddenly asks. ______ turns to look this way. I immediately cover Sehun's mouth. " Aniya ! " i quickly reject it. He pushes my hand off. " I like Taeyeon you pabo. " i say. " Taeyeon? " he says shocked. " YAH ! ' I cover his mouth again. " Can you not talk so loud! " i warn him. " ajdnaoalkma " he mumbles. I take off my hand " bwo? " i ask him. " Jinja? You like Taeyeon? " he whispers. " ne... " i rub my neck awkwardly and answer. He laughsout loud. I look at him weirdly and a little embarassed. Why is he laughing? " Wah. That's good! " he pats my back and says. What's up with him ? " So you dont like ________ but you like Taeyeon? " he asks me again. I just nodded. He laughs again. Aish Oh Sehun really ...

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Chapter 6: It's getting better, Author-nim!! :) I like it :) but pls don't repeat the exact same things, it kills the feeling, or do it the way to look like they are thinking/saying it at the same time, no need to write it down twice ;)

Chapter 2: Okay, time to comment~ ^^

It's not really a one shot if it has more than one chapters, no?

I like the storyline, it's sweet, but I'm a bit sad that the chappies are sort.

I hope you update soon ^^
