— plot lines

❤ — ( loving a doll ) ( open )



“The Selfish Doll

The doll representing greed


She was cursed due to her selfishness, she doesn’t bother to think of others, only herself. Saying ‘no’ is extremely easy when it comes to this girl, you’re hopeless when you’re beside her. She is a self-centered girl, almost conceited, but she isn’t (the only difference is that she doesn’t really care about her looks).


The Ego-filled Doll

The doll representing pride


Maybe because of pride, she was cursed. She’s a very prideful person. She hates loosing, she’s very competitive and she would do anything to bring someone down. She can even kill if she doesn’t win something. She’s very tactless and at the same time she is quite foul-mouthed.


ColoC2E0F0; #D1F0C2; #3399CC; #66CC33    

“The Lust Doll

The doll representing lust (taken)


In all honesty, she doesn’t know why she was turned into a doll. But because of her flirtatious personality, she has got herself an answer. One wink and a guy would already beg on his knees just to ask her out. She’s pretty conceited and she can always make anyone feel low about themselves.


The Lazy Doll

The doll representing sloth


Laziness. She doesn’t do anything for free, but even if you pay her, she still doesn’t do anything. There isn’t anything you an do to bribe her to at least so something. She might not have the full authority but she bosses people around, ordering them to do something for her. Yeah, she has everyone down on their knees, as if she’s the queen.


Colors: #C2E0F0; #D1F0C2; #3399CC; #66CC33   

“The Aggressive Doll

The doll representing wrath


Hot-headed, short-tempered, and a tough fighter she always brings violence everywhere she goes. She thinks that violence is the answer, if you fight, you win (and this is partially true). She doesn’t live in peace, her life is filled with danger and trouble. Bills, loans, bullies and all those crap. 


The Jealous Doll

The doll representing envy


Jealousy; this girl is always jealous. She envies many people and she envies them too easily. If she just sees something that she doesn’t have, she’ll go nuts to get that certain thing. She lifts the world on her shoulders and she always thinks that she owns everything, thus making her pretty arrogant.


ColoC2E0F0; #D1F0C2; #3399CC; #66CC33    

“The Deceitful Doll

The doll representing lies


If possible, this girl would have already turned to Pinnochio because of all the lies she has been doing. She’s a master when it comes to lying and people find it rare for her to tell a single truth. ‘Lies always get bigger and bigger’, in her case, it doesn’t, that’s how good she is at lying. 


Jack of All Trades

The doll representing your choice


You make your own doll, meaning, you decide on what your doll represents. The ones stated above cannot be used, be creative. Might as well give you points if you are creative enough.  

Examples: The Hungry Doll; The doll representing gluttony

Be creative, anyone can use this free-plot-maker. It just requires creativity! *winks*




Colors: #C2E0F0; #D1F0C2; #3399CC; #66CC33   


                      irdub                                                   v




“Author’s Notes”

Just more information, maybe.

So, the one in the plot lines, I just stated the flaws. Why? Because their flaws are the reasons of them turning into a doll. They barely show their good sides; hint, hint, hint. So when you do the app, put more of their flaws. Hence, strictly no perfect people. Put their good sides as well, okay. Either their good sides are lesser or greater, it’s all up to you. More information will given at the next chapter, the application *wink*






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chanrawr #1
Isn't this the layout of lydine's shop??
Chapter 2: I can't wait to apply sounds interesting~!
Chapter 1: oooo it keeps getting more and more interesting!!!
i can't wait to apply :D
Sounds interesting, can't wait for the app ; u ;
OMG this sounds so interesting!
I love this!!
I can't wait to apply :D
Hahah wow! You sisters are great when it comes to applyfics! Seems interesting :3
Waiting for the application~
hiinamoriamu #8
interesting, i'd apply if it's an applyfic :D
omg update sooooonnnn

this sounds interestingg ^^