


A word everyone encounters, a word that tests everybody’s courage.
The word she needs to encounter.
If she wants to succeed, she needs to be brave. 
In the middle of her quest, will she shiver because of fear? Or be determined because of bravery?
Han Yoon-Mi, an average girl who lives her life fearful; fearful of everybody, everything. Just when she’s clearing her mind up, trying to see only the positiveness of things, her family threw her out, making her move factions, her life is just becoming more and more hopeless, useless. She moved with her friend, Yura, and that is where she started her life, yet again. She was properly educated and was properly taken care of; but she never knew a certain simulation test can change her already.



“Being brave does not mean being fearless, everyone has their fears.”
-precious: So, hello! Let me do a proper introduction, my name is Rin! This is my very first Fanfiction and I do ope it appeals your taste! Lol, wanna know about me? Firstl, I am -priceless’ sister! Anyways, let me give basic information sabout the story.
Author: -priceless
Story: Dauntless 
Genre: Friendship, Romance, Mystery, Action (slight), Fluff (slight)
Rated: PG - 13
Warning: Language
Credits: Credits to almighty graphics for making the graphics, I owe you big-time! Thanks cherry1900! 
Date End: n/a


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