— rules and notes

❤ — ( loving a doll ) ( open )




You know, basic stuff



  1. Author-nim is still debating whether to join the story or not. Although, it is a 100% that co-author will.
  2. Story will be obviously AU, but that doesn’t mean that you can use idols as face-claim. Strictly Ulzzangs. It wouldn’t be OC’s anymore if we use idols as face-claim, plus idols are also part of the story
  3. Genre will mostly focus on friendship; romance is too mainstream but it would also be included in the story, along with fluff. As everyone says, a story needs to have a little bit of romance
  4. Not chosen ones would play parts as well, un subscribing isn’t a part of the rules so it isn’t my choice, but yours. Your character would still be in the story. Why? Because everyone took time for their apps and no, it won’t go to waste just because the character isn’t accepted. Examples of the roles the not chosen ones would play: girlfriends of the love interests, other dolls (depends), best friends, depends, really
  5. Another fact of the story: the dolls would just be like human dolls, but they still have their own inanimate dolls with them (replica of them, only inanimate) those dolls of theirs are the ones they would have to keep, if ever those dolls break, the characters will break as well; resulting death of a character. Though, the death of a character wouldn’t happen unless requested by an applicant.

• Author : -precious (Rin), BaByGuR (EJ)
• Chapters : 30+
• Characters : Han Seo Byul (BaByGuR)
• End date : 2014 



These are guidelines, follow



  1. Subscribe; This will serve as your updates, I wouldn’t go to your wall and tell you that we have updated, no. Up voting is optional.
  2. Ulzzangs as face-claim; No idols, please? I have my reasons, okay. Su Min is taken by my co-author. If ever I join, I am still gonna be clueless about Ulzzangs since I barely know 5+.
  3. No bashing; No bashing me, co-author, and the applicants. I can always hit you back. Although, criticism is allowed since I am an open-minded person
  4. No rushing; Me, Rin, and co-author, EJ, have lives outside AFF (studies, and other errands) 
  5. Anyone as love interests; This is AU and not a girl group. So anyone is free, actors or idols (even American idols, I couldn’t care less). Baekhyun is taken by my co-author. If ever I join, I would either pick Chanyeol (or Lee Hyun Woo and Lee Seung Gi)




Colors: #C2E0F0; #D1F0C2; #3399CC; #66CC33    




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chanrawr #1
Isn't this the layout of lydine's shop??
Chapter 2: I can't wait to apply sounds interesting~!
Chapter 1: oooo it keeps getting more and more interesting!!!
i can't wait to apply :D
Sounds interesting, can't wait for the app ; u ;
OMG this sounds so interesting!
I love this!!
I can't wait to apply :D
Hahah wow! You sisters are great when it comes to applyfics! Seems interesting :3
Waiting for the application~
hiinamoriamu #8
interesting, i'd apply if it's an applyfic :D
omg update sooooonnnn

this sounds interestingg ^^