Depressing News

Different Cultures Collide

This night is officially ruined. Summer thought to herself as she finished her food in silence.

"So...why is everyone so quiet? Its not like you guys. Especially you Sandeul." Hyosung said slowly in Korean so Summer could understand.

"Well..." Jinyoung started.

Summer huffed and snatched the tablet off the table. 

"Please don't be different because of me. Be yoursslves."

And that is when everyone became normal.

Sandeul started talking up a storm with Gongchang and Jinyoung, CNU and Hyosung started talking.

Sun Woo sat quietly next to Summer as she studied his profile. I wonder if he sings...

Summer scooted closer to Sun Woo and set the tablet in front of him. "Show me." She quietly said as he looked at her with questioning.

He flashed a giant smile at her and pulled up Youtube. "Beautiful Target." He said softly as he looked into her eyes and a song started playing.

As the song played and each member popped up in the video Summer smiled and happily pointed each one of them out.


Baro bit his lip as he watched Summer's reaction to the video. She seemed to be enjoying being able to point out every member.

When his rap came up, he got super nervous. What if she doesn't like my rapping? What if she thinks I'm a terrible rapper? 

After his part she slowly reached a hand to the tablet and paused the song. 

"Something wrong?" He asked slowly in his mother tongue. Might as well talk to her in Korean, she needs to learn right?

She shook her head with agape. She said something in English and then scrunched up her face.

"I love your voice." She said slowly.

The biggest smile appeared on his face as she turned back to the tablet and played the rest of the song. 

As Baro felt eyes on him, he looked up and saw everyone other than Summer staring at him with a giant smile. He couldn't care who was watching. His beautiful target just told him she loved his voice.


Summer watched all of their music videos as everyone cleaned up the table. When they were done they ushered her into the living room and they all stared at her expectantly.

She sighed and looked each of them in the eyes. "I love you!" She said with a giant smile.

All the guys had their own little happy dances that they did.

"Which is your favorite?" Hyosung asked in English and then translated for the guys.

Summer thought about it for a minute before she made her decision. "Tried to Walk, because I love Sun Woo's singing voice just as much as i love his rapping voice."

After Hyosung translated Sun Woo's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he thanked her.

CNU said something and Sun Woo shook his head.

"Baro wants to show you something else." Hyosung smirked at Sun Woo and motioned for him to go ahead.

"Oh! yay!" Summer hopped around in her seat and smiled. "Wait Baro?" 

"It his stage name." Hyosung explained.

"Ohhh.... Well.. Baro? Can you show me now?"

Baro sighed and breathed deep.

What came out of his mouth, Summer was NOT expecting.


Gongchan chuckled as Summer's jaw dropped the moment Baro started beatboxing. She was falling for Baro and vise versa. How can we get them together without Baro getting into trouble.

Jinyoung nudged him and motioned towards the kitchen. After Jinyoung walked away, Gongchan noticed he was the only one who was still sitting with Baro and Summer. 

Getting up quietly he followed the others into the kitchen.

As he walked in, he saw everyone standing with determined expressions.

Sandeul, who was standing there with his arms crossed and toe tapping, was the first to speak. 

"We need to get our ban lifted."


When Baro finally ran out of the energy to continue beatboxing, he noticed that Summer was the only one still in the living room with him.

"You are amazing." She slowly spoke.

He lowered his head blushing while he thanked her. 

He felt her sit closer to him. "Thank you."

Looking up, he realized he would only have to lean about three inches towards her and he could lightly touch his lips to her. "Wae?" 

She smiled. "Being nice. Sharing your..." She paused to think of the word and nodded when she remembered it. "Talents."

He laughed a little and wiped his hands on his pants when he realized they were extremely sweaty. "No problem." He said in English.

Suddenly, she was leaning in with her arms spread to the side getting ready for a hug. Oh god, shes so perfect why can't I just kiss her? What harm will that bring? 

The closer she got, the more he leaned towards her and got ready to kiss her.

I'm going to do it, It's going to happen. I am going to kiss my beautiful target.


Hyosung stood in the doorway of the kitchen with all the boys looking over her shoulder.

"He's going to kiss her! Look at his lips!" CNU said quietly.

Everyone held their breath as the scene before them seemed to be going in slowly motion.

The closer they got, the happier they got.

That was until the front door opened and B1A4's manager came in.

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I liked this :3
please update soon... looking forward to this ;-)