Chapter 2

Loving Brothers

A new day had started and Sehun finally awoken from his slumber. The royal blue curtains were pulled back, revealing nothing but a pile of snow on the windowsill. The sky was bright but dimmer than usual from winters doing. As Sehun turned to face the window he noticed a missing Luhan that usually blocked his view at every mornings sunrise. Sitting up and yawning, he glanced at the clock on the night stand beside him. 7:56am. Where could his brother be so early this morning? Slipping on his  white slippers and creeping out to the living room, he whispered softly, "Hyung...hyung!"  

The front door creaked open and in slid Luhan, dressed head to toe in a black and white tracksuit. 

                "Where'd you go?" Sehun questioned him.  

Luhan's face whitened with surprise, not expecting his brother to be up so soon. 

                "You scared me! Why are you sneaking around so early?" 

Sehun cleared his throat before continuing. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" 

               "Hmm..oh! I went for a walk, that's all. I didn't sleep well." 

That was a lie. Sehun was up for most of the night and saw his brother lying fast asleep and silently snoring.  

               "Uh you have to babysit today?"  

               "Yeah, the Wu twins are coming over again." 

The Wu family wasn't exactly rich but they had money in their pockets. The twins father, Kris, owned a popular chain of restaurants. Their mother however was a dance teacher. The twins were only 6 years of age, but were a little too smart for their own good. Both with hazel eyes and dark brown hair, these fraternal twins reminded Luhan a lot of his own self and brother, except they were girls. Luhan took the job of babysitting a few times a month, aside of his other job for food delivery.  

Sehun did whatever jobs he could do in the neighborhood for the time being, since his last job recently ended as a store clerk. Lately he'd been dog walking but was thinking about calling it quits. 

               "What time are they coming over?" 

Luhan hopped to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of milk and grabbed a muffin off the counter.                            
               "Around 3. Are you going out today?" 

               "I was thinking about going downtown for a little while..." Sehun joined him in the kitchen, grabbing the milk carton and drinking straight from it. 

               "You pig!" Luhan laughed and jabbed him in his side, making Sehun spit out his milk.  "The girls really like you! You should stay." 

               "They do? I totally ignore them for the most part..." 

               "I saw you playing with them, don't lie." 

Sehun smirked as he reached for a glass in the cupboard. "Sometimes..they're kinda funny, for their age." 

               "So stay! I don't know what to do with them all those hours." 

               "I'll think about it..." 

Luhan grabbed Sehun by the collar and pleaded, "Please? Please? Please? Please?" 

               "Alright! Alright! I'll stay! Gosh..." 



As the time neared for the twins arrival, the brothers took advantage of their time they had by watching tv and chatting.  

               "Hyung, where..." Sehun started, afraid to ask his question. "Where did you go this morning...?"  

               "Hmm?" Luhan's eyes widened, mouth full of chips, distracted by the television. 

               "Where were you this morning?" 

               "Ah...I told you." Eyes still fascinated by the tv. "I went for a walk." He turned his body and attention towards his brother. "What? Don't believe me?" 

               "No...-I mean yes! I didn't mean that, I just-" 

Luhan cut him off with a laugh. "Its okay Sehunnie!" He slapped Sehun's thigh playfully, but left his hand there. 

Sehun's eyes glazed over where his brothers hand was and felt a little uncomfortable but didn't say anything. Instead he just cleared his throat. 

               " Minseok coming for Christmas?"  

Luhan's smile turned into a frown and his face stiffened.  

               "Ah, no...I told him not to." His grin appeared again. "Let it just be family this year." Once more, Luhan played around with Sehun's thigh, caressing it almost. 

Sehun thought about it and figured that he must have been talking to him this morning. Shrugging off the idea, his eyes went back to the tv. 

A little before 3, the bell rang and outside you could hear the twins in unison echoing to the sound effects the bell made. Luhan jumped up to answer. 

The whole Wu family was at the door, all smiling happily as ever.  

               "Luhannie!" The twins screamed and tackled his legs.  

               "Hello Rachel and Renee!" Luhan hugged them. "How have you been?" 

And in synch they replied, "Good!" 

Before he could even ask another question, the two ran off to Sehun 

               "Sehunnie!" Sehun grinned and made grabbing motions with his hands. 

               "Missed me?"  


On his knees, Sehun hugged them tightly, losing his cool and calm character. 

Kris flashed his gummy smile and walked over to shake Luhan's hand. "Thanks again you guys." In went his hand in his back pocket and out came a $50 bill. Half now, half later.  

Kris' wife approached Sehun with open arms. Mimicking the children she let out a "Sehunnie!"  

Sehun got up and dusted himself off, all smiles and completing her hug. 

               "Its been a while, hasn't it?"  

               "Yeah. I've been a bit busy with classes lately and haven't got much time off. How are you two?"  

               "We're fine. Mom and dad are coming this week so yeah..." Sehun sighed, eying the carpeted floor.  

               "Ahhh..that's how I feel with the in-laws!"  

               "Amber!" Kris cut in. "Don't think I didn't hear that. Lets hurry, we're running late." he said, as he walked towards the door. 

Amber followed, giving one last goodbye to the girls. 

The room fell silent aside from the giggling coming from the Wu twins.  

               "What's so funny you two?" 

               "Nothing..." they replied. "We're just really, really happy to see you!" Rachel added. 

               "Yeah right..." Sehun said, grabbing them up to tickle them. "What do you guys want to do today?" 

               "I wanna play house!" Renee demanded. "Me too!" Rachel chimed in. 

Sehun and Luhan gave each other unsure looks. "You guys can be mommy and daddy and we can be the kids!" Their eyes lit up, sparkling with a sinister glint. 

               " would that work out? We're both boys." Sehun questioned them, his voice a little  nervous, putting the twin down. 

               "Two daddies then!" Renee exclaimed. "Mommy and daddy said they have friends that are both daddies and that's okay because they love each other." 

Sehun looked to his brother for a resolution but Luhan seemed to be going along with it. The smile never faded. In fact, it seemed to get bigger if anything. Luhan leaned into him and whispered in his ear, "Just go along with it. Nothings gonna happen." He pulled himself back. "Would my lovely daughters like something to eat?"  

               "Pizza!" said the twins. 

               "Pizza it is!" 

The Wu twins snickered as Luhan turned his attention to the phone to order the food.  

               "What are you two up to?" Sehun felt a little uneasy still. Of course he felt foolish suspecting six year olds of doing something devilish, but again they were too smart for their own good.  

               "Nothing daddy!" Rachel smiled, showing two missing teeth on the top and bottom row. "Let's play!"  

The twins pulled off their backpacks and emptied out its contents, it mainly being filled with Barbies and accessories. Sehun sighed and mumbled to himself "This is going to me a long day..." 

               "What was that daddy?" One of the twins tilted her head to hear him better. 

He shook his head lightly, pulling back his lips to reveal a small smile. 

                "Nothing, dear." He picked up one of the dolls and examined it. It reminded him of something, he just couldn't figure out what though. The hair on the doll had been cut short and her nails were attempted to be painted pink. There were markings on its arms that had been rubbed off.   

"You tried giving it a tattoo?"  

Rachel shook her head. 

                "No, she came with stuff on her and I tried taking it off." She brushed the other dolls hair with the small red plastic brush. "Hana's mom gave me that. She said her friends daughter was too old for them now, so she gave us a bunch of them." 

               "She's creepy." Renee joined them in the conversation. "But she's very nice. She's the mom of the pretty girl that mommy teaches how to dance."  

"Oh, really?" Sehun continued to turn the doll around in his hands, until Luhan's voice cut into his thoughts. He looked up. 

               "Pizza should be here soon girls!" Luhan waltzed over to the area the girls sat on the carpeted floor and joined them, sitting next to his brother. "Did I miss anything?" 

The girls gasped. "What are you doing?!" Rachel exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips. "You're supposed to greet your husband when you come home!" 

Luhan blinked his eyes in confusion, mouth forming a small 'o' as he rested his hands on his knees. After a few seconds he came back, "Ah! Sehunnie, I'm home!" He smiled widely at Sehun and gently patted his brothers back.  
               "No, no, no, no, no. This won't do." Rachel shook her head in disappointment and covered her face with her right hand. 

               "You're supposed to kiss!" Renee instructed. 
Sehun's eyes widened, his hands waving in the air protesting. "Noooo, we're brothers!" He looked to his brother for help in the resistance, but only found him looking at him calmly. 

               "Calm down." Luhan placed both of his hands at the sides of Sehun's face and pulled into him, placing his lips on Sehun's, closing his eyes as they came in contact. 

In Sehun's mind, the kiss lasted for what seemed like forever, when really it was only a few seconds. His heart pounded in his chest, afraid everyone else could hear it. This was almost as good as hearing him say "I love you", maybe even better. All Sehun knew was that he wanted more and caught himself about to pull Luhan onto him but snapped out of it as his brother pulled away. "It's just a kiss." he whispered. 

The girls gleefully cheered and awed at the twin brothers.  
               "They're in love!" One of the girls shouted.  

Sehun could feel his face starting to turn red. In order to save himself the embarrassment, he excused himself to the bathroom and didn't come back out until the pizza arrived. 





               "It's getting late, where are your parents...?" Luhan mumbled to himself, looking over at the girls falling asleep next to him on the couch. The sky outside already started turning dark and the display on the cable box only read 9:56. The phone rang, causing him to jump. He answered. "Hello?" 

               "Hey, Luhan. It's Kris. Sorry we're so late but there's major traffic on the highway and I'm not sure how much longer it'll be."  
               "'s okay! I'm just glad you two are alright." 

               "Listen, I'll pay you extra if-" 

               "It's fine!" Luhan chuckled. "We enjoy having them. It's all okay. If you want, we'll even keep them over night so you guys can rest. I know you guys are tired." 

               "Really...? I couldn't-" 

               "It's fine Kris." 

After a moment of silence Kris gave in and accepted Luhan's offer.  
               "But I'm picking them up first thing in the morning." 

               "Sure thing, Kris."  

As he hung up, Sehun came out of their room, drying his hair. Luhan grinned at him and then at the half asleep girls under the green blanket on the couch. 

"Guess whos sleeping over!"  

The girls gave out a little cheer with their voices drenched in sleepiness, their eyelids slouched over.  
               "Hyung..." Sehun creeped over and whispered in Luhan's ear. "Where are they sleeping?" 

"Well...they can have our beds of course. We have a pull-out sofa, remember?" 

Luhan gently tapped on the young ones shoulders. "Its time for you two to go to bed." He picked Rachel up and threw her over his shoulder. "Sehun, get Renee please." And as told, Sehun picked her up as well and lead her to their room. 

As they tucked the children in bed, a dark veil casted over Sehun's heart, overcome by the realization of sharing the bed with Luhan. After what happened earlier, Sehun wasn't sure what would happen.  
Sehun watched as his brother tossed aside the couch cushions and pillows and pulled out the bed they'd be sharing. 

               "Sehunnie, go get some blankets, will ya? Make yourself useful." 

As he pulled out the blankets from the small closet by their room, a small paper floated down from the top shelf. Bending down to pick it up, he realized what it was- the card he received from the psychic, Anna. "How'd this get in here...?" Without a second thought about it, he shrugged and shoved it in his back pocket as he went back to make the bed.  

"It's only 10 but why am I so tired?" Luhan yawned after flopping on the bed. "I'm never having kids, I swear." 

As Sehun slipped under the covers he noticed Luhan staring at him with a pleasant look on his face. 

               "Luhan...?" He questioned his name, while sliding away from him. 

Luhan gasped. "Sehun! You called me by my name! You never do that!" He felt his forehead with the backside of his hand. "Are you okay? Are you well?" His stomach filled with giggles that needed to be let out.  
               "Are YOU okay?" Sehun had never seen his brother act this way. He was always the more serious one out of the two and kept his calm around everyone. Luhan only got like this when he drank and there was no way he got drunk in front of the girls. 
Luhan nodded dizzily and replied, "Of course. I'm just...I'm just..." His hand traveled down to Sehun's upper thigh and rested there for a brief moment, then wrapped his arm around Sehun's waist. "I'm just very happy now." 

               " were sad?" 

Again, Luhan nodded. "For a long, long time." 

Sehun blinked, unsure if he should asked so instead he waited for his brother to say something again. 

               "All this time I couldn't have what I wanted cause I thought it was wrong...but I don't care anymore. If I want it then I'll take it. I don't care if it's wrong or right, it makes me happy..." Luhan yawned for the second time since laying down, his eyelids falling closed.  

Sehun swallowed hard, unable to move from under his brothers arm. He sighed and slowly lifted his hand up to his sleeping brothers' face. 

               "Sleep well, hyung." He whispered. "I wish I could feel that way too..." 







The boy with the red shoes' eyes lit up, as his dear friends entered the room. Only now, the one with red shoes was younger, about 7 years old. His favorite color was red, so every other thing he owned was also red. Two of his dearest friends dropped by on a play date. One was a boy with black hair, who was 10 years of age. The other was a girl with big brown eyes. She was 9.  

Red shoes' grew a smile on his pale white face. He'd recently recovered from a cold and wasn't allowed visitors until he was better. "HyungNoona!" He jumped out of his bed and ran to the bedroom door to great them with a hug. 

The boy with black hair smirked and patted Red shoes head.  
               "I'm glad to see you feeling better."  
Red shoes stood back and stared at the two with his twinkling eyes.  

               "I've missed you guys so much!" 

               "We've missed you too." Brown eyes said, pulling off her backpack. "We even brought along a bunch of games for you to play with." 

Emptying out her bag onto the floor, she sighed upon noticing an unwanted item. 

               "What's wrong, noona?" Red shoes met where her eyes landed. There was a doll that laid next to a pile of coloring pencils and markers.   

               "My stupid sister..." she mumbled. "Her and that dumb doll."  

Red Shoes picked up the item and held it in his hands. The doll seemed to be rather new. A small pink plastic shoe was missing off it's left foot, but it was still in great shape. 

               "Give me!" She snatched it out of his hand and reached over to pick up a pair of scissors. 
               "What are you-" 

Before he could even ask, she began clipping the dolls hair. It's long plastic black hair was now short and jagged. She sat down and grabbed a black permanent marker and began drawing all over the dolls body. "This outta fix her." 

The boy with black hair threw his head back, laughing at the two younger ones.  
               "Why are you laughing?" Brown eyes looked up at him, her eyes filled with anger and annoyance. 

               "I'm laughing because I find it funny. Duh." This caused Black hair to laugh even harder. Red shoes tilted his head, watching them in confusion. He shrugged, laid down on the floor and began coloring with Brown eyes colored pencils and paper as he waited for them to calm down. Humming to himself, his feet dangling in the air.


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oops..I fixed the double lines in chapter 2 ^^" sorry~


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ilabya4 #1
Chapter 1: Ooohhh they kissed aha xx like this story a lot already xD update soon <3
hunhan_chunjoe #3
Chapter 2: The kiss........./dies/
I don't advice u writing this fanfics because it's a disease XD
Keep the good work :D
EemLu_Milktea25 #4
Chapter 1: My goodness this is gonna be PERFECT! :D Good job authornim!! <3 <3
hunhan_chunjoe #5
Chapter 1: *le cries* this is perfect >.< can't wait for the drama part :D
Chapter 1: Good first chapter update soon ^-^ ~~
hunhan_chunjoe #7
Update soon XC
I will totally read this :)