Lay Imagine

Lay Imagine

Lays POV

Today, me and the rest of Exo-M had rehearsals for our upcoming comeback. I was pretty sure I was the only one excited to dance today. Luhan looked like he had gotten pummeled in his sleep, while Xiumin’s eyes were barley open. Tao and Chen were slumped against each other asleep. Kris was practically dead. I was the only one with wide bright eyes yearning to dance. When we finally arrived to the studio we were told that a new girl group was practicing just down the hallway. We were told to make an appearance and maybe offer some advice by manager hyung. As we approached the glass window showing what was going on in that dance room, my mouth dropped at the sight of this beautiful girl with bright obviously dyed orange hair. She was so focused on a particular dance move that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and bumped into another one of the girls dancing beside her. I unknowingly was staring quite hard cause all the girls turned around as Kris opened the door and bowed while throwing me a weird look. We introduced our selves as EXO but when introducing individually their leader stopped us, saying that they already knew our names as they were fans of ours. The girls stepped forward and introduced  themselves i learned that the girl with the orange hair is named Lin Bao. She was obviously chinese and so I decided to speak in say hello in chinese to her. Her eyes lit up at the fact that I talked to her. She said hello back. Sigh. Her voice is like music to my ears. Wait did Kris just invite them over tonight? Oh god no. My room is a mess they can’t see it, she can’t. Xiumin hyung must have seen the panic in my eyes, He placed his hand on the back of my neck and said to Kris “Shouldn’t we get going to rehearsals? We do have a comeback to get ready for!” Kris looked at him and nodded his head in agreement. We bowed and left. Kris staying behind to get their leaders number to tell them where our dorm was located.


We finished rehearsals and I was horrible. Luhan and Chen were surprised that I missed so many steps. I was out of it. I can’t believe I let a girl get to me like that. I mean she’s just a girl. It shouldn’t matter. 


 We got in the car and sped off to the dorm. Kris reminded us that the girls would be here in about an hour. I raced to my room scooping up all my dirty clothes on the floor. I had no idea where to put them I don’t think I’ve ever been anywhere near the laundry room. Luckily Xiumin hyung walked by and saw my dilemma. He pointed me towards the laundry room and told me to just put them in the red basket. Red. That was only a few shades off from orange. Ugh how do I get this girl out of my mind. I ran back to my room, walked past Duizhang and the rest of the guys, then ran when out of their sight. 


As I cleaned and straightened up my bed, I heard the doorbell go off, signaling that the girls were here. I fixed my beanie that I had put on because for some stupid reason i felt self conscious about my hair. Put my hoodie on and fixed my sweat pants. I double checked my room, thinking it was still a mess but it was as clean as it has ever been. I casually walked out towards the entrance to greet the girls. Bao looked amazing and she was just in her sweats. An oversized hoodie on with what looked like a black tank to  the had G-Dragons “One of a Kind” brand on it, Black sweat pants with colorful koi fish patterned around the legs in different places and some bright neon Nike shoes. Her hair was in a braid. That beautiful orange hair all tired up, I wanted it down, I wanted to run my fingers through it. It fascinated me. We all sat down in the living room. We had to big leather couches so Everybody fit, the girls mixed in with the guys. I was next to Tao and Bao. I couldn’t help but fidget when I was next to her. Her presence terrified me to the core but was still somewhat comforting. My mind drifted during everyone else's conversations. I thought about how it would feel to teach Bao to dance better, to have to stand behind her, bodies pressed together, moving with the beat. This was not something I should be thinking about while sitting next to her. I am a boy and I do have urges, sometimes things have a mind of their own if you get my drift. Anyways I tried to shake the intimate thoughts out of my head only to be replaced for one of nights sleeping next to Bao. Holding her, tracing her skin with my finger tips. This is’t helping. I was so zoned out I hadn’t noticed that the lights had been dimmed and that a movie was playing. I had to get out of their before I did something I would regret. I excused myself to the kitchen to get “snacks,” more like comfort food for me i cracked open a bag of potato chips. Engulfing half the bag in minutes, I looked up only to see Bao peeking around the corner giggling at me. I almost choked on the food that I was shoveling into my mouth.



Meeting Lay today was like a miracle sent from heaven. He is my bias and the fact that he was acting weird around me, freaked me out. What if he doesn’t like me? I got up a few minutes after Lay excused himself to the kitchen to get snacks. I tip toed to the door and peaked around the corner. He looked flustered, then he grabbed for a bag of chips, must be something to calm his nerves. He looked so cute stuffing his face. While I was standing there my mind drifted to thoughts of him and I, cuddling, messing around throwing junk food at each other, trying to aim for our mouths. I giggled at the thought. Oh crap! He must have saw me. He looked so cute trying not to choke and his face was getting red. I stepped out of my hiding place and into the kitchen light.



They stared at each other for a few minutes. Awkward silence set over them. Lay put the bag down, and backed himself over the corner of the kitchen like he thought Bao was gonna murder him or something. She thought he was scared of her. Putting her hands up in the air, she said quietly, “Im not gonna hurt you, why do you seem so afraid of me?” She looked sad and almost insulted that he could possibly be scared of her. Lay’s only reaction when his back hit the wall fully after she said that was to slide down to the floor and sit with his head in his hands. He sighed heavily, “Its not like that, I just don’t know why you affect me so much to the point of me not being able to function.” She walked over to him slowly and kneeled down in front of him. “Then why don’t we fix that and get to know each other maybe I won’t affect you like this anymore.” She grabbed a bunch of junk food containers and grabbed for his hand. He stood up and grabbed some drinks before taking her hand. It was warm to him, he liked the feel of her small hand in his larger one. He led her through the darkness towards his room which he hoped hadn’t thrown up again. Luckily no one saw them pass they were either chatting to each other, distracted by the movie, or in Kris’s case asleep. We entered my room. Bao set all the bags and containers at the end of the bed and sat down on the bed so her back was against the wall.  I sat down on the edge and she turned her head toward me and just flat out started telling me things about her. She was quite quirky, which attracted me to her even more. After a while i got comfortable and told her a bunch of stuff about myself. She seemed very intrigued. At some point we finished off most of the snacks and drinks we had brought. and just laid down next to each other. Out of nowhere she rolled into my side. Put her head in the crook of my neck and her arm around my torso. I was stiff as a board. I had no clue how to react to this. Well I did but I wasn’t ready to be so intimate with her so suddenly. I eventually rolled so I was facing her. Long eyelashes fluttered open, lips parted into a smile, She was so beautiful. I couldn’t stop myself. I put my finger under her chin and angled her head and went in for the kiss. It was sweet and she responded right away to it. Kissing me back with just as much force of not more than I was putting into the kiss. We parted her head nested closer to me. i wrapped her tighter into me. I was no longer afraid of these feelings. This could be a beautiful thing. With that we feel asleep wrapped in each other. Probably dreaming the sweetest of things about each other.

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Chapter 1: Waaaaah~ Lay is really ert and sweet at the same time
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: Its so sweet!!!! Kyaaa lay ! I love u <3