miss you giant !!

miss you giant !!



"I miss him … my giant  ..." baekhyun sighed as he transferred his sight from the window to the cup of coffee he has been stirring for a while now.

It's been a week since chanyeol left to the Philippines to film a show, a dangerous one actually, they had him dropped on an island with some other celebrity fighting for their existence,  you could say it's an intense version of camping.


" don’t worry baby , I'll be back , just concentrate on practice ok?" and then chanyeol winked , that's all can baekhyun remember , everything gets blurry due to his tears , it's been nights since he had some good night sleep , his dreams all turns into nightmares , one time chanyeol got scars on his face , the other he got injured badly and so on ,  " after thinking MPLAQ's mir got really injured he had to quit the show , what if something happened to him ? He hasn’t called yet and it's been a week! "baekhyun said before covering his face with his hands and starting to cry … " I'm worried to the bone ", D.O tried hugging him to comfort him " I'm sure he is fine ", " you know that idiot, he is probably drinking some coconut water and screaming on top of a mountain just to see what Tarzan felt like " kai said and laughed but that didn’t make baekhyun any better.


after a day of practicing Its night again, another sleepless night for baekhyun "is he eating well? Did his white skin turn dark and rough? It was so soft against mine  ..." baekhyun smiled as he remembered their nights together, not being able to get any sleep he stared at the shinning moon through the window, "he must be asleep now "…. "My lovely giant".


Chanyeol was over-joyed when he knew his mission was to stick the flag on the top of the mountain middling the island , all he could think of is how he is going to brag about it in front of baekhyun and how he is going to take lots and lots of pictures , after getting everything done and filming the mission-revealing part of the episode the staff started moving to the mountain , after an hour they reached an old-looking hanging wood bridge , after making sure it was safe enough the members started crossing the bridge , one after another , until finally it was chanyeol's turn , chanyeol grabbed both sides of the dangling bridge and started slowly walking to the center of the bridge , the PD asked chanyeol to stand in the middle while they  change the tape of the camera .


Baekhyun was in the middle of dance practice with D.O, kai, Kris, lay and luhan when he screamed after making a couple of mistakes " I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!", everyone being surprised with the loud scream turned to him, " what's wrong baek? " lay asked, baekhyun looked at him and said " if he doesn’t think about me then I do, if he doesn’t miss me then I DO!! I will call him right now and he better answer "he grabbed his phone angrily and called, a little caught back when the manager answered,

 - H…hello? Manager Hyung it's me baekhyun.

- Oh HI! I'm sorry you must thought chanyeol would pick up

- Ugh… yeah … because it's been awhile since he called I thought I might just call him to check.

- Well, you don’t have to, he is doing pretty well the director likes him *shouts at the back: ACTION!*.

- Oh I see, that’s good to hear.

- I would've putted him on the phone but he is filming right now

- Oh I see

Baekhyun heard a loud scream coming from the back then the manager screamed "CHANYEOL HOLD ON!!" baekhyun eyes widened "hyung what happened? HYUNG!!"

Everyone stood up in shock, " what happened baekhyun?" luhan said while reaching his hand to baekhyun shoulder, baekhyun tears started falling the second luhan hand touched him , he closed his eyes and screamed " CHANYEOL WHAT HAPPENED ?".

"ACTION !!!"

Chanyeol looked at the camera and took a step further but the wood was too weak to hold him and broke! chanyeol's both legs fell but he was able to catch the rope that was torn and chanyeol was swayed from mid air and hit his right shoulder to the side of the hill the staff were standing on "AHHHHH" was the last thing baekhyun could hear before the call was cut by the other side .

Baekhyun trembled and fell on his knees thinking to himself while crying  "did something happen to my giant? Is he hurt? did I lose him forever ?" , he screamed and stood up and ran toward the door followed by other members , not listening to them calling him , he just wanted to get away , he wanted to see him , feel him one more time , he was going to cross the road filled with cars passing by fast without looking if Kris didn’t grab him and pulled him to his chest tightly , baekhyun kept bounding on Kris's chest while crying hysterically , he gave up later and fell into the hug , Kris then said softly almost whispering " he is going to be just fine" baekhyun gave him a pathetic laugh and hit Kris chest one more time saying " you are a giant as well …. How come this hug feels different?" Kris loosed up the hug and sighed.

The staff managed to pull chanyeol up, his right arm was Brocken so badly but other than that he got some little cuts here and there, the most important thing he was alive, after been checked by the doctors in the hospital he got his hand casted and was leaving after the paper work is done, resting alone in the clinic the manager came to him,

-          You got us all scared there for a while

-          Hhhh yeah , imagine how I felt

-          Thank god you didn’t just freeze there , we would've lost you

-          He helped me

The manager stared for a while before asking "and who did that?"

-          Him…baekhyun … my tiny puppy

-          AAAHHHH

The manager hit his head as if he remembered thing

-          What's wrong?

-          I was talking with baekhyun on the phone when you fell, he kept asking what happened but I hanged up, he must be dead worried.

The manager graped his phone but was interrupted when chanyeol told him "don’t call"

-          What? Are you crazy? He must be in hell right now!!

-          I know , he won't believe you , I'm going home to see him tonight , please get me a ticket , I can't stay here anymore .


Baekhyun was wrapped up with a blanket laying on the couch with tears falling like a river , he won't listen to any one , he felt cold , every part  of him was shaking , he won't listen to anything even though everyone was sitting around him was talking , when the manager finally arrived baekhyun jumped on him " get me there NOW " , the manager sighed " where to ? " , " to wherever he is … was " tears falling again .

A thick voice appeared out of the blue " I'm not a 'was'  ...yet " , baekhyun eyes widened  and his heart beat fastened as he turned around to see his giant standing there with a only a cast on his right arm , baek couldn’t help but to run to him and hug him , he was crying as hard as he hugged him , he let go of him only to touch his face , his hair , his eyes , his cheeks feeling the little scratches on his  perfect face hurted him a little , his lips , his soft lips were thropping , he never wanted to kiss him as much as now , standing on his toes to come closer , he was still so far so chanyeol bent down after feeling the distance to meet baekhyun's burning , lunging lips .

"I missed you my giant "," I missed you too my tiny puppy ".




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kyaaa kill me!tiny puppy is just so adorable! ehehheehhe
byunbebek #2
Chapter 1: sweet...............
norasy3659 #3
Chapter 1: aaaww!!! That's so sweet of Park Chanyeol..
Chapter 1: " you know that idiot, he is probably drinking some coconut water and screaming on top of a mountain just to see what Tarzan felt like " XD Kai killed me.