
Our relationship

On their way to detention

​Jessica POV

I sighed shakily. I'm really afraid of what's going to happen at detention... I feel like this will be bad... Hopefully Krystal will tell Omma and Appa that I'm just out with the girls. If they call them, Taeyeon will just act like she's me. She does very good imitations for me. I hope this won't be a bad influence on Krystal. Though I feel bad about lying to Omma and Appa.....


​"Hey Taeyeon? Can I ask you a favor?" I asked shyly. We were by ourselves since the girls were out and about dumping their trash from lunch. Jonghyun went to go sit with his friends.

She turned around and looked at me seriously, "Jess, I know this is your first time in detention. What are we going to do about this?"

"I was thinking I'll send Krys to tell Omma and Appa that I'm hanging with you guys.... and if they call you could do your immitation of me.... is that okay?" I was so nervous....

"Jessica, I'm really disappointed about you lying, but we will carry out with your plan. I don't want you to get scolded at," she said slowly..... 

"Thank you so much! You can tell the girls, just make sure they don't say anything to my parents. I'll go tell Krystal," I said hugging her. I started to get up and walk away, but she suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the seat.

"Yeah, but what if Mrs. Kim calls them? What will you do then? You can get in big-" she was cut off by Jonghyun jumping on to me giving me a bear hug.

"Wassup guys?" Jonghyun said without a care in the world.

"YAH! Get of me!" I shoved him off hard, making him lose his balance, but he was able to catch himself. 

"What's wrong Sica?" He asked.

I explained to him what the plan was and that I don't know what'll I do if Mrs. Kim calls my parents. 

"Don't worry Sica. I'll talk Mrs. Kim into not telling your parents," he said reassuringly.

"How will you do that?" Taeyeon asked.

Jonghyun smirked cockily, "I have my ways." 

Taeyeon and I just rolled our eyes. With that Jonghyun went back to his friends, and I went to Krystal's table once the girls cane back. 

"Hey Krystal! I need you to do something for me." I told her what was going on and that blob.

"Okay. I'll do it for you unnie," she said with a smile.


​End of Flashback


"Hey Sica. Are you okay? You're that worried?" I didn't notice he was staring at me.

"No, but I want to know how you'll convince Mrs. Kim."

"I'll tell you during detention."

We walked to the library in silence the rest of the way. 

"Ahh! Well there are the new partners. Give me your cellphones. You can sit anywhere. Just as long as you keep quiet," Mrs. Kim said as we handed her our phones.

We sat at the table next to the very last bookshelf on the right. Out of sight, perfect.

"So, can you convince Mrs. Kim?"I asked.

He looked up from his work, "Well, of course I can."

"Just hurry up and tell me how."

He pondered for a second, but did I see fear in his eyes? His eyes flickered with a mix of emotions. "I'll explain it to you after I talk to Mrs. Kim." He walked away quickly, as if he was nervous. 

​Jonghyun POV

How am I going to explain this to her? Might as well tell her. She is my partner, after all.

"Mrs. Kim? Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked in a serious tone.

She looked around the library, glancing at every student's face. "Very well. Speak to me in the corner." She grabbed the bin with all the phones in it, just in case somebody will sneak there phones out. We walked to a private corner of the library, but we could still see the students. 

"You know Jonghyun, you really didn't have to be in detention, you know that right?" She said eyeing me.

"Well.... I came to detention, because...... I wanted to experiance dtention? Yeah! I wanted to experiance how it feels like to be punshed!" What a lie! She won't believe that. Did I come because of Jessica? No no no. I came here to experiance it.

She looked at me suspiciously. As if I was an alein.

I chuckled slightly, "Let's move on to want I wanted to talk to you about. I don't want you to call Jung Jessica's parents."

"Why? It's school orders." 

"Mrs. Kim, you'll have to do it. I've seen how you teach class, I'll tell my father. Do you want me to tell him that your giving me a bad education? I can have you fired in one call," I said taking my phone out of the bin she was carrying.

She stared at the my phone, then looked up at me with desperate pleading eyes. "Umm.... Sure! Of course I will! Would you like me to not tell your parents either?" Jackpot.

"Yes please. Don't ever give us a detention for the rest of the year, and don't even tell the principal about this incident. Since my father is the chairman, I could soon get you guys fired and confiscate your teaching licinse since I will be the next person to inherit chairman. You are excused."

She walked away quickly after she bowed. Now... onto explaining this to Sica. I will have to make sure she won't tell any of her friends and anybody else. Only my guys know this seceret. 

Authors View

Jessica watched the whole scene, she didn't hear anything though, but she wanted to. Once Jonghyun went to Mrs. Kim to talk to her, she followed them and hid. "I wonder what they were talking about.... Oh! Gotta run! He's coming!" she thought as she quickly ran back to the original location.

"Hey Sica, I'll tell you how I did it," Jonghyun said sitting down.

He explained to her how he was the chairman's son and that he could pretty much fire/expell anybody who got in his way.

He looked at Jessica seriously "One more thing, don't tell anybody! Not even your girls."

"I won't tell anybody, don't worry," she said.

Jonghyun smiled at that. He really can trust her. He made a face at her.

"Eww...." Was the only thing she said before she made a face back to him. Soon, it became a face war. Pretty soon, Jessica fell asleep when he started to break the war by reading. This left Jonghyun to observe her features. 

"She's pretty cute," he thought as was open slightly. He laid his head down on the table across from her face. He looked at her eyes her cheek bones, taking pretty much everything in. Then, came to the lips....

" looks.... soft...." he though once more, but soon fell asleep.

30 minutes later

Jessica finally woke up from her power nap, only to find Jonghyun's face not to far away from hers. She jumped up due to shock, accidentaly hitting his chair as she got up. He woke up....

"Huh? Is it time to go?" he asked groggily and a little dazed.

As if on que, Mrs. Kim came and gave there phones pack to them. "Detention's over. You may leave."

They walked off, but Jessica realized that she doesn't have a ride home.

"Crap...." she muttered nder her breath. She didn't notce that she was loud enough to let Jonghyn hear her.

"I'll drive you home," he said making her jump.

She stared at him, "Are you sure?" 

"Of course. I'll let my chauffer drive yo to your house. Here, I'll you to my limo." He then grabbed her wrist and ran to the limo.

"Thank you Jonghyun." 

"It's okay. I'm the hero!" he said in a Busan accent.

He brought her home, and said farewell. "I have a strange feeling about tomorrow....." Jonghyun thought, but soon shaked it off.


Sup, Guys! I hoped you liked this chapter. Are you still with me? I hope you are. Cause there might be something going on in the next chapter! I won't be making the next chapter till... Maybe next week? I'm not sure, but I know not this weekend. :( I'll make it up to you guys by making 2-3 chapters.  THANK YOU!!! <3 

P.S. I might add a new a couple to the story. Would you guys like: Minyul, Yoontaem, Ontaeng, Onfany, Sookey, Yongseo, or another couple? Please tell me. Pick 2. I might add more along the way, but not more than 5 to add. Please comment down below on what you think.

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YAH! dongsaeng~ where in the world are you???
Chapter 5: Minyul & Sookey!
jenny3 #3
Chapter 5: Minyul and yoontaem
Chapter 5: Soo cuteee ^.^
Chapter 4: Minyul is goin to be in this story too??!! OMYGOD If yes,Im goin to be so happy!! Btw I cant even imagine jonghyun doing buing buing since he hates doing aegyo! kekeke
Chapter 4: Hehehe! You made it soooo much better!!!! And you're welcome~~~~
Chapter 3: oh my gawsh their so adorable together.
Chapter 3: Update soon author nim!! I really like jongsica's interaction here ^^