Colour the Sky


In that world, everything is just black and white. Maybe there's the red from the rain. And maybe there's Park Chan Yeol too.


Title: Colour the Sky

Pairing: BaekYeol

Rating: PG

Length:  One-shot

Genres: Romance

Summary: In that world, everything is just black and white. Maybe there's the red from the rain. And maybe there's Park Chan Yeol too.





[Into the world]








Utter blackness filled his vision and there was the cold too.


Biting coldness and black –stabbed, stabbed, stabbing into him at all strange angle, wrapping and clinging to his body like a second skin, chocking him and freezing him.


Open your eyes.




Open your eyes.


Baek Hyun opened his eyes, confused when he found himself sitting with his knees both pulled to his chest. His arms encircled the bony structure of his knees, his feet were bare and it was so cold.


His heart should skip a thousand beats by now, at the strangeness, the unfamiliarity –but there was no heartbeat.


There was none at all.


He pulled a palm, studying the fate line and found that despite being in the dark, everything was still visible after his eyes adjusted to the darkness.


Strange –everything was dark blue and gray. It was as if the only colours existed in this plane was the two colours, some gradient mesh produced from cyan and black. It was dull, so dull and so cold and so lonely.


Baek Hyun looked down to see his bare feet, pale toes wriggled in the cold and the next thing he noticed was the sand under his feet. They weren’t coarse like those by the beach –dry and warm. The sand felt velvety under his skin, smooth like silk.


Baek Hyun pushed out a hand, fingers dipping into the sand and he eyed the sandy particles carefully as he pulled away his hand. The sand fell in a curtain of white –like that of wispy smokes.


Blankly, he looked up from the ground with knees still pressed to his chest and studied the sky above. Slanted eyes carefully studying the air in between before looking upwards.


Only that there was no sky there from where he sat. There were only an extension of darkness and Baek Hyun was filled with confusion.


Where was he?


What happened?


He couldn’t remember anything much.


Baek Hyun took a calming breath, confused with everything –even with his own strangely calm temper.


Why was he so calm?


He used to be emotional, hot-tempered and jumpy.


“Hey,” Baek Hyun whipped his head to the source of the voice, deep rumbling breaking through the darkness and he saw a tall figure standing under an umbrella.


The figure was really tall. Black short hair stood at the top of his beautiful face, bang swept sideways and almond-shaped eyes studied Baek Hyun carefully. But really, despite the long trench coat in gray with black button and beautiful face, it was the huge smile the person was wearing that irritated Baek Hyun the most.




So there was the anger.


Baek Hyun whipped his head away before stilling himself when the strangest thing happened.




It can’t be, right?


Baek Hyun pushed out a hand before making a quick swaying motion, startled to see small bubbles followed each of his action and a revelation hit him. The darkness, the sand, the cold –was he under water?


“Am I under water?” Baek Hyun voiced out his confusion and looked up hurriedly at the guffawed laughter from the other male. He felt his eyes widened at each passing second. “This is not funny,” He seethed out, “Where the am I?” Baek Hyun said almost hysterically, anger bubbling in him and his head felt light from the temper.


The tall male only grin after that, black umbrella held by his left hand and his right hand was shoved into the pocket of his coat.


“Well, for a start. You’re dead.” The male smiled easily. “And another thing is –it’s going to rain.”  


Baek Hyun never knew anyone that can say death so nonchalantly with such an easy grin and handsome face. They’ve just met, but he never thought he could hate anyone this much.   





a/n: OMG It’s been so long since I last write >>_____<<


(lol I wonder how many of you have unsubscribed XD)


To be fair, I was busy with exams and for my term break, I went to Melbourne with my family (broke as , bought a lot of stuff (hint: they were all clothes) and a tissue-box cover with printed half fireman ;) I’m pathetic). And fakk, the weather was damn cold, I mean, how can all you people stand 7°c or less?????? I was shaking to the bone the whole time...!! TT______TT


AND OMFG I am so excited for One Republic in 3 days and Avicii in November...!!




Oh, and blame Pokemon Y for my lack of update. That’s right es, I own those encaged animals in some rounded diameter-6cm-or-something balls. Who’s the boss. Who do you be.


BTW the song at the beginning is from the King and the Clown. Fakk the world, I cried like a wailing baby gorilla by the end of the movie when I first saw it (the second and the third time too). It hurts so bad, I cried bloody tears.






p/s: Give me shadow, put on my crown will be updated by the end of this week...!! Please look forward to it...!


P/s/s: This is not going to be one of those tragic fic :)



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T_T will this story be continued? Juseyooo *hearteu*
oh my god this actually seems brilliant! i can't wait to see how you're going to develop this! please update soon~~~~~~~
can't wait! new story awwww yis. i love one republic too TT___TT
I'm gg to one republic too haha just saying
misslolly #5

p.s. dis you see xiumin's teaser!!!!??? omfg ok
atnight #7
'P/s/s: This is not going to be one of those tragic fic :)' I'll be honest, I was scrolling down to ask you if you're going to make it like you did with 'Favourite Moments', and then I saw this and THANK YOU!
Excited ^_^