The Final Chapter

The Little Prince

Finally the day came. The day when Sehun and Luhan are getting married.


After a failed date in the royal park. Being chased by hungry seagulls, fallen into the royal mud, stalked by Chen, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kris. (But Tao came and dragged them away. He didn't approve that they were hiding and stomping on HIS plants. Nuh uh. Maybe next time.) Sehun finally proposed to Luhan.


The wedding ceremony would soon begin. Sehun and Luhan haven't seen each other for more than 7 days, 5 hours, 38 minutes and 1284793813456 + x - y seconds and--- LOLOLOL!!! Just kidding guys. But they haven't seen each other for 7 days, and they were dying to see each other again. Okay, not literally dying, one of them had other problems to worry about. One of them was on his phone and laughing about his photos on his soon-to-be-husband's derp face from their date when the crazy seagulls chased them. Maybe he could blackmail Luhan to make some bubble tea someday...




"What if I trip when I walk down the aisle?" Luhan walked around in the room in circles.


"Luhan." Chen rolled his eyes as he watched his nervous friend going round and round in circles in the room.


"What if everyone is laughing at me?"




"What if I start laughing when we stand in front of the priest?!" Luhan threw his hands up dramatically.


"Seriously..." Chen shook his head. "Luhan! Stop walking around now. You're making me dizzy." he rubbed his eyes.


"I'm in loooooveeeeeee~~~!" Luhan stopped walking and Chen jumped up from the couch startled.


"What in the world was that?" Luhan looked around.


"Maybe that was a gorilla?" Chen said.


"Gorillas don't talk." Luhan stared at Chen with a (-.-) face.


"I'm in loooooovvveeeeeee~~~!!!"


"There was it again!" Luhan said. The door opened and in came a skipping Kris.


"Sup guys! Congratulation for your marriage, Luhan." Kris sat down on the couch while smiling like an idiot. Luhan and Chen stared at Kris.


"What?" Kris asked.


"Are you on drugs?" Luhan asked.




"Did someone drug you?" Chen asked.


"No~" Kris giggled. Luhan and Chen stared at Kris in shock. The almighty-faced-angry-bird-Kris was giggling like a little girl!


"Fast! Send Kris to the mental hospital! This is an emergency!! HOLY KRISUS!!!" Chen shouted and began running around the room with his arms raised up above his head.


"AAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Luhan screamed and followed after Chen. Kris only sat on the couch calmly and stared in the space, while sighing dreamily.


"What on earth is going on?!" Chanyeol opened the door. "I could even hear your screams from my bedroom." he walked inside the chaotic room.


"Chanyeol!" Both Luhan and Chen jumped up on the second giant.


"Wha- AAHHH!!" and all three of them fell to the floor.


"Help!" Luhan screamed in Chanyeol's ear. "Kris is scary!" Chanyeol winced.


"Isn't he always scary?" Chanyeol shook his head. Damn, if that deer didn't stop shouting, he could be deaf soon.


"You don't understand!" Chen grabbed Chanyeol's collar and shook him vigorously.


"He became from Mr.Cold Kris to Mr.Giggle-24/7-I'm-so-happy-that-no-motherers-can-ruin-it Kris!!!" Chen stopped shaking Chanyeol.


"Isn't it good?" Chanyeol said when he recovered from Chen's shake. Luhan and Chen shook their head. Chanyeol rolled his eyes.


"He's in love guys." Chanyeol shook his head at his friends. "Now get off me." Chanyeol stood up and brushed away the dust on his clothes.




"It's time." Chen smiled at Luhan.


"Yeah, it is." Luhan nodded. "You can do it." Chanyeol made a 'fighting' sign. Everyone went outside the room.


"Are you coming Kris?" Chen popped his head up from the door frame.


"Ah! Yes, wait for me!" Kris ran to Chen.


"What's up with you?"


"*sigh* I kissed Tao-Tao! I'm so happy~"


"Oh gosh... Watch out everyone! A giant ballet dancer is coming through!"




"And you may kiss the husband." the priest closed his bible. Sehun and Luhan looked at each other before they leaned in for a kiss. The whole audience clapped their hands and some even cheered at the now married couple.


"Go Hunhan! WHOOHOOO!!!" Chanyeol shouted.


"Channie please sit down." Baekhyun said.


"Ah, sorry Baekie." Chanyeol sat down and kissed Baekhyun's cheek. Baekhyun blushed.


"Pssst! Chanyeol." someone poked on Chanyeol's shoulder.


"Huh?" he turned around. "Oh! Queen Lay! How can I help you?" Chanyeol bowed.


"Well... there's one thing..." Queen Lay looked around before he leaned closer. "I heard that you were the president of the Hunhan shippers." Queen Lay whispered. Chanyeol nodded.


"I just wonder... Can I be the vice president of the Hunhan shippers?"


"Ummm... Let me see..." Chanyeol took up his iPad and started enter some words. "Ah there... I'm sorry, my Queen. But someone named you is the vice president." Chanyeol said.


"Ohhh..." the Queen sadly looked down. "But I'm always gonna ship Hunhan. Hunhan forever!!" Queen Lay smiled.


"Hahahaha!" Chanyeol laughed.




Chen looked around for his prey. Oh, there he was. Prey localized, at the snack bar. Chen fixed his hair before he went to the table and greeted ily at the kitchener who he had set his eyes on since he moved in to the palace. The King and The Queen have been very kind to let him and Kris live there.


"Hi." Chen leaned on the table, trying to look hot. His prey blinked at him with his big eyes.


"Hi." the kitchener bowed a little and smiled. Chen smirked.


"Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?" Chen winked.


"Huh?" the kitchener blinked.


"What's your name cutie?" Chen asked.


"Xiu- Xiumin." the kitchener stuttered.


"Xiumin? What a cute name for a cutie like you." Chen flashed him his famous smile.


"Thanks.. I guess." Xiumin smiled a little before he continued working. But he couldn't work 'cause there was a certain person who was staring at him. Xiumin looked at Chen.


"What?" Xiumin asked.


"Do you have a map? I just keep on getting lost in your eyes."




"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"




"Baby did you fart, 'cause you blow me away!"




"Wait! Please come back. Wait Xiuminnie~! Let me love you~!"



Kris and Tao became a couple. Xiumin and Chen also became a couple.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol got married 2 month after Sehun and Luhan.

Suho and Lay was very proud of their son.

And everyone lived happily ever after~





That was the last chapter of this story.

Or, was it?

Hehehe... Thank you all for subbing, voting and reading this story!

I'm so happy :')



Thank you very much for reading this story~!

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Chapter 5: This is so hilarious!! Ahahahahahahah. Thanks a lot author-nim
Chapter 4: sorry queen lay....but i'm already claiming that vice.pres spot...
so..sorry not sorry..muhahahaaa.....
Chapter 4: im laughing hard to know that i am the vice pres :')
Chapter 5: Ahh so cute! I wish there was squeal but chances are... It's better without it! ^^
Chapter 1: Lol they had wifi back then!!! Hahah
koreanperfection #6
koreanperfection #7
Chapter 1: Loveing it so far author-nim