Chapter 3

The Little Prince










"Hmhmm..." Lay circled around Luhan while he stared at him intensive. Luhan's eyes follow after Lay and then looked at Suho for any explanation about his wife's action. Suho shrugged and mouthed 'Just be still'. Lay stopped walking and stood beside his hubby.


"Hmm... you're really pretty... You're accepted!" Lay smiled at Luhan. Luhan smiled back.


"Sehun made a good choice at choosing the prettiest person, and boyfriend. My baby is now a grown up man..." Lay started sobbing.


"Now now, he's still our little baby after all." Suho comforted while hugging Lay.


"But still! He doesn't want our goodnight kisses and hugs before bedtime! And he doesn't come to us at night after dreaming about the toothfairy." Lay started crying in Suho's arms.


"It's okay. It's okay." Suho whispered in Lay's ears while rocking him back and forth. Suho looked at Luhan and nodded at him that it was okay to go out. Luhan bowed before he walked out from the throne room. When he closed the doors he let out a sigh of relief. It was good that Sehun's parents accepted him, now when he started to grow some feelings to him.


The hall was empty, only the Queen's flower and plants were in the hall with him. It was dark and the lights from the candles lit the room.


"Did my mom accept you?" a voice asked. Luhan jumped a little and looked at his right side, and saw Sehun leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. The light reflected his features and he kind of looked like a vampire. A korean version of Edward Cullen. Except he didn't shine like a discoball in the sun light.


"Yeah, he did." Luhan smiled softly at Sehun.


"Are you tired?" Sehun pushed away from the wall and walked closer to Luhan.


"Uhm yeah.." Luhan answered and scratched his head a little. Sehun grabbed his hand.


"I'll show you to your room." Then he dragged Luhan to show his room. Luhan blushed at their skin contact. He thanked Krisus that it was dark so Sehun couldn't see it. They walked past the plants and turned around the corner, before walking away to Luhan's room.



~BEHIND THE PLANTS~ (Before Luhan comes out from the throne room)

"Stop stepping on my foot!"


"You're the one who should stop."


"Be quiet, Baekhyun and Chen! The prince is just right in front of us! What if he hear us?"


"That's right, Chen. Stop stepping on my foot."


"He told us to be quiet. Not me stepping on peoples feets."






"Shut up!"


"Anyway, Chanyeol. Where's Kris?"


"He's somewhere in the castle, I think... Last time I saw him, he was with a panda looking boy."


"Oh! I know that panda boy! That's Tao. He's one of the palace's gardener and one of my best friends. Kris better not be doing ert things with my innocent panda, or he'll be death by tomorrow..."


"Ah, GAY!"


"Shut up Chen. Don't you think I notice the look you give to my other best friend, huh?"


"Who? The cute boy with the bunny eyes?"


"Yup. That's Xiumin. He's one of the palace's kitchener and he cooks delicious food! Yum, bulgogi..."


"He's cute. Maybe I should try to hit on him..."


"Do it and I'll personally cut your arms off."




"Be quiet now. Luhan just stepped out from the room!"








"Follow them! After them! Don't let them out of sight!"


"Just be quiet now, Baekhyun."


"Can we please just follow them instead of arguing?"


"Okay, let's go!"







"Here's your room." Sehun stopped in front of the door to Luhan's room.


"If you want anything, my room is just a few rooms away." Sehun pointed to the direction.


"The door with the red teletubbie picture on?"


"Yeah..." Sehun blushed a little and looked away so Luhan couldn't see it. But he saw it and giggled a little at Sehun's cuteness.


"Thank you for showing me my room." Luhan smiled and hugged Sehun. He knew it was a little childlish but he really wanted to hug the younger one.


"No problem?" Sehun answered and blinked a little. Luhan stopped hugging and Sehun felt empty and wanted more of Luhan's touches.


"Well, good night Prince Sehun." Luhan grabbed the door handle and twisted it before opening the door. He turned around.




"Yes?" Luhan turned back to Sehun. The younger looked into the elders eyes before leaning in and kissed him on his lips. Luhan stood there frozen with his hand on the door handle and eyes wide. Slowly he closed his eyes and kissed Sehun back. When they pulled away, Luhan was red on his face.


"Good night." Sehun whispered. Luhan looked down.


"Umm. Do you want to come in? I mean, I'm not that tired and, yeah, can you keep me company?" Luhan glanced up at Sehun. The younger blinked, surprised at the older's request. Slowly he nodded and smiled a little.


"Gladly." he smiled before entering Luhan's room. Luhan closed the door after them.




"Did you heard that? Did you all saw that?! They freaking kissed, in the hall, outside Luhan's bedroom, right infront of our own eyes! I have never seen the Prince doing such a thing in my whole time as his butler."


"Mah Hunhan feelings is gonna explode!"


"I, Park Chanyeol, is from now on, the president of the Hunhan shippers. May the ship be sailed for a long time."


"Let's get closer to the door so we can hear their conversation!"


"Smart there, Chen!"


"I know, I'm smart."







"Ah~ Ah~"



"... Did you heard that?"


"Yeah... What's that just... someone's right now?"



"Ahh ah S-Sehun... harder~"



"Holy ! They having ! My oh my!"


"My oh my, oh my~ Kona eberuna oikusu konno~ Liar liar liar liar~"


"Chanyeol stop singing! It's not time for that! Luhan and Sehun is right now having 'that'!"


"Who's having 'that'?"


"HOLY ! Queen Lay! You scared me."


"It's not time for politeness, Baekhyun. What is Sehun and Luhan doing?"


"They... umm..."



"Ah ah ah Sehun~ Oh! Right there! Exactly~ Ahhh"



"As you can hear. They're having ."




"My Queen? Why are you smiling? And it's look creepy..."


"My son is finally going to have Sehun juniors! Tihihihihi. I must tell that to my hubby! Bye! And don't stay there for too long. I'm sure they want their privacy."


"Well... shouldn't we, well, leave them alone now?"


"Good said, Chanyeol. Chen! Stop pressing your ear on the door. Come now!"





"Yes, exactly there~ Ah~"


"Can you please stop ? It's disturbing. And when it's my turn to get a massage on my shoulders?"


"Five more minutes. And don't forgot that you lost to Rock-Paper-Scissor, about who gets a massage first."


"Stupid paper... Why u no helping me?!"


"Because you use your hand to play. Not a real paper."


"Awww man..."



Did you like it? How was that? Haha I'm sure you got trolled about the Hunhan xD

I'm sorry I haven't updated for like, 3 weeks? I have been busy with school and I have so much tests I must do :(

I tried to update a few days ago, but my computer went off when I wrote and then I had no time.

I hope you like the story so far. And thank you for subscribing and voting this story! I'm so happy :')

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Chapter 5: This is so hilarious!! Ahahahahahahah. Thanks a lot author-nim
Chapter 4: sorry queen lay....but i'm already claiming that vice.pres spot...
so..sorry not sorry..muhahahaaa.....
Chapter 4: im laughing hard to know that i am the vice pres :')
Chapter 5: Ahh so cute! I wish there was squeal but chances are... It's better without it! ^^
Chapter 1: Lol they had wifi back then!!! Hahah
koreanperfection #6
koreanperfection #7
Chapter 1: Loveing it so far author-nim