Ultimate Sacrifice

Ultimate Sacrifice
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WARNING: I told you this is a CRACKFIC.


"Baekhyun, we need to break up."

"W-what? WHY?! Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not you... it's me."

"Huh? Why? What did you do?"

"I'm sorry but... I feel like I can't trust you anymore."

"I don't get it, Jungmi! Tell me what's happening so that I'll find a way to fix-"

"Don't bother. I'm breaking up with you."

"If so, at least tell me why."

"You really want to know, huh?!"

"YES! I have the right to know. You're breaking up with me that's WHY!"

"FINE! You think I don't know that you're cheating behind my back?! Huh?!"

"I thought this wasn't about me? And what are you talking about? I'm not cheating on you with some woman!"

"Of course it's not a woman!"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb, Baekhyun!"

"What are you even talking about? You're the only one I love, what the hell?!"

"Then, explain this!"


EXO Planet  BaekYeol is reaaaaal! Oh my gosh! My feels! - Admin Baekyeol

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Numberone Exofan Waaaah! True true! My OTP! ChanBaek forever!


Another Exofangirl Yeseu! Chanbaek! Baekyeol! :DDDD


Author Bubbly Uwaaa. BAEKYEOL! Please read my fanfic starring Baekyeol entitled 'Ultimate Sacrifice' click this: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/580321/ Thank you! :D :D

Reader You I am currently reading it... it's kinda weird... I don't get the story :O

Exo Exoexo BaekYeol is the best!

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"I'm sorry Baekhyun but we're over."



After 3 months...


Baekhyun was walking lifelessly at the park where Jungmi and him broke up. Ever since they broke up, he had not been as happy as before. he had been avoiding Chanyeol eversince to avoid misunderstandings. He tried calling her but she never answers. It was like he lost himself after the incident. He sighed and plopped himself down on the grass.


"Where are you now, Jungmi? You didn't even let me explain."


Unconsiously, his tears were cascading down his cheeks. He loves her. He knows it. She knows it. Everyone knows it. Why did this all have to happen?! As soon as he felt the warm liquid trickling down his pale face, he looked up the sky to prevent it from falling down. He never once thought she would leave him. He noticed the skies were dark and grey. And just like him, it wept, pouring down everything that it bore for a long time. In Baekhyun's case, it would be the feelings he kept inside: loneliness, sadness and heartbreak.

He remembered that day. The day she broke up with him is their first anniversary, also his birthday. She asked him to meet her at this exact park where he was right now. He gladly obliged on her request despite the hectic schedule he has. It should be his rest day but he wouldn't mind being tired unless he's with her. He was so happy to see her. He was so happy. He never thought any of that would happen.

But here he is now, alone and crying, promising to himself to get Jungmi back no matter what.




"Nam Jungmi."




"Yah! Nam Jungmi!"


She was startled by the loud voice calling her out. She looked to her side and found her best friend, Jaekyung, with an annoyed look.

"You're thinking about him again, aren't you?"

"W-what? NO! I'm not..."


"Believe what you want but I'm telling you, I'm not thinking about Baekhyun!"

"Who says I'm talking about Baekhyun~?"

"Wha- You know what, Jaekyung, I want to be alone."

"Oh yeah? Alone huh? Is that why you were thinking about him because you wanted to be alone or you want him back?"

"Ugh! Don't twist my words! Leave me alone, will you?"

"Fine, Miss Grumpypants."


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The update AFF was referring to might be the addition of Marrying the Bacon on the foreword. :)


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Chapter 1: OMG!! That freaking cracked me up!! Love it!!
Chapter 1: -_- imma kill a REAL soon
Chapter 1: I seriously hate sasaeng fans! Seriously!
Chapter 1: What the?! Just because of Baekyeol's break up she needs to kill an innocent person ! Seriously? Sasaeng fans are getting on my nerves !
BTW, author-nim .... Good fic ! I LOVE IT ! <3
immapyromaniac22 #5
Chapter 1: i was like yeah~~ she survived her cancer then the chubby girl appeared the shot them.
I was like What in the actual fck???
i really lost it when she said "Baekyeol's real, "

I love it.
you should do this more often. :)
jesstephi #6
Wow it seems interesting!
Glad you write more of baekhyun :) everyone needs baekhyun in their lives tbh haha
I can`t wait to read this!!!