
Not So Bad

chapter 3


Kim Jongin never – in his whole existence – even thought that he and Inyae had something in common. But there it was, the situation itself, both fighting for one book that they both liked. Jongin’s calloused hands were on the other end of the book as Inyae’s small but soft palms were on top of it. They both glanced up to look into each other’s eyes, Inyae’s lips forming into a scowl that Jongin found amusing. He put on his usual smirk and chuckled, his shoulders shaking slightly.

“Why is it when we always meet, you either scowl or frown?”

“Because you’re my most favourite person in the world. Now hand the book over, bud. I touched it first,” Inyae responded icily, nearly spitting out the words. She glared at Jongin, daring him to even think to get her beloved book. At this, Jongin’s smirk vanished off his face and was replaced with a cold hard line.

“Oh come on Inyae, we’re not kids anymore. Sharing is caring, right? Learn to grow up,” Jongin bit back as he held the book tighter in his hand. There was no way he would let go. Samantha herself introduced the book to him, and he loved. He wasn’t going to let his girlfriend down. Inyae blinked in surprise at how Jongin would respond over a book.

“Sheesh Jongbear, fighting for a book? Isn’t that something you should do over a girl? A girl you hurt years before?” Inyae hissed, narrowing her eyes as it was Jongin’s turn to be surprised. He thought she forgot. He thought she moved on. He already moved on, so why didn’t she?

But did he really?

Jongin shook that thought away. He wanted to forget the past as much as possible. Like he wanted to forget Kang Inyae.

A mischievous idea popped in his head, putting a smile on his face as Inyae’s imaginary dark cloud over her head became darker. Jongin pulled hard, the book slipping under Inyae’s palm as he wedged between his inner arm and side. Inyae clenched her fists.

“YAH! Kim Jongin! I arrived at the bookstore first, I saw the book first, and I should have it! Now give it to me right now!” Inyae shouted, hearing herself. She cringed as she sounded like a child. But that was Kang Inyae. Don’t give her what she wanted, she will resort to force. She shot daggers at Jongin who laughed, tilting his head. He got the book again, waving it tauntingly in front of Inyae’s red face.

“Alright. You can have the book. But, you have to do me a favour,” Jongin said in a levelled tone, trying not to give away anything. He smiled innocently which Inyae responded with a cross of her arms. She nodded in his direction.

“I’m listening.”

“You will go up to Chanyeol and kiss him on the school trip. And no, not on the cheek. On his lips.”

As Jongin accentuated the word, Inyae’s eyes drifted to Jongin’s plump lips. They were heart-shaped and pale, as if he didn’t drink too much water today. Her eyes took in the sight how it would part slightly when he breathed through his mouth, and how his tongue would glide over his bottom lip before biting-

Inyae shook her head, her eyes bulging. She didn’t just stare at Jongin’s lips like, like – Inyae cringed at the thought – like she wanted it. Jongin noticed her discomfort and smirked.

“What? Scared of a kiss? Well then, you won’t be getting this book. Bye Yae Yae,” Jongin waved at her mockingly, turning his back and walking to the counter with a smile on his face.

“And in three, two, one-“ Jongin muttered to himself as he heard Inyae shout, “Wait!”

He smirked and turned around, cocking his head to one side. “You called, my dear?”

Inyae glared at him. She had had enough of him for today, but she wanted the book so badly. And it was the last one in stock! She needed to know what happens next. She took a deep breathe, preparing herself.

“Alright. I’ll kiss Chanyeol,” she mumbled to herself, the very words sending nasty shivers down her spine. Chanyeol was okay to her eyes, but she really wasn’t willing to kiss someone she never talked to. Jongin cupped the shell of his ear and walked towards Inyae, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but his smirk gave away everything.

“What did you say? I didn’t hear-“ Before Jongin could continue, Inyae grabbed his ear and leaned forward, shouting, “I will kiss Park Chanyeol!”

“Ack! You crazy bat!” Jongin howled as he cupped his ear, patting it softly, glaring at Inyae. Inyae smiled innocently. It was time to give him a taste of his own medicine! Inyae thought savagely. Jongin pouted and continued to cup his ear. Somewhere, in Inyae’s hardened heart, softened at the sight. Maybe she was too harsh on Jongin.

“You mad old lady. You should be put in a mental hospital for Pete’s sake,” Jongin mumbled, but Inyae caught every word. A bubble of anger rose as she picked up the fallen book, beginning to swat Jongin with it.

“What?! Did you just call me an old lady?! Yah! KIM JONGIN, YOU COME HERE!” Inyae shouted at the top of her lungs, hitting his arms and back with the book as he tried to escape.

“Get away from me! Get off me!” Inyae continued swatting despite his protests. After a few seconds, he finally got a hold of the book, Jongin smirking as he saw victory. They stood near each other, face to face, both panting hard. Inyae still clutched on the book, staring into Jongin’s brown orbs, defiant not to lose. Jongin remembered a scene like this very much. Jongin’s thought travelled back to the past.


“Jongbear? Are you serious about that, Yae?” A much younger Jongin asked incredulously at the girl wearing pigtails and a yellow summer dress. She was skipping towards a bookstore that was newly opened. She laughed and smiled, sending butterflies flying like crazy in Jongin’s stomach. They were almost the same height, Jongin just a few inches taller, but they felt equal.

“Yes, it sounds cute, don’t you say? And besides, you’re huggable. Like a bear!” A 10-year-old Inyae squealed, leaning to pinch Jongin on the cheek. He blushed and reached to ruffle her hair up, as so she couldn’t see his red face.

“Yah, I want to be manly. I’m already 10!” Jongin boasted as Inyae giggled. Jongin loved her giggles. He rushed in front of her, opening the door of the bookstore.

“After you, my lady,” Jongin bowed formally as Inyae curtsied.

“Why thank you, sir.” Inyae beamed at him, taking his hand and running inside. As they ran, Jongin briefly looked at their joined hands, Inyae’s hand clutching his large one. It felt like the most natural thing in the world. Inyae stopped and opened in awe as she looked at the book she always wanted to read, as well as Jongin. He smiled and look at her.

“Do you want that book, Yae?” Jongin asked softly, pointing at the shiny cover of the book. Inyae nodded, pouting cutely, her pigtails bouncing.

“Yeah. It’s a pop-up book with lots of great pictures. I want to read it!” Inyae exclaimed in glee as she reached for it, same time as Jongin.

“Jongin! I want to read it first!”

“I just want to see the title!”

They both struggled for the book.


17 year old Jongin blinked back in the present, finally noticing how 17-year-old Inyae’s eyes darkened in anger. She was not the sunny girl he knew before. And he had a feeling he’ll never see that girl again. His grip on the book slackened as Inyae blinked in surprise. But it was momentary, for she nodded and held the book to her chest. Jongin’s lashes brushed his high cheekbones as he looked down on her. It wasn’t an intimate gesture to others, but as Jongin gently poked her forehead, Inyae felt her cheeks were on fire.

“Take care of that book. See you later.” Without another word, Jongin his heel and walked out of the bookstore, disappearing into the night. Inyae didn’t want to dwell on it. He was Kim Jongin, someone very popular and very loved by many girls. That was nothing. As Inyae waited for her book to be scanned, her eyes wandered to a familiar book on the side. It looked dusty, out of place. But Inyae knew that book well.

“Ahjumma, is that book, by any chance, The Little Prince?” Inyae asked curiously, pointing at the dusty book. The ahjumma let out a fond a smile.

“Yes, dear. That is The Little Prince, quite a book that was very popular back in the day.”

“No kidding,” Inyae responded, remembering how she fought for it.

The ahjumma smiled, handing Inyae the book in a paper bag.

“Yes. I remember a handsome brown haired boy and a girl with pigtails and a yellow summer dress fighting over it. Almost tore the book apart, in my opinion.” The ahjumma winked and shuffled to a section in the library, leaving Inyae standing there.



Jongin, Inyae’s brother, shouted in glee as he barged in the room at four in the morning, holding a tray of food with a pink apron on. Inyae groaned in her sleep, her body awake, but her mind slipping into drowsiness.

“Up, up, up! Let’s go, let’s go! Today’s your school trip! Now don’t say you can’t say you can’t go because mom specifically ordered me to pack your clothes and belongings. Eat up, shower and get dressed. Your bags are downstairs.”

As Inyae didn’t respond to her brother’s nagging, he chuckled and ruffled her already messed up hair.

“You’ll come around. Meet you downstairs.”

As Inyae heard the door click shut, she groaned, lazily sitting up on her bed, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Blinking them open, she spotted a plate of sandwiches. She sniffed the air and the familiar smell of bacon and lettuce wafted through her nostrils. She smiled as she rushed to dig in.


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sheldonkpop #1
looking forward to the next chapter