Chapter 3: I LOVE YOU

duck on top


Sandeul woke up early the next morning… he turned to baro’s side of bed and saw him sleeping peacefully underneath his cozy blankets. He stood up and carefully sat at the side of baro’s bed.

…cha sun woo… if only you knew my feelings….if only you knew…you’re like a guardian angel to always look after me.. make sure im safe.. and you always want me to be beside you…actually.. I like the way how you reacted last night with sato.. and yes what he said is true…I want you talking to me more than anyone else.. but... im too scared make you feel what I feel let alone say it to you..sun woo  I don’t want our friendship to be ruined just because of this stupid feeling…I love you sun woo.. I love you so much.. but.. im not good enough for you….im not..” sandeul thought…

Sandeul went straight to the kitchen to get some food then he heard a loud “BANG!” from the door, he rushed to the living room just to see a tipsy boy entering their dorm..


The tipsy boy looked up to him

“oohh… hyuuuung!! Goodmorning”

“are you drunk?”

“nope..just tipsy..haha.. that guy is the one who’s drunk” he pointed at the couch and sandeul saw a sleeping chan sik..

“what happened to him? Sandeul asked

“well..he drank too much..”

“why? Doesn’t usually goes home drunk”

“well.. he was complaining how jinyouing hyung was so doubtful about his relationship with jazel.. and because I, SHIN SATO,  half brother of shin dong woo, am a very good friend… I offered him some tequilla..and it worked!!!! He became as happy as he can be last night… im telling you hyung he is a one man party machine!!! He is sooo cool!! He danced like it’s nobody’s BIZZZZNIZZZZ..”

Sandeul was shocked with what sato just told him

“umm.. what’s with that face hyung? It’s not like I killed him or something.. I just gave him a  good time”

“but.. sato.. you need to understand..channie isn’t like you… he’s not a party guy.. I bet he just went with you guys last night just because he was mad at jinyoung…. You should’ve made him go home.. and besides..” sato cut what sandeul was saying

“okay okay..hold your horses hyung… hahaha.. I just want him to have good time.. hyung if you just saw him last night he was soooo freaking messed up.. yes he talked with jinyoung earlier that morning but it’s not enough.. you see.. sometimes.doing things you’re used to do doesn’t really help in solving problems.. sometimes.. you need to find new ways to help yourself.. yes know I know binge drinking didn’t help but at least he was able to clear up his mind”

“aish.. satori.. you are one weird guy.. “

“haha!! I’ll take that as  compliment hyung.. oh by the way.. how are things with you and baro  doing??”


“haha.. c’mon hyung… don’t ‘huh?’ me.. I know you like baro.. from the very moment that he pushed me away from you…I know that there is something going on between you guys.. hahaha..”

“but.. how did you..”

“gosh.. hyung..i wasn’t born yesterday… and my middle name is flirt…”


“you know.. you need to show him your feelings..”

“okay okay.. stop..i don’t like him okay? And if I like him i won’t tell him that I like him cuz I don’t want to ruin our friendship.. that‘s that. stop.”

“hmmm.. okay.. if that’s what you want..” he   moved closer to close that he can already feel sato’s breath on his neck..

“’s okay if I hit on him? Cuz im tell you baro hyung is one hot guy… I and I bet he’s glorious tongue can do amazing tricks..”

Sandeul was ..again..shocked..

“sato..please.. don’t do this..”

“what? You said you don’t want you ‘friendship’ to be ruined right?” well.. I like baro hyung so I’ll make the move…”

“sato..please… please.. don’t do this..” tears ran down his face while begging for sato to stop

“haha!! You’re such a cry baby.. im just joking.. no worries hyung.. I won’t steal your princess squirrel”

“huh? but.. but..”

“ just joking okay?.. haha.. don’t take it too seriously.. hahaha..

Sandeul was so confused,, sato is one complicated being…

“okay okay..i know you want to tell baro just don’t have the guts..and I… will give that guts..”

“huh? how? Where?”

“okay come here..”

Sandeul went to the kitchen with the crazy little bastard so he can have his “guts”


After their “gut lessons” sato went insdide their bedroom and slept.. sandeul was left alone in the kitchen

remember hyung confidence” was all that’s playing inside sandeul’s head..

A few minutes later.. he saw baro going out of their bedroom towards the the kitchen

okay sandeul,, follow what sato said,step 1: make him notice you

“hey squirrel”

“oh..’re early… is breakfast ready?”

Step 2:  be as close to him as possible

“umm.. yeah.. here..sit beside me I just finished cooking”

“woaahh..that’s cool hyung.. are those kimchi pancakes?”

“ have some”

“cool! Thanks hyung! this is great..”

Sandeul scoot closer to baro

“Thanks.. I made them just for you..”

“really? Aww… that’s so sweet.. hehe.. this is the reason why I like you so much…”

Okay..i got his repose.. it’s positive..sato told me that if it’s positive go and penetrate his mind…

“oh yeah… I’ll go and make you coffee”

“oh..okay..thanks hyung…”

Sadeul was about to serve baro his coffee when “accidentally” slipped and “accidentally” poured the coffee on his shirt.

“oh..hyung.. be careful” baro went to sandeul so he can wipe the coffee stain..

“ is nothing.. I’ll just..take my shirt off” confidence sandeul..confidence..


Baro was speechless..sandeul doesn’t have a great body but he has the most flawless and whitest skin among them..he’s like  true blood vampire..


wow… sandeuls body is cute.. haha. And his skin… it’s so.... baro why are thinking about this… I can’t help it.. those collar bones. That white and milky skin..i want to feel it”  baro thought


Baro stood up to help  him  but as baro pulled sandeul up ,  stood so close to baro.. so close that their bodies are air coming from each others mouth is felt…

next… the and bite.

Sandeul his lips then he spoke


He looked seductively baro’s eyes.. to his nose… down his lips…then to his neck..

Then sandeul bit his lips..

Last step…the kiss

Sandeul then kissed baro’s neck..slowly..savouring every inch of it… up to his jaw line…and lips…the sandeul whispred

“I love you”


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Chapter 6: This is so cool.
I like how Sato makes everything look messed up but in the end, he really helped a lot.

Very good Fanfic. :)
Chapter 1: BB! <3 SG is like singapore and bb sounds like bb cream. Haha! :") so yeah. Let's just agree with CNU oppa with BaDeul being the best couple. :">
BaDeulcutie #4
Chapter 3: Please update sooon!!♥♥
jachan #5
Chapter 3: Waaaaah!!! mind blowing..breath taking... OMG!!!! NEXT PLEASE XD
cielo73 #7
Chapter 3: i'll update this by.. ummm..monday.. or wednesday.. :)