Chapter 2: unexpected guest

duck on top


Everyone was chatting happily at the dining table expect for sandeul who’s already in deep thought about what happened in the bedroom

wow.. I never knew baro smell that nice. Hmm… I bet if his fans can smell him the way I do.. they would go head over heels for him..good thing I was the only one allowed to smell baro that way.. hm.. cha sun woo.. why are you like this?, Unknowingly using all of your charms over me. your skin, your smell. Your body.. baro..baro.. baro..

“SANDEUL!” jinyoung raised his voice..

“BARO!!!” Sandeul suddenly stood up shouting baro’s name… he was so absorbed to his fantasies over baro he forgot that they’re already at the dining table.

“sandeul. You’re spacing out..”

“oh.. umm.. sorry hyung”

“why are you shouting my name?” asked baro

“well… ahh.,. umm.. nothing.. nothing.. really.. im just hungry..”

“shinwoo hyung!! This is all your fault..if you just sped up your cooking he wouldn’t be spacing out.. haha!” baro said

“ahhh.. but I want this lunch to be good.. hehe,,and why would he even shout your name.. he said he’s hungry… but why would he shout baro?”

“ummm.. I don’t know.. maybe he’s hungry for me.. haha”

“ehem.. EXCUSE ME! I can hear you!!!” sandeul protested to shinwoo and baro who is making fun of him.

“oh.. sandeul hyung.. are you hungry for me.. you wanna eat me?? huh?? heheh”

“why would I even want to eat you?!!! You’re a squirrel and your feet smells.. eew”

“but you bit me earlier..”

“I just did that cuz you’re making fun of me . hmp!”


“now.. calm down boys…” jinyoung said

“I think you should be the one calming down jinyoung” shinwoo teased

“aish..channie explained everything to me.. I get it now hyung.. him and jazel are just friends.. nothing more than that,, I trust him”

“good “

“well.. this  samgyetang is good shinwoo hyung!” sandeul exclaimed

“yeah.. where did you learn this hyung?” asked baro..


Someone just busted in their dorm opening the door with a loud “bang!”


lice."ing the truth!.. we are just friends.. he just calls eating out as a daen sandeul noticed something


“from him” shinwoo finished with a big smile on his face..almost laughing..

“im here!! At the kitchen!!!!”

“KITCHEN?!! OKIE!!.. oh… this is a bedroom…. Oh.. another bedroom.. a duck? Why would even want a duck as a stuff toy?? Gosh..oh.. this is the bathroom…SHINWOO HYUNG!! I CAN’T FIND THE KITCHEN!!!!”

“turn to your left!” shinwoo almost smiling

“oh!! Shinwoo hyuuuunnggg!!!!!!!!!!!”

“haha, hey there…. I learned the dish from him” shinwoo finished.

“who is he hyung?” asked baro

“hey! Ducks are cute!!!!” sandeul protested

“okay boys calm down… this is satori… shin satori.”

“hey.. what’s up? Eheh..just call me sato..”

“guys.. he’s my half brother.”

“BROTHER?!” the three said in unison

“yes..we have the same dad but different mothers..”

“why didn’t you tell us about this stuff?” jinyoung asked.

“well….that’s why I asked him to go here…”

“hyung… it’s been two years and you’re just telling this now?” baro said

“I just met him 2 months ago”

“and you’re already that close to each other?” asked sandeul

“he’s easy to get along..”

“yep.. I am veeerryy easy to befriend,, ;)” sato explained..

“now.. shal we introduce ourselves?”  shinwoo said

“hi. Im their leader, jinyoung”

“hey.. im the brother,,, sato..hehe”

“hi..baro.. im the rapper”

“ooohh..,,rapper.. hehe.. cool.. I bet your tongue  can do magical stuff”


“oh.. nothing.. haha, and you are?” he gestured to sandeul

“im sandeul”

“you own that stuffed toy right?”

“yes..ducks are cute!”

“hahah.. I didn’t say they’re not cute,,haha!!”


“hahah! You’re funny.. hehe.. a derpy duck.. haha.. XD”


“hahah!! Shinwoo hyung you didn’t tell me you have such interesting groupmates! Haha! XD”

“hey! Im still talking to you!” sandeul said

 Sato let out an evil smile and turned to face sandeul and whispered to his ear “ Ducky don’t be jealous.. you’ll be seeing me for a long time and I’ll make sure that you and I will be having a very good time”

Then he blew on sandeul’s ear sending chills down to sandeul’s spine sato suddenly felt a hand pushing him away from sandeul

“you’re too close”

“awww.. baro hyung.. I was just playing with him..”

“you’re one naughty little it again or else..”

“or else what?....”

Baro raised his hand to punch sato but shinwoo was able to stop them.

“oops.. haha.. let’s try and be friendly okay? I bought sato here for a reason. I don’t want my members to be fighting with him. Especially you baro..”


“shinwoo hyung i..”

“gosh I don’t like drama’s.. okay I’ll settle this out..baro hyung.. let’s be friends okay? I was just playing with ducky over here.. I won’t hurt him.” He looked at baro’s eyes “I promise”

“promise?” baro said

“yes. Promise. And  seriously I just want to be friends with all of you”

“oh..okay..i was just trying to..”

“stop.. don’t say that to me hyung.. haha! say it to the… ummm.. still shocked ducky beside you.. haha I think he wants you talking to him more than me”

Baro was unable to speak because of what sato said.

“anyway..i have to go now. Jazel texted me that will be going to this awesome club. and...”

Jinyoung snapped out when he heard “jazel” coming out of sato’s mouth

“wait. Jazel?”

“yeah.. why? You know her?”

“umm..does she know a guy named gong chan?”

“gongchan?. Ummm.. ahh!! I remember he was jazel’s ex boyfriend.. but they’re just friends now.. haha.. I wish they’d still be together though.. they were an amazing couple.. haha.. wait a minute.. why do you know my friends?”

“well… ahhh”

“jinyoung is gongchan’s boyfriend” shinwoo said

“woah! Really?”


“wow.. jinyoung hyung.. better watch out.. I think jazel is doing her best to get channie back…have I told you? Channie will be coming with us at the club”

Jinyoung’s face turned red from anger.. he can feel blood gushing through his vains with everything satori is saying but..

“jinyoung hyung..” satori said

“yes?” the pissed off jinyoung said.

“don’t be mad..” sato told jinyoung

“why won’t I be mad? He’s with that jazel! And..”


“why are you laughing?” Jinyoung asked

“I was just joking.. hahaha!! XD… yes channie and jazel are just friends but they don’t have any plans of going back together..haha!! you should’ve seen your face. You’re all red.! Anyway. I should be going I’ll be late.. haha! Bye!!! Oh.. shinwoo hyung my luggage is at the living room just put it anywhere it should be okay? I’ll be back tonight.. or.. tomorrow? Haha! Bye!”

Sato dashed out of the dorm leaving everyone except for shinwoo in a state of confusion..

“he is one weird guy” jinyoung said

“yeah..i don’t know if I will be mad or what..” baro said

“haha! Well. He’s got a sinister mind.. I got used to sato doing that to me.. but I promise you.. once you get close to him you don’t want him out of your life” shinwoo told s


Sandeul was still in shock of what happened.. baro almost snapped out of his mind when sato “played” with him. Yes, it was indeed naughty but it’s unnecessary  for baro to react like that… usually when someone makes fun of sandeul he just play with it and never got mad at the prankster.

“umm.. baro.. can we talk?”

Ahh..hyung.. yes why?”

“ahh… can we talk in our room? It’s kinda private”

“ahh.. okay okay”

The two went inside their room leaving the elder members at the kitchen who’s still talking about how bizarre sato’s mind is. Sandeul carefully closed the door so he can talk with baro in private

“ummm.. baro can I ask you something?”

“yeah sure..”

“ahh..why did you got mad  at sato when he did that to me?”

“oh that? ummm.. ahh..” baro’s face turned red with what he asked him

“ usually you just go with the prank and play with it.. but this time you got mad.. you almost punch him”

“well… i… ahh.. I didn’t know what he was doing to you.. he was just so close to you and he’s holding you….that’s an informal thing to do.. especially when you’re not close to the person”

“he just whispered me something..and..i don’t mind if im that close to him.. he’s  a friend”

“what did he said?”

“well.. he told me that since he’s staying here we will be seeing each other  a lot and he told me that I will be having a very good time with him”

“hey…I don’t want you getting close to that sato”

“why? I think he’s a fun guy”

“so you want to befriend him?”

“there’s nothing wrong with that..he’s shinwoo hyung’s little brother”

“but you don’t know him well”

“exactly.. that’s why I want to be close with him”

“you want to be close with him?”

“why are you asking that again?”

“being friends with someone is different from being close!”


“well.. when you’re friends with someone.. you’re just..friends.. just friends… but when you’re close to someone.. you’re close.. and you do things that you don’t usually do with your friends… like us..” baro had a full body blush

“are you jealous?” sandeul asked

“me? jealous?! Of course not!.. im just worried.”

“awww.. my squirrel is worried” sandeul hugged baro

“sato is a weird guy.. I still don’t know him.. and it makes me feel uneasy when you’re with him” baro hugged back

“so you ARE jealous”

“I told you im not”

“you’re not’re jealous.. hahaha..”

“aish! You it’s my turn to ask you something” he tightened his hug

“okay what is that?”

“is what sato said true?”

“what’s true?”

“that you want me more than anyone to talk to you?”

“….” Sandeul turned red. He buried his face on baro’s shoulder

“hey. C’mon!”

“…” sandeul is not answering he’s too embarrassed to admit that he wants baro talking to him more than anyone

“hey! No fair! i answered your question.. you should answer mine too”

“…….” Still no  answer.. his face is just buried on baro’s shoulder

“aww…. Okay..if you don’t want to answer right away,it’s fine I’ll go for it.. it doesn’t have to be today..i just want to hear your answer”

He felt a nod on his shoulder.                                                                    

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Chapter 6: This is so cool.
I like how Sato makes everything look messed up but in the end, he really helped a lot.

Very good Fanfic. :)
Chapter 1: BB! <3 SG is like singapore and bb sounds like bb cream. Haha! :") so yeah. Let's just agree with CNU oppa with BaDeul being the best couple. :">
BaDeulcutie #4
Chapter 3: Please update sooon!!♥♥
jachan #5
Chapter 3: Waaaaah!!! mind blowing..breath taking... OMG!!!! NEXT PLEASE XD
cielo73 #7
Chapter 3: i'll update this by.. ummm..monday.. or wednesday.. :)