The Essay Of Friendship

The Essay Of Friendship



Luhan awoke with a cute little manly yawn and a stretch of his slim, but sturdy arms. He quickly turned his head to see if Yixing was awake, but his bed was well Yixing-less. He examined his best friend's bed until he spotted a little white envelope lying neatly on the missing boy's folded blankets. He frowned and got up to take a look.

The envelope read: "To Luhan :)" The said boy scoffed at the cheesy little smiley face and opened up the envelope, curiosity bubbling within him. Inside was a piece of paper that was folded meticulously with no edge uneven. Luhan opened it up and was met with familiar writing. He could make out Yixing's writing anywhere. The brunette had this special way of writing his characters and Luhan thought it looked absolutely beautiful. It was titled, "The Essay of Friendship." The redhead smiled, sensing where this was going but decided best to see for himself and started reading.

And so it began,

'Okay, so I know this not really how you start an essay, but here it goes. Screw that thesis statement , I'm gonna get straight to the introduction. Our introduction. :P Okay so the first time I met you, you had really short hair, you remember that? ^o^ I thought you looked really cute and manly. >.< I really did. But now all I think of when I look at you is pretty. :)' Luhan's cheeks tinted a light shade of pink and he rolled his eyes, but continued, 'You're just getting prettier and prettier day by day. ;)' Luhan scoffed once more, embarrassment mixed with unknown feelings churning inside of him.

'Don't be mad, Lulu! I really mean it! ;u; Well anyways we became roommates on that very first day I met you and we even came up with our own little dance, you remember? :o' Luhan nodded unconsciously, the smiley faces making him smile so wide. Oh Yixing and his cheesiness.

'This may sound cheesy, but I felt like I knew you when I just met you. I mean it was like we immediately clicked. I even knew Duizhang before you, but you were just so easy to get along with and I really, honestly don't know what I would do without you. ;;' Luhan smiled at that because he knew Yixing meant it. His eyes were actually tearing up but he wouldn't admit that since men don't cry.

'Are you getting touched, Lulu? ;)' Luhan scoffed and wiped at his eyes, muttering an 'as if' and continued on. 'Okay then, next paragraph starts here, :) You remember the time you took me to the hospital when I was really sick? I still remember it vividly and I think that was the day I considered you my closest friend. Luhan, you're always there for me and don't think I don't see your concerned eyes staring me down when my waist is acting up. What I'm saying is, to simply put it, thank you. I'm really, really, really grateful for you always being there. I'll always be there for you too. Always.' Luhan's vision got a bit blurry and a tear fell on paper he was holding. He quickly wiped it, so the writing wouldn't smudge and then wiped at his eyes with a gentle smile.

He took a deep breath and continued on to the next paragraph. 'Friendship only truly happens with people you trust, people who care about you and people who would go through hell and back for you. That's true friendship and Luhan, you know what? I trust you more than anyone I know. I care about you than more myself and god damn it, I would go through hell and back for you. You're my best friend, my best buddy, my closest pal, my brother, I don't know what I'm thinking, but my crush.. I can't believe I'm actually writing this, but I know you care about me too, I know that.. but even if you don't feel the same way about me in the way I do, I know our friendship will remain because you trust me. I know it in my heart.'

In conclusion, Luhan.. I love you. <3' Luhan put the paper down and wiped at his eyes.

"Idiot." Was all the elder said before getting up in a frenzy to find the said idiot. He opened the door and Yixing was standing right there. Luhan pulled him by his shirt and hugged him tight. "You are such a fricking idiot." Yixing smiled and pulled him closer. The redhead pulled away from the embrace, placed a gentle kiss on Yixing's lips and pulled back before the younger could react. The elder then went up to Yixing's ear and whispered, “Xing, I love you, too.” 



so I hope you all enjoyed this ball of fluff~ lol please do leave me comments!  I love comments okay pls ;w; and yeah idk I was really emotional when I wrote this too so yeah oTL thank you guys~ :)

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Chapter 1: XD the first few lines of the essay were so hilarious
Aww, what an adorable confession :3
*sighs contently with LayHan feels* please write more ^^
cyji11270114 #2
Chapter 1: Oh dear oh dear. This! This layhan fic! ODG my feels. I'm now starting to ship them . ;A;
Finally! And what else can I say? You just write so good dongsaeng. Jjang!^^
Chapter 1: Aww, honestly Layhan just calls for fluff - they are too cute together! Cute story! :D
lili88 #5
Chapter 1: That's indeed a sweet story. I like how you put in few words the evolution of their friendship and what makes it special. Well I like layhan but I think maybe lay really thinks some of the things you wrote ^^