Invisible Man

Invisible Man

He looks at the girl seated three tables away from him; laughing and having a fun time with the young man beside her. He can't bear to see them happy when he's at the corner, sulking and daydreaming for him to take the place of the boy. He finally stood up,  and decided to take a breath of fresh air outside.

It has been two years since he first saw her walking down the school's pavement. It was his second year in highschool and was just the start of the term where classes were usually just about introducing one's self to your future classmates for the rest of the year. Sitting in his regular solitary space, a tree trunk cut down and left at a shaded part of the school yard, he was just getting ready to close his eyes and take a short nap when he spotted her. Half running, half walking, she strode the pavement from the school gate to the main building, hair swaying with the gentle wind, eyes quickly swtiching from her wristwatch to the road, then to the infrastructure in front of her.

He was not a believer of 'love at first sight', but at that moment, it seemed that he instantly became a devout fan of the phrase. He knows that it's not true that when one sees someone he or she loves, the heart will start beating, because it is already beating in the first place. What happens is that it only picks up its pace, strengthening its force that one can feel blood rushing through the veins, and that was what happened to him when he saw her. Instantly, he can hear his own heart drumming in his chest so loud he almost swore the other students became aware of it also.

So much for reminiscing. After wandering through the noisy school corridors, at last he arrived at his favorite spot. He plugged his earphones in, and let a random song play on his phone. Coincidentally, the song exactly reflects his sentiment.


I wish you'll look at me that way

Your beautiful eyes, looking deep into mine

Telling me more than any words could say

But you don't even know I'm alive

Baby, to you all I am---


 Suddenly, he was interrupted by a voice he's all familiar with.

"Kris-sunbae."  He whirred aroung, not believing his own ears. "What's wrong?", came the voice.

And it was her, alright. Standing just a few feet from him is the female student he's been thinking about for the past he-does-not-know-how-long days. The reason why he's been restless and confused for weeks. The wide-eyed, cheerful girl who always makes his day complete. Chanyeol.

Surprised, Kris just asked, "Why are you here? Why is Baekhyun not with you?"

Chanyeol just shrugged. "Bacon went back to our classroom. He'll wait for me there." Then she stared straight at his eyes. "Are you not gonna asked me why I'm here? I'll just tell you, anyway. I followed you because you looked so... sad."

Kris looked away, saying, "You should go back now, your boyfriend is gonna look for you."

"He knows, and he's not my boyfriend."

Raising his eyebrows, he looked back at her and laughed with no emotion. "Oh, c'mon. Don't give me that."

The gal looked shocked and hurt. "Yah, sunbae! I didn't expect you to talk like that. I am telling the truth and you don't believe me."

Kris, kinda exasperated, vented out. "How can I believe that, Chanyeol-ah, when every single day I see you with that Baekhyun coming to school and going home?"

Chanyeol slowly smiled, that turned out to be inhibiting a giggle.

"What's funny?"
At that moment, she just bursted out laughing. "You! Hahaha! I never thought you would be so dense, Kris-sunbae. Here I thought you were having a serious problem!"
"But this is serious!"
"Okay, okay. Now, calm down. I can't imagine you losing your cool, sunbae." She looked earnestly at Kris. "You can be cute sometimes."
"Now, please listen to me. First of all, like I've said, Baekhyunnie is not, NOT my
boyfriend. He's just my bestfriend for the longest time, and we also live in the same neighborhood, so that explains why we come and go together. And second, why did you go here? I was calling you at the cafeteria earlier, but  you just left."
"I just wanted to clear some things on my mind."
"Hmm..." She murmured, then stared intently at the boy. "May I know what's bothering you, then? My gut feeling is telling me it has something to do
with me."
Kris looked a bit uncomfortable then cleared his throat. "Uhm...I ah..."


"Okay. Guess I have to go---"
"I like you, Chanyeol-ah.
He was met with a wide smile.

"Then why didn't you say earlier?" Kris-brows were raised.
"I like you, too, sunbae... Oh no. Is 'Kris-oppa' better?"

Kkris was stunned; Chanyeol stood up and headed back to the school building.


"I'll wait for you, okay? After class. See you later."


Baby, to you all I am---


Kris looked at his phone, pressed 'stop'.


"Yeah. See you later."





A/N: And, it's done after I-don't-know-how-long years! XD This fic has been in my pending to-do-list of fics since my writer's block, I don't know, last year? And it's just a one-shot, for Earth's sake! Hahahaha. But it's done, atlast. Thank the heavens. :) But I was really shocked about Kris' lawsuit against SM. Like, really SM?! That's, what, three times in a row! C'mon! Okay, but yeah. I guess we just have to accept the facts.

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