Chapter 35

A Change of Mind

Hoya's POV

Today was the day that Sungyeol and L were getting married, and it wasn't hard to see. 

During lunch, Sungyeol had sat with his knees constantly vibrating as his feet tapped on the floor, glancing around with a worried sort of expression. He had looked so nervous it was almost funny. He hadn't even touched his food. 

L, on the other hand, looked almost scarily calm. Sometimes he would glance at Sungyeol, which would make his eyes light up, but then he would soon look away again. Once, he had spoken, saying, "You better all be present today. If not, I will personally kill you. Wait; I take that back. I will make someone else personally kill you, so my hands won't get bloodied. But the fact remains the same: come or die." 

"Relax, L," Sunggyu had calmly replied. "We'll be there."

"Yeah, there's no need to sound like some creepy mafia person," Sungjong had chimed in. 

L hadn't replied, which had made Woohyun exclaim excitedly, "He's so nervous and excited that he can't even answer! Oh my Gyu, this is going to be so awesome to watch!" He had followed this outburst by rapidly clapping his hands together.

L had shot Woohyun an evil look, but it had only lasted a second, because then his face had lit up again. I could only assume that he kept remembering the fact that he would finally get to marry the one person he so obviously loves, and that was why he couldn't seem to manage to stay angry. It was probably unbelievable even for him. 


Earlier that day

Sungyeol's POV

I hadn't thought I would be this nervous. I had thought I would calmly wake up, put on my clothes, walk to school, be normal, and end the day by marrying L. 

Instead I woke up with a jolt, completely freaked out, changed my clothes at least seven times, walked to school feeling like I was about to have a panic attack, and almost passed out when I saw L waiting for me by the school gates. 

He was leaning against the brick wall, his hair perfectly crafted into some stylish hairdo that I didn't know the name of. He was wearing a scarf even though it wasn't chilly outside anymore, which made me wonder, and then I noticed that it wasn't just any scarf, but in fact the scarf that I had made for him. I couldn't help but feel warm inside when I realized that.

He smiled when he saw me, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and I swear I could have kissed him right there, in front of all the students who were arriving for another school day. I didn't - of course - but that didn't stop L from running over to me and flinging his arms around me. I almost fell over, but that didn't bother me. Not today. 

"Hey, jagi-ah," he crooned, burying his face in my neck, hugging me tightly.

"Hi," I squeaked, my body tense. Why am I freaking out like this?

"Why are you freaking out?" L asked, his face resting against my chest now. 

I started, my eyes growing big. Can he read my mind?

"Why do you seem so shocked?" L continued. "Are you thinking I can read your mind or something?"

Oh. My. Gosh. He can read my mind. He can freakin' read my mind. 

"Relax, Yeollie. You're overthinking things, whatever you're thinking. You aren't actually thinking that I can read your mind, are you?" L chuckled as he slowly drew away from me, probably so he could look at my face, which must have been red as a tomato by then. 

"Do you love to utterly humiliate me?" I muttered, feeling mortified. 

L's face instantly softened, his smile becoming more gentle. "Pabo. Stupid, silly, lovable pabo." And he ruffled my hair affectionately. "Come on, let's go to class."

He grabbed my hand, holding it like I was his only valuable possession, and pulled me towards the school doors. 



When I saw Sungyeol walk towards me with his head in the clouds, he completely took by breath away. He had never seemed more beautiful.

If I could have created another human being, I don't think I could have created anyone more perfect than Sungyeol. 

I ran towards him and crashed into him, startling him to such an extent that he almost fell. He didn't seem to mind though, because he just stood there with a silly sort of smile plastered on his face, gazing down at me. 

"Hey, jagi-ah," I murmured, smelling the scent of him. 

"Hi," he replied, his pitch high and shrill. He seemed intensely nervous.

"Why are you freaking out?" I asked, and I put my ear against his chest so I could hear his heartbeat. It was beating rapidly; a wild thudding. 

He didn't answer, so I continued. "Why do you seem so shocked? Are you thinking I can read your mind or something?" 

Sungyeol started, as if I had caught him in the act of thinking exactly that. I couldn't help but chuckle at my adorable choding. 

"Relax, Yeollie. You're overthinking things, whatever you're thinking. You aren't actually thinking that I can read your mind, are you?" I drew away from him, wanting so see his face. His cheeks were rosy, like a child who has been outside playing in the snow during the winter, and his expression was clearly that of a very embarrassed boy. 

"Do you love to utterly humiliate me?" he asked, pouting slightly. He reminded me of a puppy. 

"Pabo. Stupid, silly, lovable pabo." I reached up and tousled his hair. "Come on, let's go to class."

And I grasped his hand, dragging with me the only person I truly valued and treasured. 


Sungyeol's POV

I couldn't eat during lunch. I was too nervous. I didn't know why I was nervous, but it was probably due to the fact that I was about to marry the most gorgeous person alive, and I had no confidence whatsoever. I wasn't good enough for him. And yet he loved me. It was insane; madness. Yet he loved me. He loved me. He loves me. 

I couldn't grasp the consept. It was so strange to think someone like him could ever like someone like me. 

As I stared at my lunch, I could feel L looking at me from time to time. Still, I couldn't bring myself to return his gaze. I could readily admit to myself that I was seriously freaking out. 



Lunch that day was a strange thing. It was as if a calm had come over me, even though I was so excited inside that I could barely contain myself. The fact that I was actually about to marry Sungyeol didn't fully register in my brain. It seemed like someone else's wedding. Someone else's dream come true. It couldn't possibly be mine. 

Sungyeol didn't eat. He didn't look at me either. I didn't know why - and honestly it was making me a bit worried - but I didn't ask him. I just hoped he wouldn't get cold feet and back out. If he does, I will force him to go through with it anyway. 


Later that day

I arrived earlier than all the others. 

The wind was almost non-existent; only a gentle breeze touched my face, cooling it. I took my shoes off and walked down to the seashore, feeling the sand between my toes. It felt nice. The sea was calm too, with almost no waves. The sun was still apparent in the horizon, reflecting itself in the water. Hues of red, orange and yellow danced across the gentle waves. A perfect evening for a wedding.

I gazed out at the horizon and felt the butterflies swirl around in my stomach.

I had made sure everything was perfect: an arch made out of flowers - in shades of pink, white, peach, yellow and orange - and bendable sticks standing in the soft sand; chairs placed behind the arch for the people watching; a white carpet that lead up to the arch, where I had strewn soft pink rose petals. I had ensured that the arch was positioned so that the others would see the sunset in the background. I had also wound ropes of light around the arch that would shine later on, thanks to the batteries I had brought. In addition to that, I had laid candles on both sides of the carpet, so the pathway would be lit up.  

I sat down in the sand, knowing the others wouldn't arrive yet. I had come early in order to calm myself down. My tux felt a bit stiff. My hands were clammy. I looked down to check that the peach-colored rose was still tucked in the pocket of my tux. It was. I looked at my hands. They looked awfully small; too small for someone who was about to get married.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, thinking of Sungyeol's smile. I thought of all the times I had thought it would be impossible to capture his heart. All the times I had thought of giving up, because it seemed like an impossible task to change his mind.

But I did it. I changed his mind.

I made him love me. 

I made him choose to spend the rest of his life with me. 

I couldn't help but grin stupidly to myself, and a feeling of joy surged through me. Opening my eyes, I rose with a sudden fit of energy and screamed at the sea. I yelled at the top of my lungs, conveying my feeling of happiness to the world. 

If only every person could feel how I feel now. Then the world would surely be a better place. 

When I finished yelling, I laughed out loud, clutching my stomach.

What kind of a freak have I become, that I can openly holler at the sea without being embarrassed?

It didn't matter. Nothing mattered today.

Only one thing mattered today:

I was marrying Sungyeol.


Sungyeol's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror, trying to convince myself that I looked half-decent. The tux didn't seem to fit properly, and the hair had apparently decided to be especially unruly today. I was pretty sure that was dark sircles I was seeing under my eyes, and my lips felt dryer than normally.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. It didn't work. My heart had long ago started thumping like crazy, and my hands were shaking slightly.

This is just ridiculous. Why can't I control my body?

I looked at my reflection once again. I wondered what had captured L's attention. My eyes? Mouth? Hair? Or maybe just my height? I couldn't find anything especially special or beautiful in my features. Nothing that stood out or captured people's attention. Well, I guess my height does capture some attention, but still...

I checked the time and was shocked to discover that it was time to go already. My heart immediately started beating even faster. 

As if on cue, Sungjong yelled from outside my door, "Hyung! It's time, you know! Now or never! Come or go! Dine or ditch! Drink or drive! No, wait, I don't think that last one was correct..." 

I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Is he trying to calm me down or something by saying lame stuff? "I'm coming!" 

I rose from the chair and walked to the door. When I opened it, Sungjong was standing there, waiting for me. He smiled when he saw me, as if in approval, and said, "L is going to faint when he sees you. He'll probably just skip the whole wedding thing so he can drag you off to make out with you."

"Sungjong!" I exclaimed sternly. 


"Stop it."

"You wish."

I sighed, giving in. "Whatever."

"I can't believe you're going to marry L today."

"Me neither."

"Are you afraid?"

"No. Of course not."


"Yes. Very."

"There's no need to be nervous. He loves you. You love him. What more matters?" Sungjong said this as if it should be obvious. Maybe it was obvious. 

"I guess you're right..." I nodded, turning the words over in my mind. "I do love him. What more matters?"

"Exactly. So stop freaking out, hyung. Calm down. Chillax. Take a chill pill. Breathe."

"Do I look that nervous?" I asked him.

"Yes," Sungjong said immediately, his tone flat. 



Everybody had arrived except for Sungyeol and Sungjong, who would drive Sungyeol to the beach. 

Sunggyu and Woohyun were sitting in the chairs, Woohyun talking excitedly. He was so animated that it was almost funny. I could hear parts of their conversation:

"Oh my Gyu, this is so exciting! I can't wait to see Sungyeol! I bet he looks dashing in a tux, don't you think, yeobo?"

"I'm sure he does," Sunggyu smiled.

"Be a little excited, yeobo! People are getting MARRIED today! Goodness, people who didn't know better could think you didn't have a soul by the way you're talking!"

"It's not normal to be as excited as you, you know," Sunggyu told him.

"It's just that everybody else is un-normal while I am normal," Woohyun replied indignantly, his chin raised. 

"Fine, fine," Sunggyu chuckled.

Hoya and Dongwoo, on the other hand, were walking by the shore. Or, to be more correct, Hoya was walking, while Dongwoo had found a long stick and was running around drawing pictures in the sand like a kid. He was laughing loudly, his dorkish smile apparent from miles away. Hoya seemed to find him immensely amusing, for he was grinning gently while he watched the other draw hearts and stars in the sand with his stick. 

"How's it going over there, soon-to-be-married?" Woohyun asked all of a sudden. I turned to look in his direction. 

"Fine," I said. 

"You aren't nervous?"

"I'm excited."

"So you aren't nervous at all?" Woohyun looked at me as if trying to read my thoughts. Knowing him, that was probably exactly what he was doing. 

"No," I replied honestly. My nervousness had disappeared after I had yelled at the sea. There was nothing but excited butterflies left inside me. Nothing but growing happiness. Nothing but thoughts of Sungyeol

Sungyeol. Sungyeol. Sungyeol.

"The guest of honor has arrived!" someone yelled suddenly. I turned my head in the direction of the sound, as did Sunggyu and Woohyun, and there stood Sungjong. He was wearing a light pink suit, smiling brightly. 

"Sungyeol is here?" Woohyun asked.

"Yeah. He's in the car over by the parking lot. Probably having a heart attack by now."

I felt a jolt go through me. He was here. Really here. 

I breathed in deeply, feeling the breeze on my face, the wind ruffling my hair. 

"He'll come out in twenty minutes, so I suggest we fix things before he comes," Sungjong continued. "You wanted this to be perfect, right?"

I suddenly realized that things weren't perfect at all, and ran to get a lighter to light the candles. 

The next twenty minutes passed by quickly. The candles were lit, the lights wound around the arch . The sun had set by now, coloring everything in its warm colors. The others gathered and sat down, and Hoya joined me under the arch. He was wearing a dark purple suit that fit him perfectly. 

Woohyun looked immensely excited, and Sunggyu was holding a video camera, ready to capture the moment and make it eternal. Sungjong was turning around all the time to see if it was time for Sungyeol to arrive yet. 

Twenty minutes passed. 

I could hear my heart thumping loudly in my ears. The butterflies were going crazy by now. 

And then he came. 

He was even more beautiful than this morning. 

He was perfect. 

He was wearing a white tux, a pink rose tucked into his pocket. His hair was tousled, yet perfectly so, and his eyes shone brilliantly. He was - to my utter surprise - holding a guitar. He walked towards us, until he arrived at the other end of the carpet. 

"Before we start," he began, his voice unsteady. "I practiced something." He looked down for a moment, as if shy, and took a deep breath. I couldn't be sure because he was a bit far away, but it looked like he was blushing. 

Then he looked up again, straight at me. "This is for you, Myungsoo," he said, his voice clear and soft. 

And he gripped the guitar in both his hands and started playing a gentle tune, looking down at his fingers while he did so. It was so unexpected that I could do nothing but stand there and stare at him. 

I was even more shocked when he started singing softly, still with his head bowed:


"To me, who was walking that dark road alone

to me, who wasn't even aware of my spilling tears

you came to me like a dazzling light and shone on me

your hands took away my tears

now I finally realized


The many times I've shared with you 

all the happy moments spent without realizing

the road that I've walked so far

the road that I've walked in loneliness as I cried 

you changed all of those things

now I finally realized

the reason why this road in front of me

is so beautiful


Even if I don't tell you for a long time

how is it that you know all of my feelings?

I'm sorry for only leaning on you

I will reach out my hand and hold you now

Do you understand these feelings of mine?


The many times I've shared with you 

all the happy moments I've spent without realizing 

the road that I've walked so far

the road that I've walked in loneliness as I cried 

you changed all of those things

now I finally realized

the reason why this road in front of me

is so beautiful 


The dark memories that still remain in my mind

are slowly soaking up the light by resembling you 

please help me to prevent

that light from extinguishing

so that I can always shine on you


All the times I've shared with you

the road that I've walked so far

I promise you 

now we live in the same time

it's all you 

the reason why this road in front of me

is so beautiful."


Sungyeol ended his song and slowly looked up. His eyes were shining. 


I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything. A knot had formed in my throat and it wouldn't go away. I suddenly noticed that a tear had slipped down my cheek. I didn't care. All I could see was Sungyeol, standing there so timidly, holding his guitar. He was gazing at me as if unsure of whether I had liked his performance or not. Ever so slightly, he tilted his head to the left, questioningly. 

I still couldn't speak. 

It's all you: the reason why this road in front of me is so beautiful.

I smiled gently, my feelings becoming overwhelming. My vision was turning blurry. 

When did I become such a crybaby?

Nobody seemed to be commenting on it though. Not even Woohyun. When I glanced at him, I saw that he was in fact crying even harder than I was. His brows were knit, and he blowed his nose discreetly with a handkerchief. I wiped my own tears away with the back of my hand. 

I looked back at Sungyeol. He was still standing there, regarding me shyly, biting his lip. I smiled at him and beckoned him to come to me with my hand. The breeze was blowing gently, making the lights of the candles flutter. The sunset was a brilliant flaming orange, pink and purple. 

Sungyeol slowly walked over to where I was standing next to Hoya. He had left the guitar lying on the carpet. His steps were small, almost hesitant, and I couldn't help but want to urge him to move faster; come to me faster. 

When he finally arrived at my side, he looked into my eyes through his lashes. The final rays of light were reflected in his eyes, making them shine even brigther than usual. I in my breath, seeing his perfection. I loved how he looked at me. I loved the fact that I could see his love for me in his eyes. I loved how he had said that I was the reason why the road in front of him was so beautiful. Because I felt the exact same way. He was the reason. The reason for everything. He was everything. He was the reason for eveything I ever did and everything I would ever do. 

"You are my reason too, you know," I said softly. "The only reason."

Sungyeol blushed and smiled sweetly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I know."

Someone coughed discreetly, and I turned to see that Hoya was standing awkwardly next to us, grinning a crooked sort of grin. "Shall we start?"

I nodded eagerly. 

I couldn't pay attention to any of the things that Hoya said. I repeated the words needed, but all the while all I could really do was stare at Sungyeol. My mind wouldn't grasp the fact that I was actually making the boy in front of me mine. Mine. He will be mine in a matter of seconds. It made me almost tremble. It felt like a dream. 

"I do," Sungyeol said, his voice clear and sure. He nodded as he did so, as if to really make his consent clear. 

I suddenly realized what had just happened. My eyes widened, and for a moment all I could do was stare at him. He smiled at me in return, as if sensing my awe, and took a step closer to me. 

"You may now kiss your partner," Hoya said, a little awkwardly, and stepped back. 

Yet I couldn't move. I was just too amazed. It was too much like a dream. 

I think Sungyeol must have understood my feelings, for he closed the rest of the distance between us. Slowly, ever so slowly, he leaned down, gazing at me with obvious love. Just before our lips met, he closed his eyes, and then I felt his warmth and love and happiness seep into me as he finally kissed me. 

I had never felt happier. 

Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait (again) you guise! I've been to France for a week! :D So I obviously couldn't write > . < But now I'm back, and Myungyeol FINALLY got married! <3 Oh my gosh, I was like tearing up while I was writing this. Lame, I know. I'm such a sappy and cheesy person... Sorry that I couldn't put all of your suggestions into the story. Still, I hope you guise liked it! At least it's pretty long, right?:D And if you're wondering, Sungyeol sang SHINee's 'The Reason'. I really, REALLY love SHINee, and The Reason is one of my all-time favorite songs, and I felt like it fit with the occasion... so yeah. Go and listen to it if you haven't already, cause it's really beautiful!^^ <3 And tell me what you think of it:D 

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 37: Cuteness overloaddd
Chapter 37: .woah!! iread this in one go.. this is amazing.. :)
myungie1582 #3
Chapter 37: This story was so cheesy... And I love it SOOO much!!! It was great and so so adorable ;')
khasabat #5
Chapter 37: The story so adorable!! I like so much when L going cheessy as Woohyun did! How Yeol be shly at L cheessiness...haha i love that!
Chapter 37: This is like the most adorable story ever!!!>< omggggg=) I love this ♡♡♡ totally going to be in my collection of awesome myungyeol ff
mangafrick #7
Chapter 37: I thought that would be a little be but still like it love it
Chapter 29: I don't know if you'll ever see this but honestly I've lost track with the amount of times I've read this fanfiction over and over again? It's probably over 5 times and I'll never get tired of it! It has its own charm, tweaking each chapters with cuteness and I cringe in happiness because honestly, the myungsoo in this story is PERFECT for sungyeol!
Chapter 14: Jagi ah ! <33333
Chapter 7: O.o ?!

what was that Myung ?!!!!!! OMFG