Chapter 33

A Change of Mind

One Week Later

Sungyeol's POV

"Everybody. Today is the big day," Woohyun announced, looking like he was on the verge of tears, yet still maintaining that half-smile-half-smirk that he had perfected years ago. 

"What day?" Dongwoo asked, looking a bit puzzled. 

Woohyun shot Dongwoo an evil look. "How dare you?"

"What did I do?" Dongwoo inquired, his eyes big and scared-looking.

"Don't worry, Dongwoo. He's like that to everybody." Sunggyu said reassuringly. "Don't mind him."

"Don't mind me?" Woohyun repeated, clearly shocked. "Yeobo! We're getting married today and you're saying people shouldn't mind meOf course they should mind me! Everybody should mind me! I'm getting married, for crying out loud!" Woohyun scowled at Sunggyu.

"Hyung, don't be such a drama queen," Sungjong complained. 

"Like you're one to speak," Woohyun muttered. 

"Wait a second," Dongwoo said slowly. "You two... you're getting married? Like, today?"

"Haven't you been listening at all?" Woohyun asked, his words still sharp. "Yes, we're getting married. Today. Right now."

"Right now??" Dongwoo exclaimed, his eyes big. Even L looked up from his phone, which he had been playing on. 

"Hyung..." I started. I didn't quite know how to finish my sentence. "But... we're in school. And it's the middle of the day. And how do you plan on getting married without a priest?"

"Oh, but I've obviously fixed that," Woohyun said dismissively. 

"You have?" Sunggyu inquired, looking surprised. 

"It's funny how you don't even know a single thing about your own wedding, hyung," Sungjong remarked, gazing absently at his nails. 

"He's too old for stuff like that," Woohyun explained, to Sunggyu's displeasure. Sunggyu glanced at Woohyun, looking like he was slightly hurt. As if sensing it, Woohyun turned in his direction and shaped his hands into a heart. "But that's why I love you!"

Sunggyu pursed his lips, but it was obvious that he was trying not to grin. "Whatever."

"So how exactly do you plan on doing this without someone who is going to seal the deal?" L asked. A lock of hair had fallen into his eye, and I suddenly had the urge to sweep it away from his face. I barely stopped myself. 

"Hoya is doing it," Woohyun declared, to everyone's astonishment, except for Hoya, who only looked away like he felt a bit out of place. 

"What?" Sungjong exclaimed. 

"What do you mean?" Dongwoo asked. 

"I don't get it," I said.

"Woohyun-ah, are you sure you're telling us this correctly?" Sunggyu inquired gently. 

"Someone's gone a little mental," L mumbled, going back to his phone. The lock of hair was still covering his eye. 

"I'm not going mental, thank you very much," Woohyun said, scowling at L, who was paying no attention to the older. "I made Hoya take like, a course or whatever. I don't know what you call it. The point is, now he can do exactly what a normal priest can. So he's going to 'seal the deal' like L said. Problem solved." Woohyun smiled, obviously happy with himself for having come up with such a brilliant plan.

"You're saying that Hoya... is a priest?" Sungjong asked, incredulous. 

"No, I'm not!" Hoya exclaimed. "I only took the course that allows me to make it legal when people marry each other if I'm there and read the vows and proclaim them husband and wife and all of that. I don't really get it either..." 

"But... aren't you a bit young to be able to do that?" Dongwoo asked. 

Hoya shrugged, like he couldn't understand it either. 

"The point is: I get the wedding I want with the man that I want. I don't care who 'makes it legal' or whatnot. I only want my wedding!" Woohyun pouted. Sunggyu brought his arm around Woohyun's shoulders, a gentle expression on his face. "Pabo. Do you really want to get married that badly?"

"Yes!" Woohyun exclaimed. "Don't you? Aren't we supposed to be together forever; live happily ever after?"

"Of course we are," Sunggyu chuckled. "Fine, you get what you want. You always get what you want."

Woohyun smiled from ear to ear, instantly having forgotten his sorrows. "This is why I love you, yeobo. Because you always listen so well to me."

Sunggyu rolled his eyes, but kept his arm around the younger's shoulders. 

I glanced at L, who was still playing with his phone. The stupid lock of hair continued to stubbornly cover his eye, and I couldn't take it any longer. Silently, I reached out my hand and swept it away from his face. He looked up immediately, and when our eyes met, I couldn't help but blush. L smirked, grabbed my hand - which was still lingering close to his face - and, without warning, kissed the inside of it. I jumped, not having expected that, and pulled my hand away. L just chuckled and went back to his phone. 

When I looked away, I saw that everybody was staring at us, which made me blush even harder. 

"Oh my goodness. PDA much?" Sungjong said. 

"Aaaw, you two are just SO. CUTE," Woohyun gushed. "But not as cute as Sunggyu and I, of course."

Dongwoo was pink in the face, though I doubted he looked even half as embarrassed as I did. 

"Anyway," Hoya coughed, interrupting the awkwardness, making me love him a hundred times more. "Aren't you going to get ready, Woohyun and Sunggyu?"

"Oh! Of course! Our wedding!" Woohyun exclaimed. He rose from his chair immediately and dragged Sunggyu with him. "We'll be back in a while!"

And with that, they both left the cafeteria, the younger pulling the older along hurriedly. 


Half an hour later they were back, both now dressed in a tuxedo. Sunggyu looked like he was slightly uncomfortable with all the attention he was getting from the people around us, while Woohyun seemed like he was basking in it. 

The students eagerly gathered around us, as Woohyun and Sunggyu climbed on top of our table. Hoya too scrambled up after them, a little awkwardly. 

"Dear students; admirers; fans. You have all gathered today to witness the adorably cute Woohyun getting married to the love of my life, my yeobo Sunggyu," Woohyun hollered. 

"Isn't the priest supposed to do this part?" Sungjong whispered.

"Woohyun obviously want's the honor himself," L remarked.

"This is the weirdest wedding I have ever been to," Dongwoo said quietly, looking up at the three who were standing on our table. He seemed almost shocked, like he couldn't comprehend the situation at all. 

"I have waited for this day for years," Woohyun went on. "When I can finally make my yeobo mine in every sense of the word," - and here he winked - "and now the time has finally come!"

All the while, Sunggyu just stared at Woohyun, seemingly lost in thought. Or maybe he didn't have any thoughts left in his head at all. His expression was rather blank.

"Now, Hoya. If you could just say the part you rehearsed," Woohyun said, glancing at Hoya.

 "Er..." Hoya stuttered. "Do I just... say it now?"

"You're the one who took that course!" Woohyun exclaimed. "Why are you asking me?"

"Right... So.., Do you, Kim Sunggyu, take Nam Woohyun to be your lawfully wedded husband... and partner and love from this day forward? To be together in sickness and in health, in good times as well as bad times, in joy and in sorrow, as long as you both shall live?"

Sunggyu stared at Hoya, his lips slightly parted. Woohyun nudged him in the side. 

Startled, Sunggyu glanced at Woohyun, who gave him an aren't-you-going-to-answer??? look. "I do," Sunggyu replied immediately, receiving a warm smile from Woohyun. 

"And do you, Nam Woohyun, take Kim Sunggyu to be your lawfully wedded... husband and partner and love from this day forward, to be together in sickness and in health, in good times as well as bad times, in joy and in sorrow, as long as you both shall live?"

Up until that moment, I had thought that Woohyun only wanted this for the show of it; for the attention. That he didn't really care either way, since Sunggyu was still his, after all. But then I looked at Woohyun and suddenly saw that his eyes were wet. He was still smiling, but tears were threatening to spill, and for a second he just stood there, saying nothing. 

Then, as if realizing that the moment he had been dreaming of for so long was finally here, he shouted, so loud that every person in the room could hear, "I do!"

Then he flinged his arms around the older's neck, kissing him happily. 

Hoya, obviously flustered because he had to stand on the table next to them, said, "I now proclaim you to be lawfully wedded... partners."

A sudden eruption of cheers could be heard throughout the cafeteria, as everybody started whistling, clapping and screaming. 

I glanced at L and saw -  to my surprise - that he was watching the couple on the table fixedly. 

"Jagi-ah," he said, still looking at the newly-weds. "In three weeks, that is going to be us."

I started. "Er..."

"You aren't backing out, are you?" he asked. He was still looking away from me. 


L finally swung his head in my direction. His expression was, for once, serious. "You aren't backing out, right?"

"No," I answered, startled by his somber mood. "I'm not backing out."

"Good," he replied, a smile quickly appearing on his face. He closed the distance between us and brought his arms around me, clinging to me like a koala. His chin found my shoulder, and he took a deep breath. "You smell nice."

I stood there awkwardly, trying not to blush, knowing I was probably failing miserably. 

"And I love it when your face get's red like that," he mused as he looked at me, smirking. "It's so endearing. Especially the fact that you're blushing because of me."

I looked away, awfully embarrassed. 

"Aw, jagi-ah, don't be like that. We're getting married in just a couple of weeks. Shouldn't you be used to this by now?"

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this," I muttered, feeling both annoyed and overjoyed by the fact. 

"I guess that isn't too bad," L said thoughtfully. "Then you'll never grow tired of me either."

Of course I won't, I thought. I'm already pretty much infatuated with you. 

But I didn't say it out loud. It would make him feel too good about himself, and his self-esteem was already high enough as it was.

Author's Note: Oh. My. Gosh. I am SO FREAKING SORRY, you guise! I haven't posted a chapter in what, a month?? Like, how is that even possible?? I feel terrible about it, and I hope you will forgive me OTL School has been awful lately and I seriously can't take much more of it (luckily I am graduating in just a couple of months! Oh my goodness, glorious day!). I know it's a y excuse... I'm sorry. 

But let me distract you all from my grievous sin. Have you heard S.M. the Ballad's new song? The one with Jonghyun and Chen? It's called A Day Without You and is currently stuck on replay on my iPod. I cannot stop listening to it. It just never gets old, like seriously. If I haven't mentioned it, I'm a big SHINee fan. Like, BIG. Like, I would probably die if I ever saw them live. So yeah. That's my song at the moment. What are you guise listening to right now? Any good songs for me? :D   

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 37: Cuteness overloaddd
Chapter 37: .woah!! iread this in one go.. this is amazing.. :)
myungie1582 #3
Chapter 37: This story was so cheesy... And I love it SOOO much!!! It was great and so so adorable ;')
khasabat #5
Chapter 37: The story so adorable!! I like so much when L going cheessy as Woohyun did! How Yeol be shly at L cheessiness...haha i love that!
Chapter 37: This is like the most adorable story ever!!!>< omggggg=) I love this ♡♡♡ totally going to be in my collection of awesome myungyeol ff
mangafrick #7
Chapter 37: I thought that would be a little be but still like it love it
Chapter 29: I don't know if you'll ever see this but honestly I've lost track with the amount of times I've read this fanfiction over and over again? It's probably over 5 times and I'll never get tired of it! It has its own charm, tweaking each chapters with cuteness and I cringe in happiness because honestly, the myungsoo in this story is PERFECT for sungyeol!
Chapter 14: Jagi ah ! <33333
Chapter 7: O.o ?!

what was that Myung ?!!!!!! OMFG