Chapter 14

A Change of Mind

Author's Note: Soooo... since some of you wanted more chapters, I guess I'll continue this story. Though I must say, I don't really have anything specific planned, but I'm sure I'll think of something, lol. Anyway. I'll be happy to get suggestions, if you happen to have any!^^ Anyway. That was all...

I had started to understand that L was a rather posessive boyfriend. Not in a scary, this-is-a-thriller-and-will-end-badly sort of way, but more like a child who was unwilling to share his toys with anyone else. (Not that I was a toy.) He just didn't like it when I spoke to other people for too long, or when I stayed out of his sight for more than a couple of hours at the time. 

Whenever I did go somewhere without him, he would complain and whine about it until I would promise to bring him along next time. 

"But we're supposed to be together, Yeollie-ah," he said one day while clinging to my arm, after he found out that I gone shopping for some clothes without him the day before. The class had yet to start, so he had followed me into my classroom, even though this had attracted the attention of the whole student population (at least that was what I felt).

"We're together all the time, L. You're not a little kid; you don't have to be with me 24/7."

"It's not about having to. It's about wanting to. I want to be with you. I always want to be with you." L looked at me with his sincere eyes shining brightly, and I didn't know how to reply to that. What could I possibly say? 'I don't want to be with you?' It would be an outright lie anyway. I obviously wanted to be with him. I just couldn't bring myself to express how I felt, like he did so willingly.  

"It's rude not to reply, you know, jagi-ah. You really should learn some manners," L said after several seconds had passed. 

"You already like me, so what's the point in improving myself?" I asked, wanting to . 

"You always use that as an argument. It's not fair! How am I supposed to reply to that?" L scowled at me, pouting slightly. 

"That's exactly why I use it. Because it's effective." I smiled at him, loving the fact that I had won for once. 

"I'll get you back, just you wait and see," L said confidently. 

"Just go to your classroom already. Class is about to start," I encouraged, wanting him to disappear so I could think properly again. My brain never seemed to be able to function when I was around him. Or more like, when he was around me, which was all he seemed to be. Not that I dislike it

"See you later, jagi-ah." And with that (and a wink), L left the classroom. 


"Stop it, L," I complained, pushing him away. I was sitting on his bed, and he was trying his best to kiss me. 

"Why?" he breathed, his face closer to me than I would have liked. 


"Because what?"

"Just because." 

L smiled mischievously, leaning ever closer. "That's not a reason." 

I tried to scoot away from him, but he grabbed my wrist, stopping me. "Not so fast, Mister Hard-To-Get." 

I tried squirming away from him, but to no avail. There was no use. He was stronger, and he knew it. 

"Why are you being so persistent? I'm already your boyfriend." L said, looking at me with a mixture of confusion and craving. 

"Well... It's still sort of... wrong. I'm not really gay, I swear," I tried explaining, though I knew there was no point. Even though I was sure I wasn't gay, I had still chosen to be with him - against my better judgement. I still loved him. I still wanted him. It didn't make sense, but I wanted him. And sometimes I felt a little guilty for wanting him so bad. So I tried my best to push those feelings down, so they wouldn't overwhelm me completely. 

"Oh, don't give me that crap again," L grumbled. 

"I'm just saying it as it is."

"If you weren't gay, you wouldn't respond to me like this." And he grasped my face with both his hands and kissed me full on the lips. At first, I struggled all I could, but I soon gave in. His lips were hot against mine, and it felt so nice to have him kiss me like that, that all other thoughts disappeared from my mind. All I could think about was the fact that L was kissing me, clutching my hair, pushing me down against the pillows. 

When he stopped kissing me, I was breathing rather quickly, and I couldn't help but notice that I wished he would have kept on kissing me. 

"See?" L said proudly, grinning like a child. "You love me. And you want me, just as much as I want you."

"Stop being so cocky," I mumbled, knowing he was completely right. 

"There's nothing wrong about stating facts."

"That's totally besides the point."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not."

"You're such a child."

"You still love me, though," L said and smiled happily, planting a quick kiss on my cheek. I blushed and looked away. 

"Whatever," I mumbled. 


No sooner had I got myself a boyfriend than another transfer student was due to arrive at our school, this time a boy. Apparently his name was Nam Woohyun, and people wouldn't stop talking about him.

I heard many different things about him, but most often people said he was a player and a heartbreaker, and that he stole every girlfriend (or boyfriend apparently) of any person within his reach, so everyone should gard their beloved when he arrived. 

Until he actually arrived, this hadn't concerned me even slightly. By then I was almost certain that L was completely infatuated with me and couldn't possibly fall in love with someone else. He seemed to follow me around wherever I went, just like a cute little puppy - and I loved every second of it. I loved the way he looked at me, the way he talked to me, the way he stared at me, the way he touched me, the way he kissed me. 

When Nam Woohyun arrived though, I felt a pang of unease. He came during lunch break (and I couldn't help but think how typical that was), walking into the cafeteria like he had belonged here all along. People swarmed around him, and he laughed and chatted and offered them all charming smiles. I could see what they meant when they called him a heartbreaker. 

"So this is the famous Nam Woohyun."

I turned and saw L looking curiously at the older boy. 

"I wonder what he's like," he mused. 

I just sat there silently, like I so often did. I had nothing to say about the subject because honestly I wasn't interested in the guy. I just wanted to be in the company of L, having him smiling at me and being in command of all of his attention. 

"Hey, can I join you?" someone asked. 

I looked up and saw Nam Woohyun standing over us, smiling pleasantly. Then I looked at L, to see his reaction. 

He seemed to be uncertain of what to reply, because all he did was stare at the older boy with an unidentificable expression. 

I couldn't bear to be rude, so I decided to answer him since L apparently had no plans of doing so. "Sure, go ahead."

"Thanks, kiddo," Woohyun said and smiled at me, rather condecendingly I felt. "So, what's your name, boy with the black eyes?"

Woohyun looked at L questioningly. 

"You can call me L."

"Cool. I'm Woohyun. You can just call me hyung, if you want."

I felt completely ignored, and disliked it exceedingly, so I decided to join their conversation. "I'm Sungyeol," I said and smiled. 

Woohyun glanced at me and nodded absently before turning once again towards L. 

"I'm L's boyfriend, you know." I said suddenly, feeling the need to let this guy know, so he could stop being this over-friendly towards my boyfriend. 

Woohyun looked at me with a mildly surprised expression. "Really? That's interesting. You don't really seem to match that well."

"What do you mean, 'don't match that well'?" I asked hotly. 

"You two seem very different, that's all," Woohyun explained calmly. 

"Is there something wrong with that?" I shot back.

"No, of course not. It's just my observation." Woohyun grinned at me, and I felt the need to fling something at his face. Like a rock. Or maybe a chair. 

"Well, Woohyun-shi. I think my boyfriend and I better get going. Class starts soon anyway," L said suddenly and rose from his chair. He grasped my hand and pulled me along, bringing me to my classroom. 

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked him, a little put out. 

"About what?" L inquired.

"About the 'don't match that well'-stuff!" I exclaimed, pulling my hand away from his. 

"But I didn't want to interupt you. You seemed to be so into it, you know?" L explained, looking at me like I was going way overboard. Which I probably was, but I couldn't care less at the moment. 

"No, I don't know. All I know is that that guy over there was dissing our relationship, and I don't like him at all," I stated, folding my arms. 

"Fine, I get it. You don't like him. Happy?"


L gazed at me with a puzzled expression, clearly not understanding my childishness. Even I was becoming rather baffled. Why was I being so silly? 

"Here then. To make it better." And L leaned over and kissed me softly on the lips, before I could react. Then he smiled at me, clearly pleased with himself, before he turned and walked away towards his own classroom.

"See you later, jagi-ah! Try not to think too much about me!" he shouted over his shoulder, smiling slyly. 


Author's Note: Since electrahearts wanted me to add Woohyun, I added Woohyun:D And some drama. And stuff like that. Yeah. Hope you guys like it! Thanks for reading!:) <3

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 37: Cuteness overloaddd
Chapter 37: .woah!! iread this in one go.. this is amazing.. :)
myungie1582 #3
Chapter 37: This story was so cheesy... And I love it SOOO much!!! It was great and so so adorable ;')
khasabat #5
Chapter 37: The story so adorable!! I like so much when L going cheessy as Woohyun did! How Yeol be shly at L cheessiness...haha i love that!
Chapter 37: This is like the most adorable story ever!!!>< omggggg=) I love this ♡♡♡ totally going to be in my collection of awesome myungyeol ff
mangafrick #7
Chapter 37: I thought that would be a little be but still like it love it
Chapter 29: I don't know if you'll ever see this but honestly I've lost track with the amount of times I've read this fanfiction over and over again? It's probably over 5 times and I'll never get tired of it! It has its own charm, tweaking each chapters with cuteness and I cringe in happiness because honestly, the myungsoo in this story is PERFECT for sungyeol!
Chapter 14: Jagi ah ! <33333
Chapter 7: O.o ?!

what was that Myung ?!!!!!! OMFG