
It's been barely over two weeks since their official, traditional wedding ceremony was over, and Joonmyun still can't get the fact that he's married in his head. To him, the fact that he was married only was outstanding, let alone the fact that he was married to the one and only Dragon Prince, Wu Yifan. How this happened was still quite a blur to the brunette, and he couldn't believe it had actually happened.

All he knew all his life had been to study. Joonmyun had woken up every single day of his twenty-two years of life to go out to school, learn for the sake of his education, and then return to the dorms to bury his nose even more into his books. As his best friend Kyungsoo put it, he literally had his nose in the books and his head in the clouds. Despite being labelled as a dreamer, Joonmyun knew better than to fantasize about the myths that didn’t exist and definitely weren’t real. Whoever came up with the idea that immortal creatures existed probably had never been studying science at all. Nobody could prove that these kinds of creatures existed, unless they themselves had seen it and survived to tell the tale.

However, right now, he wakes up to soft kisses placed on his lips and on his neck, littered on his collarbone and a soft, husky 'good morning, beautiful'. It certainly was quite a pleasant way to wake up, and Joonmyun comes to realize every single damn morning that he is married to Yifan. Even if he doesn't manage to realize that, Yifan helps him to - with his mouth.

Today, too, Joonmyun feels his eyes flutter open, and the sight of a deliciously Yifan greets him - this time, though, Yifan's still asleep, and Joonmyun gets to admire the way his lips part a little, the way his eyelashes flutter just a tad bit, the way his brows furrow and scrunch together as if he was having a bad dream. He's drawn into strong arms and he lets out a soft squeak against the hard chest his face lands on, and he feels a hot breath on the crown of his head. 

"Good morning, beautiful," Yifan mumbles, almost incoherently, in a deep, y voice. Oh, how Joonmyun absolutely loved that voice. "You're awake early today."

"Good morning," Joonmyun whispers back, smiling and snuggling against the warmth of his husband. "Says the one who always stares at me after he wakes up."

"It's relaxing to watch you sleep. My Dragon likes it."

Yifan leans down and closes the distance between the lips, earning a groan of protest from the smaller male, who breathes out something about his breath being unpleasant, but Kris has nothing of it. The blonde kisses the breath out of his mate and smiles down at the male, who has a dazed look in his eyes. He leans down and kisses Joonmyun again – again and again, until Joonmyun finally stops Yifan by placing his small hands on the broad chest of the dragon.

Where Joonmyun can't believe that he's married to a Dragon; Yifan can't believe that he's actually married to the love of his life.

Being the mate of a Dragon is especially draining - physically and mentally. Physically, because Dragons have a rather high drive and matching stamina, and they keep you up all night. Mentally, because Dragons tend to be rather territorial and over-protective of their mates, and Yifan's jealousy has flared up enough times to make Joonmyun roll his eyes in exasperation every single time.

Joonmyun still recalls the first time they had met, to be quite honest. After all, it’s not every day that you get knocked into and you look up to see a tall, handsome blonde towering over you with crimson eyes and large, black wings sprouting out of his back.

It had been a weekday – Tuesday, to be exact, and he remembers waking up screaming that he was late for class after he opened his eyes and noticed the numbers ‘9:35AM’ on his bedside clock. He had jumped out of bed so quickly and pulled on his clothes, almost falling over when pulling up his pants as he rushed out of the door, not even bothering to grab a slice of bread from the container. The chance encounter happened just as he was a few blocks away from his college, and at his sprinting speed, he rounded the corner sharply, only to be thrown back by something hard and tall. Shaking his head from the blinding impact, he had looked up right into the crimson eyes of a tall, blonde man who towered over him, and said man also had a pair of large, black wings sprouting from his back.

Does he have a cosplay ? Joonmyun wondered aloud to himself, quite surprised by the strange attire on the man. Except, ‘’ probably wasn’t the right word for the stranger’s attire, which consisted of just a large, sweeping fire-red cloak that flared at the ends and some leather pants, and Joonmyun thought that he should silently thank the gods that the man still had some sanity left to remember to wear some pants.

Joonmyun recalls the way that Yifan had stared at him – that scrutinizing gaze that pierced through the very large brick wall Joonmyun had somehow managed to build around his heart. That very gaze that had made his heart skip a beat for the first time.

He’d apologized profusely, (why had he done that when the taller male was at fault for suddenly appearing out of nowhere and making them crash into each other?) and then attempted to scramble away, when the blonde stepped to the side and blocked his escape route. Joonmyun had look up at him in surprise and also in a hint of annoyance because he was running late for class, and this brute decided to continue making him even later than he already was.

“Excuse me,” Joonmyun had managed to say without stuttering as he glances up into those crimson eyes. “You’re blocking my way. I’m already late for class, and I’d appreciate if you don’t make me any later.”

The blonde doesn’t say anything, so he takes it as a sign that he’s able to pass, and he does so – only to be blocked by the blonde side-stepping at the very last moment and he ends up with his face mushed against the man’s really rock-hard chest. Joonmyun had pulled back, mustered up the best glare he could give with his accursed angelic features, and pushes at the man’s chest until he gets past the man.

Needless to say, he ended up being an hour late for class, and his professor had not been very pleased. He himself was also not pleased, seeing as to how his once-clean attendance was now stained with a very large, red ‘LATE’ on it. Joonmyun blamed the handsome stranger who had collided head-first with him, and prays fervently that he would never see that damn cosplayer ever again.

However, life is always cruel, and they have way too many lemons to hand out to people.

Joonmyun had actually lived quite peacefully for a few days after the incident with the stranger, and he hums happily as he shops for clothes with his other friend, Luhan. Kyungsoo had been too busy with cleaning the apartment to join them, but Jongin, his boyfriend was probably over at their house, and as Luhan had so crudely put it ‘probably making out and getting it on right now so there was absolutely no need for himself and Joonmyun to even go back to the house’.

As he picks up another nice t-shirt and places it against himself to compare, he glances up at the people passing by the store – mainly due to a teenage boy with rainbow hair, and muttered ‘kids these days’ to himself. He sees the kid turn, as if the latter had heard what he had said, and he quickly busies himself with checking the price of the t-shirt until he’s sure that the boy is gone. Heaving a sigh, he puts the shirt down and walks off to find Luhan.

Luhan’s found at the counter, where he’s handing over his card and contemplating life’s most difficult decisions – if he should go to dye his hair because the blonde in it was fading out, or if he should go and get a bagel because he was hungry right now. Joonmyun opts for the hair salon, because at the one they frequent, they get free coffee and donuts for their constant patronage, and so they set out to the hair salon.

When they pass by the shops, Joonmyun notices the same rainbow-haired kid (really, how many rainbow-haired kids were there?) staring at him through the glass of the bookshop they had just walked past. He shrugs the weird feeling creeping up on him off, humming a tune as he scurries after Luhan, trying to keep up and cursing his short legs.

As soon as they were settled into the plush chairs at the salon, Joonmyun relaxes himself before he asks Luhan if he should dye his hair. Luhan glances over at him and gives him the colour palette to choose from.

“Which one are you getting?” Joonmyun asks as he studies the extensive selection of colours provided.

“Lilac, probably,” Luhan grins at his friend through the mirror when Joonmyun stares at him as if he had grown a second head. “What? Isn’t it more… I don’t know, exciting than just blonde and brunette shades? I mean, almost everyone has their hair in either colour, and it’s way too common. I want to stand out.”

Joonmyun thinks back to the kid with rainbow hair before shaking his head at his friend. “Whatever you want.”

“Maybe you should dye yours maroon.”

“Maybe I will.”

Joonmyun ends up selecting a wine-red colour to dye his hair because what Luhan said was quite the truth, and he – as much as he didn’t want to stand out, the colour just felt so right for him.

After their hair was done, they walk out of the salon together before Luhan says that he’s going to head over to the café since he was still hungry. Checking the time, Joonmyun tells Luhan that he was going to head home because it was almost dinner-time, and Kyungsoo had probably cooked.

“He probably hasn’t because they’re getting it on,” Luhan snickers, and Joonmyun hits him upside the head before waving goodbye to his lilac-haired friend.

Joonmyun turns and starts to walk home, humming softly to himself as he strolls along – the apartment he shared with Kyungsoo was but a few blocks away, and once he rounded the corner ahead, he would be in their street already.

What he doesn’t expect is to be grabbed when he rounds said corner, and he certainly doesn’t expect to be staring into a hypnotic swirl in front of him. Black dots his vision at the edges, before they slowly start to consume more of it, until Joonmyun slumps against the stranger holding him.

The stranger had then drawn a line down on the air in front of him with his finger, opening up a rip in the whole street. He steps into the rip, and watches it close after him, his rainbow hair lifting gently in the wind.

Joonmyun scowls as he remembers how he was practically kidnapped into Yifan’s home by his little brother, the rainbow-haired kid. He’d learned on the first day that the brat’s name was Sehun, and he was, by no means, apologetic for making his brother’s bride faint. In fact, the very first thing that Sehun had said to him when he saw the redhead was ‘oh, you’re awake.’ Never in his entire life had Joonmyun wanted to strangle someone so badly.

However, Sehun was alright now that he’d gotten to know the brat better. The kid was, needless to say, a handful – mostly because he was silent all the time, and he never spoke about how he felt to others. Sehun was rather cold to strangers, and it had taken Joonmyun about three whole months of the whole five months he’d been staying to get the youngster to open up to him. Once Sehun had though, Joonmyun felt glad that he had persevered to get the kid’s attention.

Just then, the door opened and he looks up, thoughts scattered as his mate enters the room. He smiles sweetly at the tall blonde and reaches up for a hug. The blonde quickly moves over and sweeps his mate into a big hug.

“Hey, you,” Yifan mutters into his ears in a soothing voice. “How was your day at the doctor’s?”

Joonmyun bites his lip and curves it up into a smile as he arranges the papers on the bed, being careful not to turn them up so Kris wouldn’t be able to see. He’d been feeling nauseous the past few days, and for the past week he’d been feeling fine. Once Yifan had heard that he had been throwing up every morning, he’d all but flown back home from work and demanded that Joonmyun go to see the doctor.

“It was okay,” He begins, shifting the papers onto his lap as he keeps his gaze on the stack of papers. “There’s something, though-“

“What is it? Are you sick? Do you need me to get some medicine?” Yifan questions quickly, eyes wide with worry as he grabs Joonmyun’s shoulders. “Do you need me to carry you to the bathroom?”

“What? No!” The redhead tries not to laugh at the dragon’s anxiety. “Here, look at this.”

Breathing in deeply, he then hands the papers over to the blonde. Yifan takes them into his hands and starts to read, taking a seat beside his small mate as he continued to read past the first sentence.

The papers flutter to the ground noisily as Yifan picks the redhead up and twirls him around with a wide smile on his lips. Joonmyun gets kisses peppered all over his face and his neck before he’s finally settled down gently on the bed as Yifan nuzzles his cheek, one big hand his belly affectionately.

“I- We- I’m going to be a father,” The blonde breathes out, amazed as he leaps off the bed, grabs the paper off the floor and reads it once again. “I’m going to be a father!”

Yifan starts to dance happily, and Joonmyun shakes his head with a wide smile on his face, patting his stomach lightly.

“Look, baby, your father’s a weirdo.”


So, hi. I actually planned this to be a one-shot to make up for not being able to complete the story, but this thing just grew and I decided to make it chaptered despite it being a one-shot. ^^; So it's still a one-shot, except it's chaptered. I hope you guys like it! 

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Yeah I'll just update this once I'm finished with the wolf au Krisho bc i can't with the different character names. otl


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2444 streak #1
Chapter 11: awwww what a cute family! the ending tho! HAHAHAHA! control your hormones, your child is in the room... please! HAHAHA
1489 streak #2
Chapter 11: Awww, such a lovely, fluffy piece! I'm super weak to this kind of fics. It's really beautiful - KrisHo's relationship here. I'm so into this fic's universe now and I wanna see more of KrisHo + HunHan and the kids (especially the too-big eight year old Chanyeol, I just can't get over that image of him still being carried by Luhan, like hnnngh!)
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 11: That was lovely ☺
Chapter 11: mannn perfect story!
Pingpongko #5
Chapter 11: Hehe this is good !!
mybeautifuleyes #6
Chapter 11: I really liked it!
Chapter 12: Such a cute story! An extended version would be awesome and well worth the wait, I'm sure! You could call it "Dragon Tales" maybe? :D
Chapter 11: ;;;; what is this .. why am I crying ?? Why are they so sweet and fluffy urgh