Chapter 31

Love Food Story

as soosica628's request on twitter. Hope you satisfied.

The interview with Sunny, the photographer, turns to be Sooyoung’s single action. Jessica keeps silent all the time beside her since they entered the coffee shop. Eventhough now they both sitting in the couch inside Jessica’s apartment, Jessica still keeps on mute position. But one thing changes, she doesn’t kick Sooyoung out or locking herself inside the forbidden room.

And what change the most is... She asks Sooyoung to stay. Unspokenly, but Sooyoung just knows it...or think it like that. At least, Jessica doesn’t reject her presence, that’s the only matter for Sooyoung right now.

“Are you hungry? Want me to make you something?” Sooyoung asks.

Jessica shakes her head.

Sooyoung scratches her head, that’s not itchy. “Want me to go? Maybe you need space and time?”

Suddenly Jessica puts her head on Sooyoung’s shoulder. “You can leave if you want but don’t make me as your reason.”

With that... how come Sooyoung choose to leave? Anyone can answer this?

“I won’t leave,” Sooyoung says.

“You know you only have two weeks more in here, right?” Jessica reminds her.

“And if you don’t mind, it can be longer, right?” Sooyoung dares herself to ask.

Jessica sighes heavily. “Why you come if you want to leave someday?”

“Sometimes you need to ask someone to stay so they won’t leave, right?” Sooyoung asks.

Jessica doesn’t answer her anymore but she also doesn’t take her head from Sooyoung’s shoulder.

And when Sooyoung can feel vibration from her shoulder, she knows Jessica is crying. She let her be. Honestly Sooyoung wants to take her to her embrace, but for this moment, maybe this will be the best position for them. Sooyoung doesn’t want Jessica to feel her interfence her life. Like the promise she made although it’s unspoken, she will be there whenever Jessica needs her.


After Jessica returns to the forbidden room to calm herself, Sooyoung knows who will be the only person she must talk with at this moment. Without waiting, she dials her number.

“Im Yoona,” is the first thing Sooyoung mentioned after Tiffany picked up her call.


“She’s one of Sunny’s model,” Sooyoung cuts her. “You remember about the photographer and her ert assistant, right?”

Tiffany nods. “Yeah... cause you mentioned that midget.”

“You’re not tall enough to called her that way, Miyoung.”

“Whatever,” Tiffany says nonchalantly. “What you need?”

“Jessica just met her few hours ago. Now she’s in her silent room but gladly she doesn’t lock the door. Maybe she just need to calm herself.”

“Okay... I still don’t get your point. Is it good or bad thing?” the mushroom asks.

“It should be good.”

“Should be?”

Sooyoung sighs heavily. “Do you have any idea how to make Jessica forgive Yoona? Or how to make Krystal coming back home?”

“You know... if I can do that since few years ago, you won’t meet Jessica. You know that, right?”

Sooyoung sighs again. Tiffany was right.

“Why you in rush? Something happened?”

Sooyoung nods. “Soojin unnie called me. I don’t blame you to give my number to her. But...”

-Flashback yesterday night-

“Youngie, it’s me, sorry for calling you.”

Sooyoung really familiar with the voice on the other line, it’s none other than Soojin. Sheisn’t surprise if Soojin said she gets her number from Tiffany. She knows Soojin will do anything to keep in touch with her even though it’s not directly.

“Yes, unnie. You get my number from Tiffany, right?”

“Easy guess, huh?”

“You hate Yuri. I still remember that, but you must accept, it wasn’t Yuri’s fault I chose this path,” Sooyoung replies.

“Ara, ara. I try not to blame her,” Soojin says lightly.

“Not try, Unnie. You must do it.”

“Anything for my little sister,” Soojin answers while crossing fingers behind her back. “But you know that’s not the point of this call, right?”

“Yes. What’s going on in the house?” Sooyoung asks.

“To the point, huh?” Soojin asks. “The only answer is... we want you to come back home.”

“I haven’t reached my goal and I think my time limit hasn’t over yet,” Sooyoung replies.

“How about... visit your family?” Soojin asks. “Mom is sick...”

Sooyoung sighs heavily.

It will be rude if Soojin just lying by using their mothers’ condition like drama she often watch on TV. When she goes home to check her mom, turn out she is perfectly fine. And by the time she realizes that, someone will lock her inside her room and not let her going back catch her dream. But...

What if that’s the true? Sooyoung will be a child who is not filiat to her parents. Shortly, bad kid. And she doesn’t want to be one.

“How come?” Sooyoung asks. “Something happened?”

“Maybe because she just missed you,” Soojin replies. “I also feel the same. Sometimes I mad at dad because he let you leave the house.”

“Maybe it also my fault, Unnie. I’m being a rebel daughter,” Sooyoung replies.

“This is the first time you told him about your will. He shouldn’t do that!” But Soojin rejects her idea. “But please... go home, for mom. I’m not lying if that what you thinking. I’m not trying to fool you with cheap drama we often watch on TV. I’m serious.”

Sooyoung sighs heavily. She maybe can’t read person so easily, but she knows her sister so well. She never lies for serious thing.

“Give me time,” Sooyoung requests. “I need to handle some things here. May I speak with mom?”

“Maybe later? She is with dad now. They don’t know I still can contact you,” Soojin makes an excuse.

“Alright. Call me again later. I missed mom’s voice too..”

“Yeah... we missed you too,” Soojin says before hanging the phone.

-Flashback Ended-

“And few hours later, I called my mom. She isn’t well like what Soojin unnie said. All this time she kept it on secret because of mom’s request. But she knows... the reason why mom is sick because she missed me,” Sooyoung ends her story.

“And...?” Tiffany demands. “What’s the connection with Jessica? You can just go home, right? If you don’t remember, she tries to kick you out few times.”

Sooyoung sighs. “She’s just... emotional.”


“She cries on my shoulder before she went back to her room.”

Tiffany nods. It’s click everything. “And it makes you worry? When she starts holding onto you, you left her?”

“We talked about stay and leave... And I said, if she doesn’t mind it can be longer...” Sooyoung mumbles.

“What else you said?”

“Sometimes you need to ask someone to stay so they won’t leave,” Sooyoung answers. “I...”

“You want to stay beside her, right? But at the same time, you also worried about your mom’s condition. I can understand that,” Tiffany replies. “Will you come back after you visit your mom?”

“Depends on the situation... on drama....”

“Maybe you should stop watching drama. It can give solution,” Tiffany says. “You can run away from your house and it doesn’t mean you can’t do it twice, right?”

“I know but...”

“When you talked to your mom actually you have intention to go back home and follow whatever your dad wants from you because at that time you just fight with Jessica but now since you can see Jessica actually needs you, you changed your mind?”

“Please stop reading my mind, Tiff...”

“I just trying to stand in your position to understand that, Sooyoung-ah,” Tiffany says. “So.. what’s your choice... will you visit your mom?”

“I want to go home... Mom is sick but...”

“Just go home.”

Sooyoung turns around only find Jessica is few feets away from where she’s right now. She doesn’t know if this is another way Jessica kicks her out or...

Short update because I want to make this story hanging..

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Chapter 39: Just found this recently.. its sad that its been years already..anyways HWAITING AUTHORSSHI!!!!..

Chapter 39: Myghad done reading i hope my curiousity will never haunt me down HAHAHAHA I really wanted to know what will happen next ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I know you dont like it when your readers tell u to update soon ㅋㅋㅋ but can u please complete your story i cant read stories that aren't complete cuz i feel bad and my curiousity will kill me moreeeee... Dont forget i love your storieesssㅋㅋㅋ 사랑해
chohsoo #4
It's been a long time, authorshi
ctfd_sooyoungster #5
this is too good to be a...a... ab *cries like a river* :'(
miashidae #6
Chapter 39: 2 weeks and 4 days maybe:)
miashidae #7
Chapter 39: This awesome author. I'm looking forward for ur update? You're malaysian if i'm not mistaken. Same goes to me i'm right.