Chapter 14

Love Food Story

Doing un-official work between official work. I'm boreeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd~~!!!!!!!!!! >.<

Jessica feels so excited after she typed the last word in her laptop. She almost forgets writing story can be so fun like she does now. Thinking about the idea or imagining how the story goes is also part of the fun of writing story. The feeling she also has when she started to be an authour.

One person brings it back to her, either she wants to admit it or not. That person now is singing the same song like she sang this afternoon while preparing their dinner. Blame the pride that makes Jessica won’t show how excited she is to show the story to that person.

Carefully Jessica goes to the kitchen. She peeks from the wall where she was leaning this afternoon while listening to Sooyoung’s song. But this time Jessica doesn’t drowning in her deep thought again or let her past ruin her mood at the moment. At this time, she is staring at Sooyoung’s back while thinking how to approach her chef.

Is it better for her to look cold or… demanding, showing who's the boss to get what she wants? But what question or command she must give to Sooyoung? And what kind of expression she should show to her? Or is it better to ask about her day? Be kind to her so she could get a help again?

In first five minutes, Jessica feels dilemma with the choices until finally she choose to….

“Have you done?” Jessica asks impatiently when Sooyoung still busy with anything she is doing in the kitchen.

Jessica decides to confront Sooyoung directly. She doesn’t want to be bothered with Sooyoung might think with this question. Jessica has a goal. In the end, Sooyoung will know if she only wants to discuss about the story with her un-official co-author even though she goes on circle. So why she must be frustated if the result still the same? It's better for her to take a short cut, right?

Sooyoung looks over her shoulder only to find Jessica tapping her feet on the floor. She even crosses her arms on her chest while staring at Sooyoung. Something must be rushes her but Sooyoung can predict what it will be.

“Are you done with your story?”

Sooyoung decides to ask back to spin out time. She just need few more minutes to perfectly done her cooking. It is forbidden for Sooyoung to ruin her finishing touch just for talk. At least, she can do both of them if she doesn’t lose her focus. But deep inside her mind, Sooyoung hardly wish Jessica wants to understand her condition now.

Jessica nods even though she knows Sooyoung doesn't face her. “But I want you to read it and give me your opinion.”

Somehow Sooyoung knows she is in dead end when she heard Jessica’s statement. But she tries to gambling while asking, “My opinion? About what?”

To hear that question, Jessica stomp her feet before she went closer to Sooyoung. Somehow she knows Sooyoung want to continue their discussion in the kitchen even though she clearly gives command to her to read the story by herself in the living room. But when they just few meters apart, Jessica can see Sooyoung still focus on their dinner. It seems like Sooyoung is doing her finishing touch. She looks really concentrate on it.

“I’ll explain it to you in the living room. Just don’t take too long.”

Jessica decides to leave Sooyoung alone in the kitchen and goes back to the living room. She sits down on the floor in front of her laptop. She is tapping her finger in the table while glancing at Sooyoung’s back. Even though she still can’t be patient, she decides to wait. Jessica can see Sooyoung doesn’t want to destroy their dinner. Maybe Sooyoung wants it to be perfect since she wants to be a chef. Or maybe she just focuses on it because she loves doing it. No matter what the reason Sooyoung has, Jessica knows she has no choice but wait.

Sooyoung releases a sigh in relief to hear Jessica step away. Earlier she held her breath preparing the worst thing that might happen. Jessica might forcefully stop her from finishing her cook, but it’s not happen. Even though she knows Jessica still can’t be patient, but she decides to wait. Sooyoung feels glad for that.

Without wasting time, Sooyoung tries as fast as she can to apply the last touch in their dinner. After she felt satisfied with what she saw, Sooyoung brings two plates to the living room. She can see Jessica at the peak of her patience.

“Put that down. Sit and read this.”

Sooyoung frowns to hear Jessica’s order.

“Okay, fine. Introduce your dinner menu. I only have 5 minutes for that.”

Sooyoung’s smile slowly grows wider. She happily glances at the plate she put on the table.

“This is Ginger Prawn Soba Noodles.”

(Source :,easy-dinner-recipes)

“You take a lot of times only for this?!” Jessica raises her voice a bit. It hasn't reach her dolphin squeal but  she obviously feels unsatisfied with what she sees on the table.

Sooyoung shakes her head. “Wait. There’s more!”

Hurriedly Sooyoung goes back to the kitchen and brings another two plates with different things on it.

“What takes so long is actually this.”

(Source :,easy-desserts)

“This is called Berry Ice-Cream Baskets with Couli. Actually I feel hesitate to serve this in front of you since I have no experience with dessert. I tried to make this at the restaurant this noon and my boss said if you like sweet things, you may like this.”

Jessica glances at another plate. “Save that for later in the fridge.”

Sooyoung frowns to hear Jessica’s reaction after she finished introducing their dinner menu. Frankly, she feels disappointed. At least she wants Jessica to try it even just a bit.

“It will melt if you put it here. I want to eat ice cream as ice cream, not melting ice.”

Sooyoung smiles widely again to hear the continuation. Happily she goes back to the kitchen. Jessica only can shake her head to see her chef’s behavior.

“Weirdo,” Jessica mumbles.

Still with a smile on her face, Sooyoung finally comes back to the living room and sit not far away from Jessica in the floor. She glances at the laptop in front of Jessica. “What can I do for you?”

Jessica points at the screen to the document she opens in there.

“I want to hear your opinion after this,” she says while pushing the laptop in front of Sooyoung.

Sooyoung only nods when she can see Jessica takes one of the plates she prepares. Secretly she smiles when she can see Jessica silently eating the dinner she made.

“You can eat while read, but don’t dirt my laptop or else…”

Even though Jessica hangs her words, it easily makes Sooyoung’s back hair standing. It feels like Jessica can stab her anytime she wants. It’s not with a knife but words. Somehow it feels like Sooyoung must be careful or she will lose her head. To shoo away that feeling, Sooyoung decides to start reading the story.

“Haruna, my dad will go home soon!” Happily Yuko tells Haruna about the news in their way back home from school.

Haruna is Yuko’s senior at school. Mostly Yuko will wait Haruna at the school yard before they went home together and Haruna ever complain about it and tell Yuko not to wait her and go home first. But the girl-like-squirrel always argues back. Yuko always says she wants to protect Haruna from any harm she might meet in her way back home. She also reasoning that Haruna is too beautiful, that’s why someone might kidnap her or do something bad to her because of jealousy or any other reasons. Even though Haruna says that she can protect herself since she is older than Yuko, but Yuko insist. And since Haruna can’t find a way to make Yuko give up, finally she choose to surrender and let Yuko to do anything she wants.

 “Really? It’s great!!” Haruna feels happy to hear that news. She knows how happy Yuko was everytime her dad comes back to visit her in his busy schedule arounds the world. Later when her dad goes back to his work, Haruna will be the one who gives her ears for Yuko's story that she always gets from his father.

“Will he take you to go to some galleries as usual?”

Yuko shrugs her shoulder. “Dad doesn’t tell me for how long he will stay, but I wish he will. And…”

“And?” Haruna tilt her head in confusion because Yuko suddenly stop and look down.

Slowly but unsure Yuko looks back into Haruna’s eyes, she can see clearly the concern from the taller girl. The dimple smile finally shows from Yuko’s face.

“I just hope that you can join us,” she says honestly.

“Ah~” Haruna is nodding slowly.

“Do you want to go with me?”

Haruna can see how hopeful the girl beside her to hear her say yes, but sadly that request isn’t that simple. If only she’s older than their ages now, maybe it easy to her to promise that, but since they only elementary school kids, Haruna must answer this way.

“I want to, but… I can’t promise that. I should get permission from my parents first.”

Yuko understandingly nod. “Maybe next time? Your parents maybe not allow if the invitation is just too sudden, right?”

Haruna can see Yuko is bad when hiding her disappointed. She doesn’t know if that’s because she spend a lot time with Yuko or the shorter girl isn’t good while come to hide her feeling.

“Hey, I haven’t rejected it, right? I’ll do my best but don’t hope too much, okay?”

“Un~!” Happily Yuko nods her head since she can see Haruna maybe also as excited as she is. Even though deep inside her mind she also thinks maybe Haruna only being nice since she knows Yuko might be really disappointed if she doesn’t want to go with her.

“Ah~!! I can’t wait until dad comes home!!”

“It will be great, ne~?”



To her surprise when Yuko reach home, she finds her dad waiting her in the living room. In full speed she run to her dad and hug him tightly. Yuko can’t hide her excitement to see her dad.

“Did you forget what to say before enter house?”

“TA~ DA~ I~ MA~!” Full happiness Yuko says it.

“Okaeri,” with smile on his face, Akira, Yuko’s dad, greet her back. “How’s school?”

“School is tiring. Our teacher always gives us A LOT assignments,” Yuko pouts after she sat on her dad’s laps.

“Ahaha, really? But you can finish them all, right?”

Yuko nods. “Sometimes Haruna helps me when I can’t do it.”

“Ah~ the beautiful girl next door?” Akira asks.

Yuko nods again.

“When you will introduce her to me?” He asks again.

Yuko shrugs. “I’m afraid you might fall for her. I don’t want her to be my step mother.”

“Eh? Really? Why? Oto-san thought you like her, don’t you?”

Yuko nods firmly. “But I want to make her as my bride, not yours!”

She sticks out her tongue makes her dad only laugh.

“Oto-san, how long you will stay?” Yuko asks, a bit wishing it will be a bit long.

Akira suddenly sighs. “Hmm… sorry Yuko… Oto-san will only stay for 3 days.”

Yuko hang low her head until her chin meet her chest. Again… Oto-san will leave her like a wind. Just feels like a blink.

“But you know, Yuko, Oto-san will have a big project, but when it done, Oto-san can stay with Yuko for longer time. We will live together.”

“Really?” with doubt Yuko looks at her dad.

But his dad confidently nods his head. “Oto-san promises you that.”

“I won’t be alone again?” Yuko asks.

Gently his dad takes Yuko into warm hug. Softly he kisses Yuko’s forehead before he says, “Oto-san never breaks our promises, right?”

Yuko nods.

“But since it will be long, maybe take a year for me to return, Oto-san has a favor from you,” his dad continues.

“Favor, what is it?” Yuko confusingly asks.

Akira suddenly handed an unwrapping present to Yuko. “Open it.”

To see a smile in his dad’s face, Yuko slowly open it and find a camera and a diary inside. “Is it… for me?”

Akira nods to confirm it.

“Oto-san wants you to take many pictures with this camera. When Oto-san comes back, Oto-san wants to hear your story. Maybe you can write a diary with those pictures. Oto-san will teach you how to use this camera and print the pictures.”

Yuko excitedly nods. “I want to do it~! I want to do it~!”

“Ahaha, good~! Tomorrow want to go to the park to take your first pict?”

Yuko frowns and suddenly get down from his dad’s laps. “Can I invite Haruna to go with us?”

“Hmmm… you sure love that girl a lot, don’t you?”

Sheepishly Yuko nods her head. “Ahuh… so… Can I?”

Akira giggles and ruffles her daughter’s hair before he nod. “Go. Invite her!”

“Roger!” Yuko gives a salute before she run to the next door. Akira only laughs to see his daughter behavior.

“AHAHA, kids is really full of energy, ne~!”

“What opinion you want me to give?” Sooyoung asks after she finished read the story. “If you ask about the story, it’s great. You show the reader their past.”

Jessica nods. “That’s my intention since I want their love story happens in the present.”

Sooyoung understandingly nods.

“But what do you think will be Yuko’s first picture?” Jessica asks.

Sooyoung cross her legs and her arms like people mediate, thinking. It takes five minutes before she open again. Honestly she kind of amaze Jessica still waiting, not snapping her thought.

“What do you plan in the end of that story?” Sooyoung asks.

“You take 5 minutes only to ask back?” Jessica is sternly looking at Sooyoung.

“I mean…. It’s not that. But do you know, if in the end Yuko has a plan to open her own gallery, maybe her first picture can be Haruna,” Sooyoung starts to explain. “It can be ‘start’ or something like that as the title.”

Jessica nods, getting the point.

“But since she only elementary school and has no experience with camera, it can be blur picture about someone or something in it,” Sooyoung continues.

“How’s your first cooking?”

“Horrible. Since I have a pride that I should eat what I made, I ended having diarrhea for 3 days. Gladly I never give up, that’s why your stomach not in trouble until now,” Sooyoung smiles.

Jessica glances at her empty plate, frowning.

“Yah!!! It happens 2 years ago! I never failed since that day!” Sooyoung complains.

Jessica secretly giggles even though she tries to keep her face flat.

“How about yours?” Sooyoung asks back.

“Hm? Mine? It’s great. It’s become a best seller in a month,” boastfully Jessica answers.

“I believe that’s your first published story, how about the un-published one?” Sooyoung asks. “Tiffany says you’re bad in detective genre.”

“Being rejected by 10 publishers,” Jessica utters in cold tone and makes Sooyoung chills.

The silence suddenly envelops that room with two different feelings. Sooyoung is worryingly waiting for what happen next while Jessica is enjoying seeing Sooyoung crouch in the corner after felt her coldness. Somehow she wants to laugh to see the taller girl look smaller in that position. Now she can understand why people in her publisher called her ‘Ice Princess’. She still has that effect even though she rarely using it.

“But no worries since I rejected them back after my first booming novel,” Jessica continues without looking at Sooyoung afraid she might burst out laughing.

Sooyoung sighs in relief to hear it. Dealing with Jessica is more thrilling than riding roller coaster. If Sooyoung can choose she maybe will choose to ride roller coaster 5 times in straight than sitting in this room, but since she has no choice, again, even though it’s hard, she needs to deal with the Moody Author.

“Bring me the ice cream.”

Jessica snaps Sooyoung back to reality. Quickly Sooyoung stands up and go straight to the fridge to get what Jessica wants. She doesn’t want to make another mistake tonight. At least it maybe can help to calm her heart who beating fast.

“Am I too cruel to her?” Jessica wonders. “Nah~ it is worth for free stay in this place for a month. If she can deal with it, she’ll continue, right?”

Randomly Jessica is humming a song. In the corner of her eyes, she keeps observing Sooyoung who eat her dinner in silent next to her. Mentally Jessica wants to laugh but physically she keeps her face as flat as she can. Somehow… it feels like she finds a new toy, something that she can easily play with in her boring life.

Need to go before my boss catch me doing internet! Ciao~ ^_^

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Chapter 39: Just found this recently.. its sad that its been years already..anyways HWAITING AUTHORSSHI!!!!..

Chapter 39: Myghad done reading i hope my curiousity will never haunt me down HAHAHAHA I really wanted to know what will happen next ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I know you dont like it when your readers tell u to update soon ㅋㅋㅋ but can u please complete your story i cant read stories that aren't complete cuz i feel bad and my curiousity will kill me moreeeee... Dont forget i love your storieesssㅋㅋㅋ 사랑해
chohsoo #4
It's been a long time, authorshi
ctfd_sooyoungster #5
this is too good to be a...a... ab *cries like a river* :'(
miashidae #6
Chapter 39: 2 weeks and 4 days maybe:)
miashidae #7
Chapter 39: This awesome author. I'm looking forward for ur update? You're malaysian if i'm not mistaken. Same goes to me i'm right.