Dae Hyun's Morning

I Can't Hear Your Voice


The alarm clock rang when the sun was not yet up. Daehyun groaned and tried to find the alarm blindly to turn it off. 

"Where is that freaking useless thing?!" he exclaimed angrily. It started to seriously get on his nerves.

Finally, his fingers landed on the cold metal object which was still ringing, making nerve-wracking sounds. He grabbed it and threw it somewhere and it crashed on the wall, breaking into pieces. 

          ". Mum is going to scold me again." He didn't intend to break it, but it came to happen. It's the fifth time that he broke his alarm clock since the beginning of school, in September. 

          "Daehyun, get up. I have something to discuss with you!" His mother yelled from the other side of his bedroom door. 

          "Wait for me downstairs, I'm taking a shower first." Daehyun got up and dragged his body towards the bathroom. Passing by his closet, he took a pill of clothes before closing the door of the bathroom. 

The cold drops rolled down on his body, making him shiver as a sound of frustration came out from his mouth. Somehow, it was the best way to wake this sleepyhead up, a cold shower. So he had to give in even though he hates the coldness of water rolling down on his skin, especially early in the morning. 

          "What is that you want to talk about mum? I don't have much time." Daehyun came down after ten minutes and grabbed one toast, a glass of milk before sitting down. 

"Promise me you won't get mad?" Mrs Jung held up her pinky and sent an apologetic smile to her son.

What is she talking about? Daehyun scratched his head in confusion.

"I don't promise something if I don't even know what it is about mum." He replied her and she sighed.

         "I understand, I would have done the same. Well.. Today, you don't need to go to school because I transferred you into some other school in Seoul. Don't worry, I talked to Yongguk and the others parents about that matter, they all agreed to transfer their son in the same school. You will be going to Songju High School from tomorrow onwards. This is a quality school that gives one of the best education and scholarship in Seoul. You're quite good at school even though if you were to work some more, you'd be even better. Is it okay? You're going tomorrow with your friends." His mother took the time to explain everything to her son.

Daehyun processed her every words but nothing came crossing his mind. No objections, along as he is with his buddies. 

         "Mum, you should have told me earlier. Was that supposed to be a surprise?" His mother just kept smiling at her son apologetically. "Anyway, thank you." Daehyun has always felt thankful towards his mother since she is constantly worried about him, even when things weren't worth her worry. He went to hug her, warmly, affectionately. Once he released her, he flashed her a smile. One genuine, from his heart. Since that happened, his lips had almost never curled upwards. 

          "You're not angry? I know I should have told you earlier, but I didn't know how to talk to you about that." Mrs Jung was a bit surprised by her son's sudden gesture.

"No I'm not." 

          "That's good then." Her mother, feeling relieved, flashed a dazzling smile. Daehyun got his adorable goofy grin from his mother, who is a beautiful middle aged woman. "I missed your smile, my son." She whispered really lowly as she caressed his cheek lovingly. Daehyun didn't hear her.

          "So.. Does that mean I can go back to bed?" His tone of voice sounded higher than usual. He was probably excited at the idea of sleeping. 

"Yes, you lazy bum." Mrs Jung laughed as she patted his .





After taking a nap, Daehyun woke up naturally, feeling good. 

"If everyday could be like this, it would be so great." He muttered under his breath. He stretched his arms open and yawned. 


I want to see you everyday. If not, I will feel like something is off. Do you feel the same way as I do?


Daehyun felt a twinge in his heart threatening to tear it anytime. He can't seem to be able to get her out of his mind, no matter how hard he tries. When he thinks of her, he becomes weak, he feels sad, heartless,

   like a monster

I was useless.

He has been repeating it ever since that ocurred. 

"I will never be used to you not being by my side." He whispered while a tear slipped down his cheek.

"I miss you, so so much.


          "Daehyun, are you awake?" His mother yelled from downstairs, loud enough to let Daehyun hear her calls. "Young Jae is here." 

          "." He quickly wiped his tears, as not wanting to show it to others. "Tell him to wait three minutes!" He yelled back and was planning to go wash his face.


           "Don't worry Mrs Jung, I will go by myself to wake him up." Young Jae politely excused himself and started going upstairs as an evil smirk appeared on his face.

           "DAE HYUN HYUUUUUNG!" He barged into his room without knocking, giving pure shock to the poor Daehyun who was still topless and half awake. 

           "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???" Daehyun's words echoed in the entire house, making Young Jae cringed in discomfort at the high-pitched voice of his bestfriend.

           "Yah Hyung! Don't scream like the way you did! Sounded girlish ! And, is it how you should welcome your dearest friend?!" Young Jae huffed. He earned a big smack on his head as an answer from the fuming Daehyun.

           "Don't 'Yah' at me ok? There's something called 'knocking'. I thought Mr Brainiac would know it." Young Jae glared at Daehyun after his speech, "And don't glare at me like this." The latter one let out a little chuckle afterward, making Young Jae widened his eyes in astonishment.

           "Hyung.. Did you just smile?" A dumbfounded Young Jae pointed at Daehyun, not believing what he just saw.  

It has been such a long time since he had let a smile escaping from his lips, at least before Young Jae's eyes. 

Daehyun blew his bangs up and strode past him without answering. Young Jae just kept quiet after. "Hyung, hurry, we're going out today with everyone since we haven't got to go to school!" he told Daehyun. "Ok, be right back."

           "Ah Hyung.. I hope you will forget about her already. I want to joke with you like we were used to be doing before everything happened." Young Jae sighed and went to sit on his bed.

Although Daehyun has become more quiet and would rarely smile, that didn't affect his relationship with his bestfriends because they understand him. They know that even with all the will in the world, they couldn't feel what Daehyun is actually feeling deep inside his heart. He, who was the kind of boy who enjoyed teasing and fooling around, has changed 360°. But B.A.P believes they will see the old Daehyun coming back fast. 

At last, this is their wish.


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Yoe_chan #1
Chapter 8: Oh god...
He looks really really mad...
Okay fine, he found someone who looks like Ji Hye...
But honestly don't hurt her like that...
Poor So Eun...
Chapter 8: Yeah but it's not like you could hear her
He pissed my off so much
Chapter 8: OHMYGOSH YOU UPDATED ! Please, update soon again, I love your fic ;A;
milkyyy #4
Update soon ~ hehhee its nice :)
Chapter 1: Actually I'm sad toward her, she lost her voice >,< DX
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 7: Agh I'm so curious!!
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 7: Whutt??
So Eun looks alike this Ji Hye girl from Daehyunie's past O.o
Please update soon author nim
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 6: That's the real daehyunie is....
Hahahahaha i can't stop laughing... XD
Chapter 6: Please update soon :))))