Meetings and beginnings

Chasing after blossoms


I stare outside again. The sun is now past its peak and slowly going down. The birds are now quiet but it is still a beautiful day. Too beautiful to stay inside. Outside school a few kids pass, holding hands and hoping happily. Probably a field trip. I miss being a kid. No worries, just doing what you liked all day.

As the kids pass under a little tunnel of trees I pay attentions to said plants. All trees on my school and in the main avenue are painted in a light pink. As the wind blows soft gusts the branches and flower petals sway calmly.


Its swaying is mesmerizing and hypnotizing; I can't stop looking at them, even as my stomach starts growling, complaining about the lack of food and energy.

I can almost feel the breeze and the warm sun hitting my face as if I’m outside.


I realize that since entering high school on the 10th grade I haven't been to any park and camp with my friends under the trees. Something that I took for granted every spring, that made me relax and usually spend one of the best days I had every year, was taken away from me, without even noticing.

As minutes pass, the rest of the class is coming back, the room starts getting noisy and quite stuffy. Getting back to reality I feel like I can't stay here. My mood is terrible, and if someone makes me stay and fill more sheets or read a few more pages about something I’ll never like or use on my daily life I think I'll just flip a table and storm out. My mind needs a break, something from the past that can calm me down and keep in on my tracks.


Without warning to the rest I pack my things and storm out. I can feel a few stares and listen to some whispers as I walk down the hallway, but moments after all the other noises overtake the shocked whispers. I guess they aren’t used to seeing a Chanyeol that is not the class clown or the happy virus.

I make up a simple story about having my parents having to take me to the doctor and escape the intimidating gates and the guard.


Luckily the bus is arriving as I get to the stop, and in no time I'm arriving home. At this time of the day my parents are probably busy working their asses off in their cabinets, filling up paperwork like there’s no tomorrow and taking orders from their superiors.

I get home and throw my backpack on top of my bed, grab my guitar pack and go to the kitchen. Now that I'm out of school I feel a lot better. Relaxed even. I open the fridge and take out a few sidedishes then get a bowl of rice. Sighing in relief I start eating. Food hasn't felt this good in some time, even this makeshift lunch is feeling great.


I take out my cellphone and turn it on. Might as well tell Chen that I won't be able to get his homework today. Maybe he is feeling better and will be able to go tomorrow, I wish at least. I don’t want to spend another day without my only real friend in school.

I finish my lunch and wash up my bowl, throw the other containers back in the fridge and go get my bike. Instead of going back to that uncomfortable bus packed with strangers I'll take the ride till the hangang park while enjoying what’s outside. Who knows when I'll have my next little trip like today.


Around half an hour later the park comes into sight. Many people are enjoying the warm spring day. Most of them couples sitting in the green lush grass, playing with eachother or just talking while leaning on each other, other are parents playing with their kids or older people exercising in a somewhat crazy way.

Leaving my bike near the subway station I make my way to my favorite place. The park is beautiful today. As you look into the distance you see what looks like a light pink ocean waving with the wind, some petals are already falling down to the green, perfectly well kept grass, making a soft looking carpet all over the park.


I walk to the bench where a few years ago I used to spend my days with my friends and as I sit down I look at the river, take the guitar into my lap and start strumming, letting my imagination run free and all my worries run out of my mind.

Sometimes I feel some petals falling on top of my head or on my hands, I hear people laughing and having fun, I even hear a few people passing me and letting out a few amazed words about my music. All of these just make me smile. Even as I think about my parents... Since I was a small kid my dream was being a musician. My parents though that it was just a silly dream that would pass as I got older and as time passed  they didn't let me play as much. However now, being all grown up,  I still want as much to be a musician as I wanted to back then. Even though I wasn't able to go to a arts high school it's still possible to go to a Music College or even be casted someday into a music company or record label.


Interrupting my thoughts, I hear someone coming in my direction singing a calm but cheerful song. The voice is beautiful and clean. Hearing this persons voice gave me chills and as I stop playing I open my eyes. The sun is now setting making everything a pretty warm color. As I look to my right I see a boy that looks slightly younger than me. He is also wearing his school uniform and he is the owner of the perfect voice that I was listening to just a moment ago. He is quite near my bench and only now did I realize that he stopped singing and is looking at me.


"Why did you stop playing? I was enjoying it you know?" I look at him with a confused face.  Is he talking to me?


"I was singing along, and you just stopped and looked into nowhere. Something wrong?" Definitely talking to me. He keeps walking closer to me and as he ended his question is face is right in front of mine. His eyes are small but look slightly goofy and sad at the same time. Probably because they fall a bit in the corners but they still manage to have a mischievous look to them.


"Cat got your tongue? I'm Baekhyun, nice to meet you." He speaks again and extends his hand. Finally looking away from his face, now looking at his hand I wake up. Choking a bit on my spit I try to compose myself and straighten up my back, feeling my cheeks and ears slightly warm up.


I extend my hand too and shake his hand "I'm Chanyeol. Sorry I wasn't paying attention and you scared me a bit" The boy, Baekhyun, sits down next to me. And again I just keep staring and him and what he is doing.


"So now I scare you... Is that why you keep looking at me? Is my singing that bad?" He asks looking a little hurt and mad, probably joking.


"NO! IT'S NOT THAT! Wait...I mean, your voice is great! I really like the way you sing with so much feel, and really your voice sounds perfect. I wasn't even paying attention but I heard your singing and was blown away by it. I don't even remember what you were singing but it would be great if you could sing it again or maybe singing some other song. Whichever you prefer of course. Ohh, I can join you with my guitar! How about that? Wait, I sound a bit too..." Baekhyun cut me off with his laughing. He was laughing his off and I was felling completely embarrassed. I wanted to find somewhere to hide myself and stay there for a few months, hopefully until I forget all this just happened.


"Sorry, I wasn't making much sense was I. Sometimes I get too excited." I say with my head down.


"No problem. You're funny. I think actually this has been the best compliment I ever received." Baekhyun says still laughing. Looking at him I was shocked!


"You're kidding right? You are one of the best singers I ever heard! If you and my friend Chen got together I think you could take over with your voices." I say truthfully. Baekhyuns cheeks turn a little pink color and he smiles.


"Thanks, I usually don't sing to others but I'm glad you liked it. You play guitar really well too. Are you in some music academy or arts school?" He asks, now interested in me. His question left me a bit sad. Thinking about how much better I could be if only I had the opportunity to attend one of those or even have the support of my parents.


"No, not really. I wish... My parents don’t approve of it. They don't want me to play. My friend Chen and I used to play and sing together, but now that we are seniors we don't have enough time." His face fell a bit, but soon he had a smile on his face again.


"You know, I don't really know you that well, but I think that we'll probably be good friends in no time. When you have free time we can meet up and practice. Either on my school or any other place. You are pretty talented playing so maybe if you go to my school you might even be able to enter. Same with your friend. Just try. When someone is recommended by another student or teacher the new student can enter in the middle of the year, and get special classes so you aren't behind. If you enter we can even audition some companies together!" He's speaking really fast and looks quite excited and happy!


"AH! About your parents, don't worry. Many students have the same problem. They will talk to your current school and they'll won’t know. If you make it, we will be able to be together on the same class! We are the same age. It will be so awesome!" Baekhyun says really happy, even clapping his hands while looking at the river and the sunset.


Hearing what he told me made me so happy I couldn't even react properly. I looked at the river just like him and just imagined what it would be like, practicing most days with my new friend. Being able to play guitar again, not worrying about everything. Maybe even entering his school and learning what I really like. It sounds like a dream. I feel my eyelids slowly dropping as my imagination flies once again today. I feel a hand on my shoulder.


"So let's play a bit more?" He smiles and asks me. I just smile in return and nod.


We pass the rest of the afternoon together, me playing guitar and Baekhyun singing. I feel more comfortable and happy than ever. Finally my hellish daily routine will be over; I'll have something else to focus on besides school and studying, something that I love over everything else. I didn't even care when I got home and my parents ask me about what happened, why my bag was on my room and why I missed school. I just go straight to my room and lay on my bed, not even thinking about dinner. My mind wouldn't rest about this wonderful day and my new bright future.


And I think it is over, it was fun but it could've been more cute and fluffy probably. (maybe other chapt some day...)
No comentes or anything, but it's ok. I really liked writing it but I guess I should make a better one next time.
If you could help and tell me what I should change that would be pretty good though.

THANKS!! ♥♥♥

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Eduarda #1
Chapter 3: Unnie! Can you do a 'you' fic for me??? PLEASE!!! Jebal!! <3 <3 <3 *puppy chaneol eyes/blinks* XD
Eduarda #2
MY FANFIC!! Is for me!!! \o/ <3 Unnie!!! saranghaeyo and congratulations!! The story is perfect! Please! My theme is the best!!! Chanyeol with a Guitar and Cherry Blossom! <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: You should write more! :D as English being your second language, you're very talented in it. Nicely done on writing!! ^.^