「 7 」





The next few weeks Myungsoo began to train his disciplines and learn how to properly use them. Sungjong on the other hand simply watched and stayed by with curiousity. "You're not gonna try it?" Myungsoo finally questioned and Sungjong eyed him over. "I don't have much use for it, Whats the point?" he spoke stubbornly and Myungsoo sighed, Gesturing to the chair in front of him across the small table in the room and Sungjong sat to humor him, giving him a challenging look. "What?" he asked with a tone despite the smirk curling over his lips as he leaned into the chair. "Use your auspex on me." Sungjong seemed to scoff, rolling his eyes. "You know half of these don't even work on the supernatural, right?" Myungsoo raised an eyebrow, "But this one does, Am I correct?" Sungjong rolled his eyes sighed deeply as he nodded his head with reluctance. 
"Okay then," Sungjong cleared his throat a bit, fixing his posture as he met with the steel grey hues across from his hazel ones. "Where did you go the other day?" Myungsoo seemed to grin, he should have known this question would arise eventually--he didn't really plan on hiding it though, but he wasn't so sure of what type of response he'd get from Sungjong.  "Blood bank." He joked causing Sungjong to smirk, laughing to himself as he rolled his eyes. "Oh, Haha. A comedian." he cooed, slow clapping it out before shaking his head, "I dont even have to use Auspex to know that's a lie." Myungsoo grinned and shrugged. 
"Answer one of my questions and then I'll answer yours." Sungjong nodded in response wilingly, Myungsoo leaned to rest his lower arms to the table. "Do you love me?" Sungjong snorted and leaned forward a bit, "No." Myungsoo grinned at this. "Lie~" "Pfsh why do you keep asking me?" A shrug in responce, Myungsoo leaned back into the seat. "Suppose I'm just not familiar with that word." He admitted and Sungjong's expression seemed to grow soft in understanding of what he meant; He'd gotten that feeling when they went to see Myungsoo's family. 
"Your answer now," Myungsoo spoke before Sungjong put the subject on him, "I Went to talk to your brother." Sungjong raised an eyebrow. "Why for now? You shouldn't talk to him, Myungsoo." Sungjong spoke with concern. "I can't tell you who to talk to--who not to talk to but . . ." Sungjong quietly sighed, looking down. "I--I dont want something bad to happen to you. . . Just at least, take my words into consideration." Myungsoo nodded in agreement, slightly suprise that Sungjong hadn't gotten angry or sad or anywhere in between those, But just calm, collected, worried. "I noticed he doesnt come by as much now, that's because of you?" Sungjong questioned and Myungsoo hummed thoughtfully before shrugging, "Hmmmn Mmmmmaybe so~" Sungjong sighed a little bit with a grin. 
"Thanks." he softly spoke. 'Don't thank me yet.' Myungsoo grinned but thought these words to himself chuckling, mostly because probably soon enough Hoya would come to talk to him. At the moment they had an agreement where he'd tell Hoya about how Sungjong was doing and then he wouldn't stop by as much. Seemed to be working out fairly well but still Myungsoo made a point to remind him that he needed to tell Sungjong about everything, but then again he understand that he probably needed some time to figure out how he was going to tell him that knowledge exactly. 
Sungjong stretched and rose to his feet and Myungsoo reached over to stop him,  grabbing his hand tugging him back down into the seat. "I'm not done with you." He spoke with a grin. "What else now?" he questioned, laughing as he obidiently sat down. "We're close now right?" Myungsoo questioned and Sungjong made a questionable face to him but nodded slowly. "Why . . . ?" He asked with suspicion and Myungsoo chuckled, "I dunno can you tell me things about you?" "Like what?" Sungjong snorted, raising his eyebrows as Myungsoo played with Sungjong's slender fingers like a child. 
"Like . . . What you used to like and what you used to do before everything. I feel like I know you but I dont at the same time." Sungjong couldnt help to laugh at this and Myungsoo gave him a look for laughing at him, "Hey, Forever is a long time! I wanna know everything about you." Sungjong grinned, cocking his head to the side and being difficult just as he normally would be. "Yes, forever is a long time and you have Forever and more to learn about me, Kim Myungsoo~" he cooed and Myungsoo seemed to frown, jutting out his bottom lip in a pout and Sungjong laughed quietly, "Besides, I'm really not as interesting as you think." He spoke softly as reached over to hold Myungsoo's face in between the palms of his hands, squishing his cheeks just a bit. 
"Then . . . Lets start forever now by you telling me a few things?" Myungsoo pressed more and Sungjong sighed with a grin, nodding as he let his hands drop from his face and he leaned back into his seat. "Mnn..." he hummed to himself as he folded his arm underneath the other, propping it up and pressing his chin into his palm. "I always liked animals and . . . . I liked . . ." He pauses for a moment as he stares to the ceiling. "Er .  . Making pastries and cooking. . Is that weird?" he questioned with a laugh and Myungsoo snorted, shaking his head. "That doesn't suprise me honestly." Sungjong sighed defeatedly at this comment which caused Myungsoo to laugh. 
"Favorite colour, favorite food?" "Yellow and uhm Tofu--Suprisingly enough I was a vegetarian. how ironic." He murmured which caused a laugh from both of them.  "You?" "Black and uh, I had a thing for italian foods like pizza and spaggheti but also american foods like steaks and hamburgers." Sungjong laughed now, "Your favorite colour was black?" he questioned and Myungsoo nodded. "I guess we're opposites."  He hummed and Sungjong seemed to smile at this but said nothing. "I think its interesting." he muttered before leaning forward to rest his head in his arms. "If you dont wanna practice your disciplines isn't there one you wanted to learn?" Sungjong nodded to this and closed his eyes.
 "I wanted to learn Obsfuscate." "Whats that?" "Its the power of invisibility basically, heh. Its harder for us to learn though because our clan isn't normally equipped with it. Malkavians and nosferatu are." Myungsoo nodded, "That sounds like a cool one, why didn't you try it?" "Well, Its one of those powers that arent so effective on the supernatural mostly. A good amount of vampires learn Auspex and that basically lets you see through that ability, Works quite well though if you're trying to get past humans though." "That still sounds like a good thing to learn." Sungjong shrugged with a chuckle. "Maybe i'll look into it, if you get into a really high level of it you can counteract Auspex but its really high up there." 
"I wanna learn them all." Myungsoo hummed causing Sungjong to quietly laugh, "I'm sure you'd do well, you seem like you can do anything if you wanted." "And you can't?" Myungsoo asked with disbelief and Sungjong shrugged nonchalantly. "You always surprise me." Myungsoo chuckles as Sungjong looked to him with curiousity, furrowing his eyebrows. "I'm surprised that you dont have any confidence in yourself always, I can't really figure out why you dont because I think you're the type of person people would see and start to doubt their own confidence." Sungjong snorted at this, "Why's that?" 
"Why? Well, From what I've seen, you've only been here for a good three months now but everyone is fond of you already, You're basically friends with what seems to be everyone and I've never heard anyone speak badly of you--" "You should sit in the prince's office for an hour I'm sure you'll get something."  Sungjong interjected with a snort which caused Myungsoo to sigh. "Alright alright, but he's more like a . . . bossy overprotective father, you can tell he cares about you."Sungjong seemed to shrug loosely as if he didnt believe the words but Myungsoo continued anyway. "You can be a bit bratty but you're cute and kind and i'm not even going to go into explaining your looks--Basically saying, you shouldnt feel so insecure cause you're pretty awesome Sungjong." 
Sungjong seemed to be at a loss of words, slightly embarresed from it. "Thanks . . I guess." He stubbornly muttered. "You didn't make any friends yet Myungsoo?" Myungsoo thought for a moment, Hoya was sort of his friend . . .but he wasn't so sure he wanted to tell Sungjong that. "Just one." Sungjong frowned, "Well Dongwoo hyung likes you and-- . . . Sungyeol hyung . . . to an extent." he murmured which made Myungsoo curious, "To an extent?" He repeated and Sungjong sighed hesitantly.
 "Sungyeol kinda . . . Sorta has a crush on me and he knows how I um-- . . ." Sungjong looked elsewhere bashfully, clearing his throat awkwardly. "How I feel about you." He murmured softly which caused Myungsoo to sigh with a laugh. "Oh. I've got people who consider me to be a rival now, wonderful." "Sorry." Sungjong muttered Causing Myungsoo to give him a look. "Yah, I told you don't be sorry~" He murmured with a sigh in which Sungjong grinned and stayed quiet to keep himself from automatically blurting out another apology for saying the apology in the first place.  
"Umm~" Sungjong hummed after a moment of awkward silence, "What about you? Will you tell me about yourself?" Sungjong questioned and Myungsoo looked up to the ceiling above them in thought as he crossed his arms. "I like photography alot, but is it true that vampire's can't be seen on camera, huh?" he murmured and Sungjong laughed,shaking his head. "Only the Lasombra is what i have knowledge that can't be seen in that, Cameras, mirrors, none of that--thats their curse because they're so narcassictic--They also can't go out into the sun at all--they're what you'd call the 'typical' vampire." Sungjong explained with an amused grin. "Jeez, So much stuff to wrap my head around." Myungsoo murmured. "What about ours?" 
Sungjong hummed quietly "A lot of Toreadors seem to get bored quickly with things and simply drop them and go onto the next thing." Sungjong shrugged at this, "Woohyun is known for um . . getting around?" Sungjong spoke with hesitance to say the words. "That would be an example." Myungsoo raised an eyebrow to this. "Did you--?" "Of course not!" Sungjong shouted now, reaching over to smack Myungsoo for even suggesting that and Myungsoo raised his hands in defense. "Well! I had to ask!!" He defended as Sungjong scoffed. "A toreador is known for being fickle but eventually when they find something passionate they stick to it; Sometimes in an almost obsessive way. I heard about him and the leader of Lasombra have a thing." he explained and Myungsoo snorted. "You sound like a high school girl gossiping." 
Sungjong rolled his eyes. "Well you asked! Tch." Sungjong stretched his arms before him, letting out a quiet grunt as he'd reached his limit and relaxed. "After you finish your training of the disciplines, They elders ussually like to see if you're in the artist's cateragory or the 'poseur' one." Sungjong muttered with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes. "Whats that about?" Sungjong shrugged. "Basically if you have any talents or not, anything among the 'arts'  normally but there are businessmen and such like that, and they ussually tend to be in the poseur type but eitherway, they help you get a job because, 'A bored vampire is a dangerous vampire'" He quoted in a voice of someone he didn't recognize but Myungsoo grinned, chuckling. 
"What was yours?" Sungjong hummed thoughtfully. "I can draw and paint, play a few instruments but the one I really want to play I cant because i'm shortbreathed." Myungsoo hummed thoughtfully trying to think. "Some type of flute?" Sungjong nodded. "its really pretty I think--not as important as say a piano or a violin or maybe a guitar but I always liked flutes." He explained and Myungsoo could understand that. "Photography will probably be a thing for you, Too bad your camera was smashed." Sungjong frowned now, remembering that and Myungsoo sighed. "Oh well." "They'll probably supply you with one." Sungjong tried to reassure him and Myungsoo grinned, nodding before looking to the window now. 
"It's getting dark now." He said thoughtfully, getting up to slowly open the curtains and check before fully opening it and stepping out onto the balcony with Sungjong following behind him, leaning on the railing to gaze at the moonlight, a full moon bright and radiant. "You know, I didn't really like the sun that much anyway." Myungsoo hummed thoughtfully getting a laugh out from Sungjong. "Romantic sight." Myungsoo cooed and Sungjong snorted, turning to lean his back against the railing. "How many have you stood with under a moon like this?" Sungjong asked with a smirk and Myungsoo scrunched his nose. "Hmmm." he hummed thoughtfully with dramatics as he started counting on his fingers causing Sungjong to punch him in the arm, Myungsoo laughing to himself. "Just a few, not many people catch my attention. What about you?" Sungjong shrugged, "I had a girlfriend once, It wasn't working out so I ended it with her, told her we could just be friends. That was my only relationship, I guess you could say the same for me." 
"But you like me." Myungsoo spoke a grin curling over his lips causing Sungjong to roll his eyes at look elsewhere. "And you dont. That's fine, I get it. It doesn't bother me at all." Sungjong spoke nonchalantly "Oh?" Myungsoo questioned, raising an eyebrow, now turning to Sungjong curiously. "And why doesn't that bother you?" Sungjong shrugged and looked back to him. "I never expected anything from you and thats why it doesn't bother me. I'm fine how things are." Myungsoo took a step closer now causing Sungjong to look him over suspiciously. "You're fine how things are, are you?" Myungsoo questioned and Sungjong looked nervous to be close to him despite that it wasn't a new occurance, just this sittuation made his skin crawl. 
"Yes. Completely fine with it-- Well Not this--You're standing too close; If you don't mind taking a step back please." He muttered with sarcasm and Myungsoo only smirked taking another step closer, grasping the railings on eitherside of him. Staring down into his eyes and letting the silence rattle him but moreso to gauge his response before speaking. "And what if I said I didn't like it?" Sungjong pursed his lips, giving him a look but he could see him visibly swallowing nervously. "Then I'd say why not? Aren't things just good how they are?"  Myungsoo grinned and shook his head. "No, They're 'Okay' How there are. Something more would be better, I think." Sungjong scoffed and looked elsewhere, his face was starting to burn and flush with embarrassment. "I don't think thats a good idea at all." 
"Why's that?" Sungjong looked back and had to keep himself from jumping at how close Myungsoo was to him, he hadn't noticed how he'd been closing in on him. "B-because its not." He spoke strongly and Myungsoo only grinned large; his face so close to his that he could see the indent of a dimple showing in his cheek, count his eyelashes, trace the curve of his lips with his eyes. "You like me. Its not really a secret and you don't hide it. Everytime I ask you, Your answer doesn't change. So, why are you pushing me away Sungjong?" His voice was low, calm and smooth as he spoke and Sungjong took a deep breath in frustration but more of a way to calm himself. Looking around for a way to escape this conversation but Myungsoo had successfully trapped him here. Sungjong pursed his lips now, looking down awkwardly. "I'm . . .afraid." he slowly spoke, "Of what?  . . .Whom?" He questioned and Sungjong slowly let his eyes trail back up to his before looking elsewhere as there was a knock on the door, interrupting them and freeing Sungjong as Myungsoo took a step back accidently out of reflex at the sound and Sungjong slipped past him to head to the door, opening it.
Sungjong sighed when he opened it and quickly tried to close it before a powerful hand stopped it. "Hey, Just--" Sungjong slowly opened it, Giving the other a glare--Hoya. "Can we talk for a second? Just let me speak?" Sungjong sighed and nodded, simply because of the fact that Myungsoo had warned him of something like this happening and had Sungjong promise to simply hear him out once. He headed out with him and Myungsoo quietly sighed to himself in frustration as the two left the room together. Any other time he could have came to talk to Sungjong and he chose now? of all times? 
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Thank you!
everyone was like noo for what I had planned soo im gonna try to think of a way to end it next chapter, sorry for delay ;;/


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32bella #1
Chapter 17: Love the story, beautiful and those moments MyungJong, the best. I've read it several times and I still love. Thanks for such a beautiful story
bine84 #2
Chapter 17: i luv infinite vampire storys...this one was pretty good too. thank you for writing it.
Chapter 17: I loved this story author-nim! The fluff was such great~~
Chapter 17: im confused >__< what happened to their vampire life? its like un-complete ending~ what happened to you author-nim~ its a good story but its like you rush things. kick that author block!
Chapter 17: I was shocked when i see 'complete' sign :(
Well actually i don't really like the ending author-ssi..
But i like jealousy myungsoo ㅋㅋ
Thanks for the fic and make more! :)
Chapter 17: aawchi I have tbh, im dissapointed...sorry :( 6-10 more chapters O.o that was alot...I'd love to read some dramas involving that Jongsuk guy in between MJ but oh well its your fic anyway. thank you :)
InspiritYuki #7
Chapter 17: Cute>< I really enjoy your fluffy endings! they are the best
InspiritYuki #8
Chapter 16: I really hope you don't have another writer'a block. If you do I can wait though...